RTL8168ERTL8411BNRTL8153 network chip RTL8100BL Global memory application product brand ADATA Technology (A-DATA) officially announced the signing of a "long-term strategic cooperation" contract with the Indian telecommunications leader Bharti Group. Mr. Sunil K., CEO of Bharti T

RTL8168ERTL8411BNRTL8153 network chip RTL8100BL

Global memory application product brand ADATA Technology (A-DATA) officially announced the signing of a "long-term strategic cooperation" contract with the Indian telecommunications leader Bharti Group. Mr. Sunil K. Goyal, CEO of Bharti Teletech, said that Bharti Group's channels cover IT, OEM, LFR, mobile phone and enterprise users. In the future, it will use tens of thousands of marketing offices and retail channels across India to fully promote ADATA's full range of products. series of memory products. Starting from now, end consumers in India will be able to purchase hundreds of ADATA products of different designs through the Bharti Group's vast distribution network and telecommunications platform.

ADATA has actively expanded into important emerging markets such as India, China, Russia, Mexico and Brazil in recent years, with fruitful results. Chen Libai, chairman of ADATA Technology, said that ADATA's globally renowned brand reputation, excellent ODM design and R&D team, strong supply capabilities, and complete product services are all important factors for Bharti Group to choose to cooperate with ADATA. The essential. Bharti is the largest telecommunications group in India, with hundreds of millions of local mobile phone terminal users and tens of thousands of retail channel systems across India. This long-term strategic cooperation with ADATA is a concrete demonstration of the two leading brands. ADATA Technology will adhere to the global business philosophy and localized business strategy to provide the best products and services to both parties' Indian strategic partners and consumers.

In order to ensure a safe source of long-term memory supply, memory module manufacturer ADATA Technology (3260) signed a long-term memory supply contract with the supplier and paid a certain amount of US dollars in advance for the purchase of materials. The storage flash memory (NAND Flash) and dynamic random access memory (DRAM) industries have experienced a long-term recession. Manufacturers generally face serious losses and heavy financial pressure. This year, suppliers not only stopped expanding production, but even started to reduce production. . Among them, as NAND Flash applications continue to become more and more popular, and suppliers have stopped expanding production this year, memory module manufacturers and control chip manufacturers expect that with the economic recovery next year and the solid-state drive (SSD) product market size, the The gradual expansion may cause NAND Flash shortages.

Su Zhiyuan, director of Flash memory product business in the Asia-Pacific region of Far East Kingston, a major memory module manufacturer, said today that the recent wave of mobile phone replacements has driven strong demand for built-in Flash from mobile phone manufacturers, which has made the supply of NAND Flash tight. It is expected that the supply will be tight in September. Only then can we hope for relief. In order to ensure that the source of materials is safe, Phison Electronics (8299) successively paid suppliers advance payments for material purchases in March and May this year, totaling US$40 million. ADATA also signed a long-term memory supply contract with the supplier today, and prepaid a certain amount of US dollars for the purchase of materials. Phison and ADATA are actively using prepayment methods, hoping to establish a close relationship with the supplier and ensure a smooth source of materials. Yu, it is obvious that the industry does not dare to take the shortage of materials lightly.

















RTL 8100CL












