Water signs are a type of people with relatively strong emotions. They are always very sincere in their feelings. However, because they are too sensitive, they will also have a lot of disappointment in relationships. In terms of emotional stability, it may not be as good as that

People who love much are often hurt deeply.

The water sign is a type of people who are relatively emotional. They are always very sincere in their feelings. However, because they are too sensitive, they will also have a lot of disappointments in their relationships. In terms of emotional stability, it may not be as good as that of some people. Some are earth signs or fire signs , so what are the gains and losses in relationships between Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces?

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Text | Anda

01 Water sign’s view of love

Water sign’s emotions are very sensitive. At this point, people who have been in love with them are often the most emotional. They have the right to speak. Generally speaking, their emotions and moods will change at different times of the day. Maybe some small or difficult-to-capture things will cause them inner entanglements and waves.

However, they may not show it, but only show it in a silent or depressed manner. It is basically difficult for them to tell others about their confusion or emotional reactions. They hope that people who understand will naturally understand.

Therefore, to solve these emotional confusions, you naturally need to use a perceptual way. If you just show impatience or explain with reason, they will not be able to feel any love. What they need is an experience and atmosphere of love. , rather than simply asking or solving problems.

Therefore, the love view of water signs is an "immersive experience", and sometimes there is no logic at all. What they need is the sense of security, attention, trust and needs that their lover brings to them.

02 "Getting" in relationships

A person who values ​​relationships so much can naturally use love to measure life. Many water signs learn more about human nature and even themselves through falling in love. Life without love is about It is incomplete for them, and their emotional needs are difficult to meet through family ties or some close friendships. In this regard, Scorpio is the most obvious. They symbolize the pursuit of profoundness, and love is probably unknown. It is the most profound emotion. In comparison, Cancer has a greater need for a sense of security, while Pisces pursues spiritual resonance at the spiritual level.

. Cancers can gain the ability to be nourished in relationships. They feel the meaning of life by taking care of others or being taken care of by others. They hope to build a safe harbor and have a kind of persistence for the people or status they have. He never gives up and is very good at defending love and family.

. Compared with Scorpio, they pursue the purity and depth of love. Only the kind of love that almost reaches the level of "life and death" is what they pursue.

. Pisces are also good at protecting their own sense of security, but at the same time, their spiritual needs need to be met. If they cannot be satisfied from one person, they may seek other spiritual comfort.

03 "Loss" in relationships

. Because Cancer is obsessed with a deep relationship, it will be difficult to let it go after the heart wanders. No matter what situation they face, it is difficult for them to be as cool as the wind and easy to get nostalgic.

. Scorpios have a tendency to love and hate when it comes to relationships. When they are hurt in a relationship, they cannot let go quickly. Sometimes they will carry the pain of the previous person with them into the next relationship, giving hope to the next one. Emotions also bring haze.

. If Pisces is too obsessed with impossible feelings, they will make their lives out of control and even go to the edge of "degeneration", because they know it is impossible, but they will still fly into the flame . In fact, that kind of sacrifice and dedication It is completely unnecessary. This is not an old-fashioned story of redemption. It is better to be more realistic in life. Pisces should pay special attention to this.

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