Recently I watched the TV series "Kite" again, a spy drama. This movie made me understand the difficulties of those revolutionary ancestors who lurk in the enemy's base camp. Today I will share the same story to pay tribute to the revolutionary ancestors.

I recently watched the TV series " Kite " again, a spy drama. This movie made me understand the difficulties of those revolutionary ancestors who lurked in the enemy's base camp. Today I will share the same story to pay tribute to the revolutionary ancestors.

On December 8, 1988, a white-haired old man stopped in front of a farmhouse. Perhaps he was timid about being in the countryside. He stood at the door and hesitated for a long time but did not go in. Finally, he seemed to have made up his mind and knocked on the door. As the courtyard door was opened, the old man and the old woman in the courtyard looked at each other. The woman asked in disbelief: "Is it you? Han Guang." "It's me! It's me!" the old man replied with a trembling voice, and walked quickly towards the other party, hugging the woman in his arms. The two old men immediately hugged each other and cried. This is the first time we have gotten together in 42 years.

He is our protagonist today. This ancestor received an order from his superiors on the ninth day after his marriage and was sent to lurk in Taiwan. He did not return home from Taiwan until more than 40 years later. When he got home, he found that his wife was still waiting for him. With him, they already have children and grandchildren.

In 1988, with the continuous negotiations between the government and Taiwan, several groups of Taiwanese veterans were allowed to visit relatives in the mainland, including the protagonist we are talking about today, Xie Hanguang.

Xie Hanguang was born in a town in Guangdong in September 1919. He was the second eldest child and had nine younger brothers and sisters. Because there were many children in the family, only three children could go to school, so Xie Hanguang, who had been smart since he was a child, was sent away by his family. When he arrived at school, in that turbulent era, he relied on his own efforts to get into Guangxi University and became a college student. It was the influence of knowledge that made him realize that the danger of the motherland was the responsibility of every Chinese during the Anti-Japanese War. Responsibility, so after graduation, he quietly became a member of the Anti-Japanese War in his position. It was also in various anti-Japanese activities that he learned about the Communist Party of China. Finally, he resolutely joined the Communist Party of China during the civil war to fight for his own The motherland contributes its own strength.

The Anti-Japanese War was not over yet, but the Kuomintang and the Communist Party were in a stalemate. At that time, Guilin, Guilin, where Xu Guanghan was located, was captured by the Kuomintang. In desperation, he had no choice but to follow the refugees and fled to Sichuan. What he heard and saw on the way confirmed his determination. He was determined to join the Communist Party, so he immediately submitted an application to join the Party to the Communist Party after arriving in Sichuan. Unfortunately, due to the situation at the time, the organization did not approve his application, but it also arranged a job for him in a school, allowing him to temporarily settle down. However, it wasn't long before the Japanese army's last desperate struggle hit the county where he was located, and Xie Guanghan had no choice but to continue on the road to escape.

On August 15, 1945, after Japan officially announced its surrender and the Japanese troops withdrew under the supervision of China and the world, Xie Guanghan saw clearly all the activities of the Kuomintang during this period. He determined that China's future lies with the Communist Party, so he I came to Hong Kong and finally joined the Communist Party of China through the introduction of Su Hui, a comrade in Hong Kong.

At that time, Xie Guanghan took advantage of his knowledge of Cantonese and became a businessman. He traveled between Hong Kong and Guangdong and delivered a lot of information to the organization. It was also in the same year that he met his beloved girl and married himself. It was a life-long event for him to become a man with a family. When he got married, he did not forget that he was a member of the Communist Party. Since he joined the party secretly, few people knew his details, so he became a qualified lurker. By.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Taiwanese party member Cai Xiaoqian who had participated in the Long March was sent to Taiwan Province to form a working committee. At that time, there was an urgent need for a group of capable cadres to lay a solid foundation in Taiwan, so Xu Guanghan, who had only been married for nine days, became one of them. One, let him go to Taiwan.

