2019 is finally here. You have worked hard this year. The keywords of the year in 2019 are: moving forward with a heavy burden, living a prosperous life, stability and unity, cooperation and teamwork, and learning and improvement.


2019 is finally here. You have worked hard this year.

2019 annual keywords: move forward with a heavy load, live a prosperous life, be stable and united, cooperate and team up, and learn and improve.

Water signs [Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces] Key words of the year : Fulfill your long-cherished wish and get better.

Water sign, you have come out of the state of struggle, passed through the confusion period and the running-in period. Congratulations on your successful transformation. The focus of your fortune this year is on overseas luck, study and improvement, and relationships. You will become full of charm. , attract everyone's attention, excessive running around is not suitable for you, pay attention to collect the information around you, concentrate on doing it, and you will reap miracles.


The year of exploration is a year of multi-tasking

Cancer’s fortune tone this year is: Cultivate opportunities, increase your worth, and enjoy life

In 2018, Cancer has undergone great changes. You may have changed from one person to two. Individuals, or even two families. In terms of career, it has also changed from one job to two jobs. You have even eliminated inappropriate part-time jobs and sought more profitable opportunities. You trust your intuition very much.

2018 is a year for you to let go of entanglements and face it bravely.

htmlAt the beginning of 2000, there were many leadership problems in the workplace. People's hearts were floating and there was no centripetal force. Important employees would lose their jobs and leave, and the mood of the leaders would become uncertain. In fact, since last year, you have been quietly seeking a new career for yourself. career opportunities.

html In January, you will be keenly aware of some business opportunities, or someone will come to you to do business together, but this matter still exists at the level of thinking for the time being. Single Cancers are prone to living in a fantasy relationship and find it difficult to extricate themselves.

You hope that you can have more opportunities and more room for growth, and you have a chance to realize it. This power will end in March. If you want to make any plans, complete them before then.

actively collects information. In March and April, seize the opportunity. It is very likely that you have heard news about layoffs or benefit cuts in the workplace. This is a month with alert ears, and you will get useful information, even , you are the "spy" with information.

html In mid-2000, after the adjustment in the first half of the year, Cancer will have the opportunity to enter a more comfortable workplace environment with more room for development.

A man from another place will come to talk to you about things. He is your "god of wealth", but you need to carefully screen him for the opportunity he gives you.

I do not recommend that you make important investments in the middle of the year, especially around June, as there will be losses.

html From May to December, Cancer women, please pay attention to a Capricorn man appearing next to you. He is a person with the characteristics of earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), and he will pursue you.

Cancer men, the fate you encounter this year may place more emphasis on your material foundation.

This year will be a good year for Cancer to get married. Getting married at this time will be a lifelong matter. The wedding will be after autumn, because this way the time can be arranged and you can make your own plans.

Part Cancer, I need to kindly remind you that you have your own little tricks in marriage, and the other party cannot always know about it.

In terms of career, this year is all about paving the way for the future, including private interviews or opening up a new career. You will not show off now, but will choose to stay in your current position, hide your capabilities and bide your time, and run your own affairs.

At the end of the year, there will be good news for your financial fortune, very good news!

This year, it is suitable for you to hide your little secret in the back garden, after all, it has not yet been exposed.


A year of reinvention and full power

The keynote of Scorpio's fortune this year is: wealth emerges, overseas travel, inner healing, return to family

In 2018, you have changed a lot, growing from the inside out, surrounding you People can also feel that you have completely become a different you. Is this good? Of course, you become softer, tougher, and stronger.The past year has been a time of hard work and busyness for others, and it has also been the most painful year in your heart. Some things that you once wanted to hold on to will usher in a new life after you give up. You will be more tolerant of yourself, and you will be more tolerant of yourself. More tolerant of life.

2019 is a new beginning for you. The surrounding environment is changing rapidly, and you will find that everything becomes harmonious.

You have experienced the heartache and the issue of "separation".

Please pay more attention to your mother's health. At the same time, your father is like a child who loves to get into trouble. He will always do things that make you speechless, such as drinking and driving, fighting with young people, etc.

Your family has also experienced shocks, extremely sad things have happened, and the health of your grandparents is in great distress.

Some people have left you. Although this is not the result you want, the entanglement between the two is too deep, so let it go.

Scorpios in marriage and relationships are prone to emotional crisis, cheating or cheating. This crisis will come to light in November and December last year.

At the beginning of 2019, you will still be immersed in sadness, unable to talk about many things on your mind, and the emotional pain will make your heart feel like a knife.

So, please heal your wounds before March. You need this time to regain your strength.

1 month money dilemma, you will have unrecoverable debts, or debt collection, for a long time, you have to pay off the debt every once in a while, you even have to ask the loan company, bank , dealing with lawyers is something you are extremely tired of.

You will have debt problems with your siblings. The power of

will continue until August, with the highest energy in May. Money difficulties and imprudent investments will make you breathless, so please hold on to your cash to avoid getting involved in more financial problems. In a complicated situation, even real estate investment is facing huge risks, and financial management platforms are also prone to sudden disappearances.

The good news of marriage will sprout in January and will be announced in August.

This year you are very destined to the education, communication and other industries. You may even find your own value in this industry and get in touch with overseas people.

html In mid-2000, your career will be turbulent, there will be mergers, reorganizations or layoffs, and your salary will also be affected.

