Ruan Qinghua, deputy director of the Ministry of Finance, said that except for the remaining NT$15 billion for the fighter planes, the rest will be borrowed to cope with it. Taiwanese media reported that Yan Defa, head of Taiwan's defense department, went to the "Legislative Yuan

According to reports from Taiwan's "Liberty Times", "FTV News" and other Taiwanese media on November 4, some media reported that the United States may sell seven items of arms to Taiwan. The Kuomintang "legislator" Lai Shibao questioned the budget preparation in the "Legislative Yuan" on the morning of the 4th. Taiwan " Zhu Zemin, Controller of the Accounting Department of the Executive Yuan, said that part of the budget has been included in the annual budget and will be budgeted according to the payment schedule negotiated by Taiwan's defense department; Ruan Qinghua, deputy director of the Ministry of Finance, said that for the fighter aircraft part, in addition to the NT$15 billion spent The remaining budget surplus (unencumbered budget surplus) will be financed by debt.

Taiwanese media reported that Yan Defa, the head of Taiwan’s defense department, went to the “Legislative Yuan Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee” today (4th) for consultation. Luo Zhizheng, a “legislator” of the Democratic Progressive Party, asked that the United States sold 7 armaments to Taiwan this year. Among these armaments, How many items have been included in next year's budget? Several defense department staff responded to the inquiry desk that except for the MQ-9B drone, all other armaments have been budgeted.

In addition, Kuomintang "legislator" Lai Shibao said when questioning Zhu Zemin at the Finance Committee that the United States has announced three or four of the seven arms purchases for Taiwan, with a budget of more than NT$100 billion. How to raise them? Zhu Zemin responded that some of these seven items are already in the annual budget and have funding. As for some new projects, they must have a letter of intent from the United States. Looking at the payment progress negotiated between the defense department and the United States, "We will include the payment in the general budget in which year." ".

Lai Shibao asked, more than 100 billion has not been compiled yet? Zhu Zemin said that some of the existing subjects had been compiled, but he did not have the information in hand and could not explain in detail. Lai Shibao replied angrily, "I tell you the east and you tell me the west!" Zhu Zemin quickly said: "No, no."

Then Taiwan’s Deputy Minister of Finance, Ruan Qinghua, came to power. Lai Shibao asked whether public bonds would be issued to support it? Ruan Qinghua said that for the fighter aircraft part, except for the NT$15 billion remaining in annual terms, the rest is borrowed. "The interest rate on long-term debt is about 1.6% for about 30 years" and "the average short-term debt is 0.4%."

In response to this, some netizens on the island left a message in the comment area of ​​Taiwanese media, saying, "It's easy to borrow debt, but my tax money is poor." Some netizens criticized, "You don't want peace and common prosperity. You are messing around and causing chaos in the world. Corrupt politicians Digging into the public treasury, leaving debts for the descendants to benefit themselves, the green camp government will be angry, and the consequences will be the three evil destinies in the future! "

For some time, the United States has frequently sold arms to Taiwan. Taiwanese media reported on the 4th that the U.S. Department of Defense stated that the State Department agreed to approve the sale of four MQ-9B "SeaGuardian" large unmanned aerial vehicles to Taiwan, and has officially notified Congress of this. The arms sale is worth approximately 600 million. Dollar.

In response to the U.S. State Department’s previous approval of the sale of weapons and equipment to Taiwan, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on October 26 that in order to safeguard national interests, China has decided to take necessary measures to deal with Lockheed... Sanctions have been imposed on U.S. companies such as Martin , Boeing Defense, and Raytheon, as well as relevant U.S. individuals and entities that have played a bad role in selling weapons to Taiwan.

Zhao Lijian emphasized that China once again urges the United States to abide by its commitment to the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiqués, and stop arms sales to Taiwan and any military ties between the United States and Taiwan. We will continue to take necessary measures to safeguard national sovereignty and security interests.

Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, also stated on October 28 regarding the U.S. arms sales to Taiwan that the DPP authorities openly carried out naked military threats and provocations against the mainland, did not overestimate their own capabilities, and attempted to collude with external forces to "use military force." "Independence" and exacerbating tensions across the Taiwan Strait will only seriously undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, bring serious disasters to the Taiwanese people, and ultimately lead to a dead end.

Source: Global Network