▲The Tai'an service area has been transformed into a "fairy tale forest", and the public artworks are dreamy and easy to photograph. (Photo/Provided by the High Commissioner) Reporter Lai Wenxuan/Taipei Report In the hustle and bustle of traffic, is there a "fairy tale forest" hi

Tai'an service area was transformed into " fairy tale forest ". The public artwork is dreamy and easy to photograph. (Photo / Provided by the High Commissioner)

Reporter Lai Wenxuan / Taipei Report

In the noisy and chaotic traffic, is there a "fairy tale forest" hidden? In order to enhance the overall artistic atmosphere of the service area and create a comfortable and pleasant leisure space, the High-Tech Public Affairs Bureau completed the public art installation plan and surrounding landscape improvement project for the North and South Stations of the Tai'an Service Area on National Highway No. 1 after more than three years of efforts. It was officially opened in early December. Attractions such as the pure white Fantasy Carousel and Magic Trojan have also become unexpectedly popular on the Internet and are super easy to photograph.

The public art at the North and South Stations in Tai'an Service Area is inspired by the heart of a child, incorporating elements such as fairy tales, games and happiness into the works. The South Station theme " Happy Station " is the work of artist Tao Yalun, which brings passers-by into a journey of games, fairy tales and music. There are two works in total. "Musical Merry-go-round in the Garden" is a childhood dream carousel, paired with a saxophone combination The flower-shaped awning and interactive tourist map make you feel like you are in a dream paradise; the "secret base under the dining table" combines a huge dining table and chairs with a children's playground to highlight the warm catering service of the National Highway.

North Station theme "An An's Fantasy Paradise" is the work of the art team Taipei City Open Space Cultural and Educational Foundation Huang Haode and Wu Jianfu. Through the self-created fairy tale "An An's Fantasy Journey ", the public art is transformed into a " "Cool Flash Heavy Machine", "Fantasy Trojan Horse", "Flying Cart", "Fluttering Somersault Cloud", "Vine Leaf Seesaw", "Happy Wheel", "Cool Rocking Boat" and "Electric Light Tree" The 8 story scene works including "Elf" are all hand-crafted by artists to satisfy the preferences of children of all ages.