In terms of relationships, Scorpios in marriage and love will have a cold war. The two people need to face many problems together. Although there are quarrels in the process, they are all working together in the same direction.

Starting from July, money will flow to you, and your financial situation will rise frequently. This is really good news!

You will be richer than you have been in years.

html In August, there will be many important business trip plans and meetings, and new cooperation projects can also be obtained through communication.

This is what you gain with your own work ability. You will become the brains and responsible person in the team, and everyone will be surprised by your ideas and abilities.

Single Scorpios don't want to get involved in relationships for the time being. There is a person by your side who is silently guarding you, but unfortunately this person cannot arouse your love, so they can only be friends who accompany each other.

htmlAt the end of the year, because your financial situation has stabilized, you will feel more secure, but at this time you will be "tangled up" by "little devils". You are not really a "good brother", but you will encounter secret operations or accidental injuries. There are dangers around your home.

Your temper will also be hotter and you will be prone to emotional instability. You should pay attention to the health problems caused by excessive consumption of yourself.

In terms of relationships, you will have doubts about your partner's whereabouts and may have misunderstandings.

Don't exclude someone, and don't be jealous of someone, otherwise things will go wrong.

You need to restore your confidence in yourself and push forward things with full vigor. In November, there will be new plans or important plans to be completed.

You will receive a message from afar and decide to go abroad for the purpose of traveling, which will bring you good luck.

This is a good time to move or get a new job.

You will maintain your long-distance love through the phone and the Internet. You seem to have a complex in this aspect.

After October, you will usher in surprising changes, and you will definitely take action. You will become luckier and be able to visit more cities.

Good luck in getting promoted in the workplace, you're welcome, you deserve it.

Some Scorpios will enter unknown territories.

November is the month when it is easy to get pregnant and give birth to a baby. It is very likely that it will be a boy. It will come in a hurry and catch you off guard.

For Scorpios, 2019 is the year of ending karma. What entangled you and dragged you down in the past will be wiped out this year. You can finally go into battle lightly, do what you want to do, and live the life you want. This year you will also come into contact with religion and realize the true meaning of body, mind and soul.


Focus on the most, the year of brilliant transformation of true love

The keynote of Pisces’ fortune this year is: Beautiful love, rich feelings, hometown complex, success comes

In 2018, you experienced an important transformation, from one identity to another. , you experienced confusion and uneasiness during this period, but you got through it smoothly. Your Buddhist mentality is worthy of praise. You will know better what you want. Is it just superficial poverty and cynicism? The world is afraid that you will be deceived. You are a new human being who seems to be at ease, but has new ideas in your heart.

In 2019, this year, you are more stable. In terms of career, you have entered a stable platform. For development, you have not considered the long term for the time being, because the time has not yet come.

htmlAt the beginning of 2000, you will be homesick or miss your hometown. This feeling makes you want to go and take a look. You will have contact with old people in the past, which will lead to nostalgia and love. There is a boy who has no old feelings for you. .

In the workplace, there is an older person of the opposite sex who is also expressing his feelings for you by helping you. Your simplicity and sincerity will also attract him.

In terms of career, there will be a master-like person who will teach you a lot, but he and you are not close to each other. He will leave soon, and you will be a little reluctant to let him go.

You are not stingy and are willing to share your experience with colleagues in the workplace to gain good popularity.

html In February, among new colleagues or new friends, there will be people who give you a special feeling. You respect each other very much, and you are even very close. There will be a wonderful aura between you, and you are here to heal each other.

Single Pisces, you will fall in love with someone who is unique and rich.

Pisces in marriage will be pampered from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. There will only be a little quarrel at the end of the year, which will soon disappear.

Pisces’ plan for this year is still to travel around, not the happiest, only happier!

Your family will be pleased with you and hope to reunite with you. In your family, there is a male elder who is in very poor health. You should pay more attention to this. It is very likely that it is your father who has a hidden illness.

html In the middle of 0 years, you will gain a new business partner, or someone will ask you to cooperate. It seems to be a good small business, you can consider it.

If you are tired of fluctuations and want to return to stability, just be down-to-earth and don't want to fight for anything.

html In July, you are thinking about someone in your heart. This person is likely to heal your relationship, or this person is your first love.

Pisces, it will be easy to get out of singles after June. You will meet someone who calls, don’t miss it. This is a time when it's easy to meet and recognize the love of your life.

Some Pisces will get married in August and September, which is gratifying!

html At the end of the year, you who originally had no ambition will have to get busy at the end of the year. In October, a lot of work will come to you, leaving you overwhelmed. Fortunately, you will handle it beautifully!

You should pay more attention to your body. There are always minor problems, so you need to take good care of them. From June to August, you will have the opportunity to meet a good doctor, and you will also have a plan to see a doctor in February.

In 2019, for you, just do one thing well. Life is still Buddhist. Your family wants to be with you. You will also miss your hometown. This year, you will spend more time on relationships. It’s really love. It’s been a year of fluctuating emotions, so please, can you go further? You are always watching and paying attention, but you don’t dare to express your feelings. True love has arrived.

黑云奇气 (written by)

whose English name is Turing, he founded Turing Tarot and is an independent fortune teller. I started to learn Tarot at the age of 15 and went to Beijing to study astrology, zodiac signs, spiritual numbers, etc. He likes to collect wonderful divination from all over the world and is keen on studying astrology. He is currently located in Shanghai.