On June 15, the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee Meeting and the Special Investigation Kunshan City Work Conference were held to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches and instructions, study and deploy the

Suzhou Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee Meeting and Special Research Kunshan Work Conference was held

Study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches and instructions to study and deploy the city’s normalized epidemic prevention and control, economic operation, safety and stability and other special research Kunshan City Work Cao Lubao presided over

html On June 15, the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee Meeting and Special Investigation Kunshan City Work Conference were held to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches and instructions, and to study and deploy the city’s normalized epidemic prevention and control, economic operation, safety and stability, etc. work, and conducted special investigations on the work of Kunshan City, and deployed and promoted relevant key matters. Cao Lubao, Secretary of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting.

The conference study implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the 39th collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. The

conference pointed out that must continue to deepen our understanding and grasp of China's excellent traditional culture and Chinese civilization, effectively enhance historical consciousness, strengthen cultural self-confidence, unswervingly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to play a leading role in the new journey of modernization. , use the vivid practice of Suzhou to better demonstrate the Chinese spirit, Chinese values, and Chinese power. It is necessary to strengthen Suzhou's responsibility in the protection of historical and cultural heritage, continue to improve the level of ancient city protection based on the next 40 years and beyond, and better protect and inherit material cultural heritage such as classical gardens, the Grand Canal, and numerous intangible cultural heritages. Heritage further strengthens the research, interpretation, display and dissemination of heritage sites. It is necessary to demonstrate Suzhou's achievements in creative transformation and innovative development, promote more cultural relics and cultural heritage to come alive, and create greater value. It is necessary to make Suzhou’s contribution in telling the story of Chinese civilization, give full play to the role of a high-level open platform, deepen people-to-people and cultural exchanges with foreign countries, and continue to promote more Jiangnan cultural elements to the world. The

meeting listened to a report on the current economic performance of the city and studied and deployed key tasks for the next step. The

meeting emphasized that must continue to carry out normalized epidemic prevention and control with caution. It is necessary to effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency for stabilizing the economy, and in accordance with the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee that "Suzhou must have special responsibilities in special years", we must go all out to sprint towards various goals and tasks, and resolutely serve as the "ballast stone" for the province's economic development. ". It is necessary to make every effort to strengthen the supporting role of the industrial economy, and make preparations for the peak summer season in advance through special shift scheduling, strengthening supply and demand docking, and visiting key service enterprises, and fully promote industrial enterprises to operate at full capacity and reach full production. We must pay close attention to project construction and investment promotion, keep a close eye on the sequential progress, strengthen service guarantees, promote the formation of more physical workload and effective investment volume, and organize a series of investment promotion activities online and offline. It is necessary to seize the peak season to accelerate the replenishment of market consumption and promptly plan and launch a series of promotional activities. It is necessary to continue to consolidate the good momentum of import and export, continuously enhance the radiation and driving ability of the Taicang Port of China, and further innovate measures to help enterprises secure orders, expand markets, and stabilize the foreign trade industry chain and supply chain. It is necessary to do a solid job in ensuring enterprises and employment, increase efforts to stabilize enterprises and jobs, and attract more college graduates to innovate and start businesses in Suzhou. We must resolutely maintain social security and stability, and with a sense of responsibility that "always be assured", we must do our best to ensure safe production, prevent and resolve various risks and hidden dangers, and create a safe and stable social environment for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The

meeting listened to the report on the work of Kunshan City, reviewed and agreed in principle with the "Opinions on Supporting Kunshan in Building a County Demonstration of Socialist Modernization and Taking the "Kunshan Road" in the New Era", and conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on promoting the next development of Kunshan. , researched and deployed relevant key issues.

Before the meeting, Cao Lubao led the comrades attending the meeting to conduct an on-site investigation of Kunshan’s economic and social development. The construction scope of the science and technology innovation centers on both sides of Yangcheng Lake includes Kunshan High-tech Zone and Bacheng Town. The area has a number of major innovation platforms such as the National Supercomputing Kunshan Center and the Deep Time Digital Earth Research Center. The Standing Committee of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee pointed out that it is necessary to further strengthen the joint development with the construction of the Suzhou Industrial Park and work together to create a core cluster for the high-quality development of Suzhou's manufacturing industry.

Yangcheng Lake Eastern Ecological Corridor is a key node linking Huaqiao Tianfu to Xiangcheng Wangting Ecological Corridor and Miaojing River-Taicangtang Ecological Corridor. The Standing Committee of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee emphasized that we must always adhere to ecological priority and green development. Increase the protection of various water bodies and protect the ecological background of Jiangnan water towns.

