We, comrades-in-arms, retired from the army together and were placed in the same unit. We had hundreds of thousands of resettlement fees. We bought funds at the beginning and now stocks. My comrade-in-arms has only one daughter, who is in kindergarten. The house was bought before

Comrades and I retired from the army together and were placed in the same unit. We had hundreds of thousands of resettlement fees. We bought funds at the beginning and now we buy stocks.

My comrade has only one daughter, who is in kindergarten. The house was bought before marriage, and he has a second-hand car for transportation. There is basically no pressure and his life is relaxed and comfortable.

Originally there were three comrades when we entered the unit together, but now we have gone our separate ways, leaving only the two of us.

Normally our work is very simple. If we want to live a comfortable life, we don’t need to study business. We just need to do our job well. Every day we are chasing videos and cases. If we can land it, we will land it. If we can’t, we will report it. Three Genius takes one round, the workload is not large and there is no technical content at all.

Comrades especially like to play games and read stocks. They spend a lot of time on it every day. Sometimes they can make money and lose money a lot, but their comrades enjoy it and are very busy.

Everyone has laziness. Many times I also play games and want to give up studying. I feel that I have enough knowledge now, but if I don’t study, my vision will be narrow, my thinking mode will not keep up with the development of the times, and my work ideas will be inconsistent. It will be solidified, only mastering the only means, without innovation, work will stagnate, and those who fall behind will become abandoned.

Another comrade has been transferred to the place where we should go. If we don't persist in learning and improving, we will soon be eliminated in the future.

is long-winded and the words do not convey the meaning. Everyone has a different path and a different direction of efforts. If you want to be young and have no regrets, you have to work hard and do something good. There is a high probability that you will not achieve anything in the future, but choose No chance of lying flat.

The quality of the article is very low. I can’t calm down during the holiday. For many things, I would rather go to work at work, do laundry, cook, and take care of children. It’s selfish to say this. It’s better to work more on Labor Day! Lighten some of the burden on your daughter-in-law!

#military# #social variety#