According to Taiwan TVBS, in the 2022 New Taipei City mayoral election, New Taipei City Mayor Hou Youyi of the Chinese Kuomintang has a high probability of seeking re-election, and the focus will be on who will compete between the Democratic Progressive Party and the Democratic P

China Taiwan Network, June 14th According to Taiwan TVBS reports, in the 2022 New Taipei City mayoral election, Hou Youyi, the mayor of New Taipei City, a member of the Chinese Kuomintang, has a high probability of seeking re-election. Who among the Democratic Progressive Party parties will compete has become the focus. It was once rumored that the Democratic Progressive Party intended to recruit Taiwan's "Minister of the Interior" Xu Guoyong. After Taiwan's "Executive President" Su Zhenchang consulted Xu but was rejected, it was then rumored that the "British faction" and "Soviet faction" of the DPP would jointly recommend Luo Zhizheng, the New Taipei Democratic Representative. However, because Luo Zhizheng was diagnosed and quarantined, he said he would not respond for the time being.

Regarding who the Democratic Progressive Party would send to face Hou Youyi, after Xu Guoyong expressed his intention to run for office, they considered that his staying in the "Ministry of the Interior" would help maintain the stability of Su Zhenchang's team, so they turned to New Taipei's senior local representatives. And Luo Zhizheng is the operator of the "British faction" of the Democratic Progressive Party in New Taipei.

Although there are rumors that the "British clique" and "Soviet clique" in the DPP have a tacit understanding to jointly recommend Luo to power, Su Qiaohui, Su Zhenchang's daughter and the democratic representative of the DPP, constantly mentioned "Su" when talking about sending local democratic representatives to fight for the mayor of New Taipei City. Wu Bingrui, who is in charge of the relationship, is interpreted as still leaving room for negotiation.

The client, Luo Zhizheng, is still in isolation due to being diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia and said he would not respond for the time being. (Editor/Zhang Ling Reviewer/Li Botao)