So far in 2019, Sir’s number one horror movie has been born. But looking back in the future, it can still occupy a prominent position in the year it belongs to.

So far in 2019, Sir’s number one horror movie has been born.

Douban score is 6.8.

To be honest, it's low. Even though the starting rating for horror movies is already low. (A score of 7 is basically considered a phenomenal masterpiece: "Hereditary 3" 7.1, "The Cry" 7.2, and "The Return of the Clown" 7.3).

is still low.

It is different from ordinary things that are just looking for excitement.

But looking back in the future, it can still occupy a prominent position in the year it belongs to.

The only thing stopping you from enjoying this movie.

Maybe... courage.

" is coming "

Horrible things have to start with an ordinary story.

Xiu Shu (played by Satsuki Tsumabuki) entered a large company after graduation and had a successful career.

Kana (Kuroki Hana), a Tokyo girl, has a sweet appearance and is the most popular cute model.

This beautiful couple got married, and their friends were envious of them and regarded them as "models of love."

After getting married, the two soon ushered in the fruit of love.

Xiushu does his duty diligently, running before and after.

accompanied his wife to prenatal check-ups, attended prenatal training classes, and bought various parenting books to read like crazy, so she was fully prepared.

standard good husband.

After the child was born, Xiushu became a "baby-showing maniac".

specializes in setting up a blog online to record her daughter's growth and regularly share her parenting experience, which has been praised wildly by parents.

standard good dad.

△ Subtitle translation: Piggy subtitle group, the same below as

. It looks like a warm family comedy.

and so on.

Strange things come one after another.

In the company, Hideki patted his colleague on the shoulder, but his colleague instantly fell to the ground wailing and bleeding.

At home, the yushou (peace charms) used to pray for the safety of the family were all torn to pieces and fell to the ground.

My daughter woke up in the middle of the night and told him——

It said it would take me away

It was supposed to come, but it finally came.

Who is here?

Since he was a child, Xiushu had heard the elders in his hometown tell a legend about the soul (jī) demon .

As long as the child is disobedient, it will appear and take the child away.

This kind of monster that catches children, probably every place in the world has its own version, there is nothing strange about it.

But Xiushu knew that the Pomo Demon was not a liar.

He thought back to his childhood.

In the forest of his hometown, his childhood playmate once said to him:

Xiu Shu, you will also be summoned

One day you will

After that, the girl disappeared from the world and disappeared completely.

He also forgot the girl's name.

Finally, Xiushu remembered that the girl's name was Zhisha.

And this is also the name he gave his daughter by accident...

The director of "Come Here" Tetsuya Nakajima .

has produced "Confession" and "The Life of the Disliked Songzi" which have been ranked in the top 250 of Douban. He is used to using inextricable stories to tell the story of tenderness, violence and death.

In Sir's opinion, "Coming" is another amazing work of his.

However, so far, the response has been extremely lukewarm -


Except for the small line of text in the middle of the poster -

"Director Tetsuya Nakajima's most terrifying entertainment masterpiece."

There are too many confusing things in "Here Comes".

story break.

The wedding scene at the beginning is too long, and then the narrative perspective is frequently changed, without a consistent protagonist.

type contrast.

In everyone’s impression, the tone of Japanese horror is dark and cold.

Tetsuya Nakajima’s supernatural scenes, on the other hand, are very colorful, very fashionable, and very American (plasma and exorcism).

Difficult to understand...

"Come" incorporates a large number of metaphors in Japanese folklore, linking horror elements with anthropological and social hot spots.

Why do evil spirits come? What is the meaning of the confusing plot in the


To be honest, it took Sir three times to clear up these confusions.

is also more certain that this is definitely one of the most watchable horror films in recent years.

Fear does not come from the ferocious appearance. (In fact, the true appearance of the "ghost" is not shown in the entire movie)

but triggers your deepest and most lasting tremors.

(p.s. The following officially opens the full spoiler + free plasma refill mode.

Those who are timid can scroll to the end of the article, like it and leave the scene.)