For the sake of the revolution, he had already prepared to sacrifice when he joined the party, so he abandoned his wife who had just been married for nine days just by saying "guarantee to complete the task". Due to the confidentiality of the mission, he could not reveal anything to his wife before leaving. He just whispered in her ear before leaving: " I need to go to Taiwan alone now. The journey is long and the mission is tight. You and I may lose contact. In this case, I don’t know when we will meet again after this time. If I don’t come back for too long, don’t wait for me." His wife is a sensible person and just asked him to take care of himself. They were about to break up after just 9 days of marriage. Xie Hanguang didn't want to see his wife cry, so he turned away cruelly, but after turning around, he was filled with infinite emotions. Feeling guilty, he said to his wife: "When I come back, you have to wait for me. "They didn't know that this separation meant no news for 42 years. But it was the last sentence of "waiting for me to come back" that made my wife wait for forty-two years.

After bidding farewell to his wife, Xie Hanguang arrived under the arrangement of the organization After arriving in the unfamiliar Taiwan Province, he became a technician at a laboratory under the introduction of local comrades. In January 1947, his college friend Zhang Bozhe was also assigned by the organization to work latent here together. The former alumnus is now a comrade-in-arms. Xie Hanguang's peaceful days became a little happier.

With the tacit cooperation of the two, they established the Taichung Working Committee of the Communist Party of China, with Zhang Bozhe as secretary and Xie Hanguang as deputy secretary. From then on, Taichung underground work began rapidly, and The organization passed on a lot of important information about the Kuomintang. In September of the same year, two college friends, Chen Zhonghao and Liang Zhengqing, were also sent to Taiwan. With the help of Xie Hanguang, Chen Zhonghao successfully passed through the underground comrade Zhong Haodong and became a school teacher. , In this way, through the continuous work of the four of them, a lot of fresh blood was developed for the party.

In the summer of 1948, Chen Zhonghao and others successfully printed the "Guangming Daily" in the cave. From then on, the ideas of the Communist Party began to spread in the hearts of the Taiwanese people. .

As the Kuomintang troops retreated in the mainland during the civil war, Chiang Kai-shek finally regarded Taiwan as the last place to rise. At this point, Taiwan became an isolated island, and the underground party there lost contact with the mainland and was trapped on the island. Everyone in the party did not give up the fight against the Kuomintang for a moment. "Guangming Daily" has been publicizing among the masses. Xie Hanguang's colleague Wang Mingde (one of the underground party workers) caused a stir because he passed "Guangming Daily" newspapers to his girlfriend many times. After the "Provincial Chairman" and Security Commander Chen Cheng

was seen by Lao Jiang in the "Guangming Daily", he directly ordered these underground workers to be cleaned up within a month. Wang Mingde became the first person to be arrested. His mouth finally exposed the identities and bases of underground workers, including Zhong Haodong, the principal of Keelung School at the time. Due to the Kuomintang's follow-up, it eventually led to the destruction of the entire organization. At that time, only Chen Zhonghao escaped early, and the others were caught. The whereabouts are unknown.

Due to the timely evacuation of Xie Guanghan and Cai Xiaoqian, they were not exposed in the first round of arrests. They were still working hard to fight against the Kuomintang. What they did not expect was that the veteran revolutionary soldier Cai Xiaoqian was arrested in an accident. In the end, this However, an old revolutionary rebelled. This rebellion directly led to the sacrifice of nearly 500 comrades of our party in Taiwan. At this point, the foundation of our party in Taiwan was basically destroyed.

As an excellent Communist Party member, Xie Hanguang naturally also provided Cai Xiaoqian. list, but he was at a relatively low level at the time and had a certain buffer time. During this buffer time, he received the intelligence sent by other comrades who risked their lives. He did not rush like others after receiving the intelligence. He escaped and then got into the trap that the Kuomintang had laid long ago. He cleverly hid in the mountains and escaped the Kuomintang's search.

In the days that followed, he received news of the sacrifices of his former comrades and comrades. Distraught and indignant, he endured his grief and began to save himself. In order that the sacrifices of his colleagues who fought side by side would not be in vain, he had the responsibility to record this period of history. .

