Even though Kobe's body has left the fans, his spirit will live on forever. The Mamba spirit inspires generations of young players to move forward bravely. As Kobe's disciple, Tatum leads the way. Belief in Kobe helped the team advance to the finals. Devin Booker evolved into the

His body is dead and his spirit is his spirit, and his soul is a ghost. Although Kobe’s body has left the fans, his spirit will live on forever. The Mamba spirit inspires generations of young players to move forward bravely. As Kobe’s disciple, Tatum With his faith in Kobe, he helped the team advance to the finals. Devin Booker evolved into the league's best first-team player this season. DeRozan established a huge reputation in the regular season. The one who was slightly disappointed may be Donovan. -Mitchell, he did not achieve very impressive results this season, but instead increased a lot of doubts and criticism. In the sixth season of his career, he suffered a serious setback.

Mitchell only received 4 third-team votes in the selection of the best team at the end of the season, which shows that his performance was not recognized by everyone. He and Rudy Gobert, another top-paid star of the Utah Jazz, kept passing each other. There have been various conflicts and scandals. Although both parties and Jazz officials have strongly denied this, the data does not lie. Mitchell’s regular season passing data to Gobert is as follows: In the 2017-18 season, he averaged 3.6 passes per game. (9.7% pass frequency), 4.4 passes per game in 2018-19 season (12.7% pass frequency), 5.8 passes per game in 2019-20 season (14.2% pass frequency), 3.5 passes per game in 2020-21 season Passes (7.5% passing frequency), 2.3 passes per game in the 2021-22 season (5.6% passing frequency), from the data point of view, it is from the 19-20 season that the media exposed the two after Gobert was infected with the new crown News about the deterioration of the relationship began, and Mitchell passed fewer and fewer passes to Gobert. Then Gobert and Mitchell had no chemistry? Of course not. Gobert is now a pick-and-roll tool. Mitchell ranks fourth in the league with 806 rounds of pick-and-roll offense this season, and ranks third in the league with 832 points in post-pick-and-roll offense. Mitchell takes advantage of Gobert's high Quality pick-and-rolls either break through or create mismatched singles, but he rarely feeds Gobert. Gobert can only pick up offensive rebounds that Mitchell can't make. Gobert definitely has the ability to take advantage of the pie, but Mitchell just doesn't feed him. , On the contrary, Conley, the team's other point guard, only feeds himself and has no scoring ability. It would be perfect if Mitchell and Conley could combine their abilities.

In recent years, Jazz head coach Quin Schneider’s ideal state is to make Mitchell an all-powerful offensive core. Starting from the 19-20 season, Mitchell began to take on more organizational core tasks. In the past three seasons, he has basically played half of the time as point guard and shooting guard. Let's take a look at his performance in the two positions separately.

As a point guard, his most important task is to channelize the offense and lead the team to score. This regular season, Mitchell's ball usage rate reached 32.9%, ranking sixth in the league. He completed a total of 2,792 passes, ranking first among all defenders in the league. Ranked 37th in the NBA, ranked 28th in the league with 358 assists, ranked 23rd on the back line, ranked 34th in the league with an assist rate of 12.8%, made 200 turnovers, and had an assist-to-turnover ratio of 1.79. Such a high assist-to-turnover ratio This is also one of the main reasons why everyone criticizes him. His 1,020 breakthroughs ranked 12th in the league, and 32% of his breakthroughs were passed. Among the top 15 players with the highest number of breakthroughs, his passing ratio ranked last. Three, only higher than Morant and De'Aaron Fox, Bogdanovic is his most trusted partner in the Jazz, receiving a total of 107 assists, while the second-ranked beneficiary O'Neal has a cliff drop, he Only 59 assists were received, and Gobert, who was third, only received 39 assists.

Judging from the above data, Mitchell did not inspire the team's abilities while occupying a large amount of the ball. To put it simply, his style of play is a bit unique, just like the summary I wrote about De'Aaron Fox yesterday. , the league's top defenders currently pass more than 40% of the time. If core players choose to attack too much, the opponent's defense will become very targeted. They will step forward to play heroes at the most critical moment of the game. The ball is indeed very interesting to watch, but it is definitely not the wisest choice to continue to play alone despite the opponent's key defense. There is a data that should make Mitchell reflect carefully. This season, Mitchell made 91 shots at critical moments. He is second in the league, but he only made 30 goals with a shooting percentage of 33%. He scored 79 points at critical moments, ranking 24th in the league. He has the lowest shooting percentage among the top 30 players in critical moments. This shows that his offensive options at critical moments have been eliminated. The opponent saw through it and focused on it, and the efficiency was the lowest among the stars.

If the point guard role is not done well, what about the shooting guard? As a disciple of Mamba, Mitchell's main scoring method on the offensive end is Kobe-style singles with the ball. This season, shooting with the ball accounts for 46% of his scoring arsenal. He has taken 635 shots, ranking fifth in the league, and made 250 goals. The shooting rate is 39%, including 413 three-point shots with the ball and 147 hits with a shooting rate of 35.6%. In terms of singles with the ball, Mitchell is at a relatively advanced level. This is also his key ability to maintain his competitiveness as a star. I am As mentioned before, his 1,020 breakthroughs ranked 12th in the league, his 689 breakthrough points ranked 7th in the league, and his field goal percentage on breakthroughs reached 53%. However, he only made 136 free throws using breakthroughs, which was the highest number among all players in the league. The player with the lowest damage rate among star guards is mainly due to the previous problem. Opponents already know that most of his offenses are done alone, so they have already set up an ambush circle to encircle and suppress them. Mitchell has 71 breakthroughs this season. Offensive foul.

Without the ball, Mitchell made 237 three-pointers and hit 82 of them, with a shooting percentage of 34.6%. However, one problem is that Conley is one year older, and his competitive status has declined year by year. Mitchell is getting open shooting opportunities. aspects will definitely be affected.

Mitchell ranks 9th in the league with an average of 25.9 points per game. He has become an excellent scorer relying on singles and breakthroughs, but the question now is if you want to become a superstar or lead the team to higher achievements, Then we must increase cooperation with teammates. Kobe was a lone hero for a long time after O'Neal left. He won consecutive scoring titles and even scored 81 points in a single game, but the team has been unable to achieve it. Good results, until later when Gasol joined the team, Kobe adjusted his style of play, switching between personal offense and cooperating with teammates at will, and finally succeeded in winning two championships. So, Mitchell still has a lot to learn from Kobe. a lot of.