G312 National Highway Suzhou East Section Reconstruction and Expansion Project has been completed, which will further promote Kunshan's integration into Suzhou's entire expressway network system. The Standing Committee of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee pointed out that it is necessary to give full play to the supporting role of major infrastructure, further strengthen the connection between Kunshan and the main urban area of ​​Suzhou, and better promote the integrated development of the entire Suzhou city.

Sany Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. invested 12 billion yuan to build a R&D and production base in Kunshan, aiming to build a 100-billion-level headquarters; Kunshan Guoli Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to becoming an international leader in the application of electric vacuum technology. The leaders carefully understood the production and operation of the company, listened to their opinions and suggestions face to face, and encouraged the company to stay firmly rooted in Suzhou, strengthen technological research, and open up a larger market.

Kunshan West Medical Center is designed to have 2,000 beds. It is expected to be opened in October this year and will be operated by Kunshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital . The Standing Committee of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee emphasized the need to continue to increase the construction of professional hospitals and personnel training, continuously improve the level of medical services, and better meet the health needs of the people. The

meeting fully affirmed the achievements of Kunshan City in coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. In particular, Kunshan, as the "east gate" of Suzhou, has faced a huge pressure gap in external epidemic prevention and control this year, and has demonstrated strong ability to withstand pressure. We paid close attention to various epidemic prevention and control tasks, took multiple measures to ensure the safety and stability of the industrial and supply chains, and at the same time made every effort to make a positive contribution to Shanghai's fight against the epidemic, winning the Kunshan defense battle against the epidemic. The

conference emphasized that Kunshan is the "leader" in the economic development of counties across the country and the "ballast stone" of the city's economic development. It must be aware of its heavy responsibilities, fulfill its responsibilities, and resolutely shoulder the mission of "striving to be an example, striving to be a demonstration, and walking in the forefront" "Forefront" responsibilities and missions to ensure that all work always moves forward firmly in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, making greater contributions and providing a better example for the modernization of Suzhou, Jiangsu and even the country. The

conference pointed out that promoting the integrated development of the entire city is a realistic requirement for Suzhou to integrate into the Yangtze River Delta integration . It is a key move to improve the main city's agglomeration and radiation driving ability, and is an inevitable choice to promote the same direction and effort in the work of the entire city center. . Kunshan should play a greater role in the integrated development of the entire Suzhou city, adhere to the four development directions of "east connection, west integration, north connection, and south connection", and focus on improving the urban image of Kunshan urban area, strengthening the Huaqiao Business District, and creating We will focus on developing high-end manufacturing development platforms on both sides of the Jiepu River, building science and technology innovation centers on both sides of Yangcheng Lake, promoting the development of "Jindian Week" and Chenghu Lake, and accelerating the joint development of Kunshan and Taicang. It is necessary to vigorously promote industrial transformation and upgrading, focus on electronic information, auto parts industry, advanced computing and other advantageous industrial fields to accelerate the construction of innovation clusters, and focus on improving industry quality and efficiency, improving innovation capabilities and talent introduction, optimizing stock space, and promoting Taiwan-funded and Taiwanese enterprises. Cooperation and other work, speed up the adjustment of industrial structure, and continuously improve the core competitiveness of the industry. It is necessary to increase the supply of high-quality public services, strengthen people's livelihood service guarantees, deepen the reform of the administrative system, innovate grassroots social governance, and further enhance the modernization of the urban governance system and governance capabilities. It is necessary to create a model for human settlements in Jiangnan water towns, strengthen the cultural construction of Jiangnan, vigorously implement the rural revitalization strategy, protect the style of Jiangnan water towns, and highlight the unique charm of the city. The

conference emphasized that the " Kunshan Road " in the new era is a practical road to comprehensively implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, a path of exploration for socialist modernization, and a path of inheritance, promotion and continuous innovation. The development path must be vigorously promoted and practiced in depth throughout Suzhou.The majority of party members and cadres in Kunshan must forge ahead with determination, work hard, move forward bravely, and bravely reach new heights, vividly interpreting the "Kunshan Road" in the new era - the spiritual connotation of daring to venture, dare to try, being pragmatic, working hard, innovating and creating excellence, and serve as a Suzhou will make greater contributions to building a modern and strong socialist city showing a new picture of "strong, prosperous, beautiful and high", and will welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

Jiangsu Daily Media Reporter | Zhao Yan Wang Tingchuan