Xie Hanguang used his latent experience and Qiaozhuang ability to escape numerous sieges and finally ran to a remote mountain village. The village chief at the time also questioned him and asked him about his identity, but he did not dare to tell his true identity. , said that he was a deserter from the Kuomintang from the mainland, and escaped because he could not bear the bullying, and begged the village chief to save his life. Since the strong men in the village had the experience of being captured by strong men, the village chief finally took pity on him and let him replace a dead villager. Since then, Xie Hanguang has his own new identity Ye Yikui in Taiwan.

Xie Hanguang used the knowledge he learned to quickly become a cultural person in the village and became involved with the people in the village. The village was deep in a dense forest and was not connected to outside information. When the news was not too tight, , he would also take advantage of the villagers to come out of the mountains to quietly inquire about outside news. Unfortunately, the situation outside is still dangerous. The comrades who fought with him were almost massacred. In addition, Taiwan has cut off all cross-strait contacts. He cannot get in touch with the mainland and can only continue to lurk in the village and be an ordinary person. farmers. A few years later, when the villagers saw that Xie Hanguang was alone, they all wanted to introduce him to a wife, but Xie Hanguang politely refused.

In the long years, Xie Hanguang has never forgotten his true identity for a moment, nor has he forgotten his wife who separated after only nine days of marriage. He has been waiting for him to return to the mainland, his organization and his wife. This The first is 38 years

In 1987, after many communications between the government and Taiwan, the Taiwan authorities announced the liberalization of the cross-strait family visit policy. Anyone who has blood relatives, relatives by marriage, or relatives within the third degree in the mainland can apply to visit relatives in the mainland. After receiving this policy, Xie Hanguang was finally able to get out of the mountains, and his expectations for many years were realized. He did not hesitate to submit an application for family visit using the identity of farmer Ye Yikui. After many layers of approvals, he finally reunited with his wife at the end of 1988.

What surprised Xie Hanguang was that when he left, his wife was pregnant and gave birth to a son. When he got home, he saw that his son had three children. Now 42 years have passed since he left. . There is also the scene at the beginning of the article, in which he tearfully pulls his wife, who has been waiting for him for 42 years and raised his children alone for him, and all his words turned into an affectionate hug for him.

After Xie Guanghan arrived in the mainland, he stayed in the province where Ye Yikui lived. The local government could only provide him with a monthly subsidy of 120 yuan. When he returned home, Xie Hanguang wrote to the government many times in hopes of reinstating his party membership. However, because all his comrades at the time had died, His identity could not be confirmed. Although he was a little regretful after the news that he could not recover, he thought that he was lucky to survive and return home, so he did not make any other requests to the organization.

But the organization will never chill the hearts of those veterans who have fought life and death for the country. After conducting various investigations, staff dispatched by the central government found that what Xie Hanguang said was true and verbatim, which shocked almost everyone. Everything the Kuomintang did in Taiwan back then was witnessed by all of them. Most of the party members died heroically in the siege. Now that an underground party member had escaped the catastrophe, they felt unbelievable.

In order to ensure Xie Hanguang's true identity, they found Chen Zhonghao, who had been sent out of Taiwan by Xie Hanguang at the risk of his life. Under the guidance of the staff, Chen Zhonghao finally met his old comrade Xie Hanguang, so he immediately wrote down Xie Hanguang's experience and submitted it to the organization. After rigorous review and verification, the organization sent personnel and finally successfully confirmed Xie Hanguang's identity as an underground revolutionary. Not only did his name and party membership be restored, but Xie Hanguang was also able to enjoy the treatment of a retired cadre.

Xie Hanguang suddenly thought that those latent comrades who had sacrificed their lives back then had not been assessed as martyrs by the organization. So he and Chen Zhonghao wrote down all their experiences of lurking in Taiwan. At the same time, they kept running around to find evidence. After organizing the information into documents, they jointly reported it with more than a dozen old comrades. After many people visited, investigated and collected evidence, the organization was finally able to recognize the martyr status of Comrade Zhang Bozhe and other comrades, and immediately gave them high honors, so that the heroic deeds of the martyrs would not be buried in the dust.

Our good life was bought by the revolutionary martyrs with their own lives and happiness. Just like every monument to the unknown heroes , their knowledge silently records those who sacrificed silently.