"The thing about 'still being sexually interesting to my wife' is really Amazing!"

Hideki's "model husband" and "model father", as the perspective changes in the second chapter, his character begins to collapse. The director

had already left cracks in the seemingly lengthy foreshadowing -

went to the countryside to meet Hideki's family. Kana, who was still his fiancée, didn't know how to deal with it, but he walked away on his own and said "It's okay, it's okay".

At the housewarming party, the pregnant Chana entertained guests for a long time and felt a little unwell. Hideki said "It's okay, it's okay" and he just needs to hold on a little longer.

After giving birth, despite Chanel's refusal, she said her face was too ugly.

Xiu Shu still said "It's okay, it's okay" and took the family photo he wanted with satisfaction.

This is different from ordinary low emotional intelligence.

Xiushu is using hypocritical words to evade responsibility.

's so-called "nothing" actually means: your business is not my business.

It should be said that Xiushu is a "superficial father".

posts about his children and writes parenting tips on his blog all day long, and gets likes from people around him.

In fact, he only coaxes his daughter a few words and then leaves it to his wife, while he continues to blog.

The matter is over, there is no need to hide it anymore -

"Coming" is a large-scale fear of marriage and childbirth using "ghost" as a metaphor.

A shot is enough to illustrate the problem.

After Xiushu finished writing his blog and took care of his daughter to sleep, the picture gradually zoomed out, and the room was divided into two spaces by warm and cold colors.

In the shadows, there are piles of rotten leftovers.

visually clearly has the atmosphere of a horror movie.

The root of the horror of "Coming" lies in a topic we avoid every day: how much psychological shadow fertility will bring to people.

Men are like this -

What about women?


"Xiu Shu is dead, I am very happy."

It seems that Chana is a mother who has no character, no temper, and works hard without complaining.


Let me give you an expression and experience it for yourself -

When someone brought an exorcism item, she laughed so harmlessly that she crushed it quietly under her feet.

Chanel does have some tolerance and low self-esteem.

This comes from her family.

grew up in a single-parent family. Her mother was on the verge of a mental breakdown every day and was obsessed with makeup.

complained that giving birth to her would ruin his life.

Fortunately, Chana is motivated and sensible.

I started working as a freshman in high school to support my family.

After getting married, she tried hard to be a good wife and mother, but she just didn’t want to repeat the mistakes of her original family.

Xiushu has a decent job, a lively big family, and is pursuing her crazily...

Everything seems so ideal.

However, less than a year after his daughter was born, he already treated her like a nightmare.

One day, my daughter broke her head and was sent to the hospital for stitches.

Chana was anxious, but Hideki was still blogging calmly.

She finally broke out: What kind of father are you?

Hideki also spoke frankly and replied coldly:

"It's amazing, it's just that I gave birth to a child."

"Do you know what family is? You were brought up by that kind of trash mother."

Two months later, Hideki was killed in an accident.

In fact, before that, she had already started cheating on Hideki's hair.

Her husband's death made her feel liberated.

The only one who is now restrained is my daughter...

I sometimes think

It would be great if Zhisha was not here


What happened?

The Demon has no physical form in the movie.

only has one picture for reference.

Where does it come from?

Hideki once asked his childhood friend, who was also a folklorist, for help. The explanation he gave -

This was probably an excuse.

Because in ancient times, infanticide was a custom in various places. After parents dumped the body, they said it was taken away by monsters.

Whether the Pomo is a monster or a folk legend, one thing is certain -

it was created by humans.

At this point, "Come Here" uses the shell of a horror film to tell a cruel parent-child relationship similar to "Narayama Setka".

Risuke found a dead baby in his field.

This is not surprising.

What is shocking is what he said next -

Someone actually threw a baby boy in our field

How can we farm if he leaves it there?

The logic of this sentence is similar to the slogan in "Operation Ice Breaking" some time ago: It is forbidden to dump drug manufacturing waste here.

In other words, the people in the village believe that killing babies is as normal as throwing away garbage. The fault lies in not following the rules.

A cruel fact is that in the past history of mankind, parents had children more like an investment behavior. Once

exceeds the tolerance range, it will use artificial means to "adjust the scale of operations."

It's not just children. In "Narayama Festival", when the elderly reach a certain age and become a burden to the family, they will also be thrown into the mountains by their children.

is called: Return the soul to the mountain god.

In "Coming", the Pomo Demon will also abduct children into the mountains.

山 is a taboo.

There are too many secrets buried there that we keep secret.

And Hideki's childhood playmate Chisa was probably tortured to death by her parents and secretly dumped.

In "Coming", the Pozamo is set up like this -

It thinks it loves children more than humans.

When something bad happens to a child, it will appear and take the child away.

When it appeared, it had no physical form and looked like a group of children playing.


Who will be killed?

Generally speaking, they are unqualified parents.

But it is not absolute.

For example, Xiushu, his death was the result of many factors.

First of all, it is a loveless family, which makes the daughter feel lonely and starts to play with the devil;

his wife cuts Yushou into pieces, which aggravates the situation;

not only rapes him when he is young, but also puts a magic guide charm in his house.

Of course, there is also the bond with the missing girl since childhood.

Sir saw that many people on the Internet speculated that there were two scenes in the movie where the Pole Demon appeared, one with an oxygen tube.

not once.

explains that Hideki and Chisa had inner demons when they pulled out their grandfather's oxygen tube out of curiosity when they were children, causing his death.


This is actually a misunderstanding.

Because if you look carefully at the two shots, you will find that the person who died twice was not the same person - the first time it was grandpa and the second time it was grandma.

(Although they are very similar, please pay attention to comparing the stubble, hairline, earlobes, etc.)

The cause of Xiushu's death actually lies in this sentence -

You are a liar

His two lies brought trouble to those around him. Come disaster. (Colleagues and Goddess)

The third time, the Pozamo took his life -

in his own way.

This scene is the highest peak of the horror atmosphere in "Here Comes".

Xiu Shu followed the exorcist's advice and placed water bowls at home, hid knives and broke the mirrors.

However, these were all lies made by the demon pretending to be an exorcist.

All the preparations came into being.

In Japanese horror films such as "The Ring" and "", the cause of the appearance of evil spirits is an extremely perverted family.

The subversion of "Coming" is that the horror of all lies in the daily life of the family.

It could just be the neglect of your children, the mean words to your partner, every thought of giving up.

may lead to the most terrible consequences.

This is where "Coming" becomes even more sharp -

The matter of childbirth must contain elements of cruelty.

Moreover, it is bidirectional.

has parent to child.

△ Unborn babies due to abortion

also have children to their parents.

Not to mention the huge pain and trauma during childbirth.

The process of raising children also comes with countless sacrifices.

It was just like the Poza Demon that Chanel saw last. Its appearance was exactly what she feared most in her heart -

the mother whom she had "ruined" her whole life.

Finally, Sir provides several more chilling personal interpretations.

The sign of evil spirits every time is a caterpillar.

makes people instinctively disgusted.

But what is a caterpillar?

The caterpillar is the child of the butterfly.


is an unprecedented grand exorcism ceremony at the end of the movie.

brings together psychics from all over Japan like a carnival.

Usually horror movies will make the protagonist face evil spirits alone, so as to highlight the danger and helplessness.

But "Come" mobilizes the power of the whole people to reach the sky to fight against the legendary Polu Demon. Is


But related to the theme of the movie, it is not difficult to understand what the director is talking about.

Tetsuya Nakajima used a folk horror story to touch upon the collective unconsciousness, faint uneasiness, and inexplicable anxiety of this society.

This is also a rare big battle in horror movies in recent years.

also re-injects soul into horror films that have long been immersed in cheap excitement.

Of course, it’s just like the Po-Devil in the movie.

Everyone will see a different answer.

How scary this movie is.

depends on how honest you are with yourself.

The pictures in this article come from the Internet