But after seeing the requirements put forward by the Chinese Badminton Association in the announcement, domestic fans immediately became uneasy. Rather than cultivating badminton players, it was clearly about selecting "seedlings" for the Chinese men's and women's basketball team

On May 28, the incident involving Zheng Siwei and Huang Yaqiong’s team split has not subsided, Chinese Football Association once again aroused heated discussion among fans! I believe you have also heard that the Chinese Badminton Association issued an announcement about signing up to participate in the "Star Selection Plan" badminton national youth training camp, which puts forward clear requirements for the height, physical fitness, and age of those participating in the training camp. It is understandable that the Chinese Badminton Association has various requirements for those who sign up to participate in the "Star Selection Plan". After all, the people participating in the training camp are mixed and uneven.

But after seeing the requirements put forward by the Chinese Badminton Association in the announcement, domestic fans immediately became uneasy. Rather than cultivating badminton players, it was clearly to select "seedlings" for the Chinese men's basketball team and women's basketball team ! The Chinese Badminton Association clearly stated in the announcement that the height of the male team members should not be less than 185cm, and the height of the female team members should not be less than 175cm. The male team members should run 15,000 meters within 221 minutes, and the female team members should run 4,000 meters within 18 minutes and 30 seconds. The Chinese Football Association requires male and female players to run 5,000 meters and 4,000 meters within the specified time. It is understandable, but what is the significance of requiring height?

According to the standards of the Chinese Badminton Association, Japanese player Momota Kento and Chinese player Lin Dan do not meet the conditions. Momota Kento is only 1.75 meters tall, and Lin Dan is only 1.78 meters tall, which just meets the standards for female team members to enter the camp! Looking at the players of the national badminton women's team, Chen Yufei is only 1.71 meters tall, He Bingjiao is less than 1.7 meters tall, neither of them meet the standards. But then again, who dares to say that Momota Kento, Lin Dan, and Chen Yufei are not good enough? Which of them is not the world's top badminton player?

It is worth mentioning that the Chinese Badminton Association once forced a Chinese badminton genius to retire because of his height problem, and finally had no choice but to become a French national! Speaking of which, I believe some fans have already guessed who it is. She is Pi Hongyan . Pi Hongyan started practicing badminton at the age of 8. Later, due to her excellent performance, she was selected into the Chinese Badminton National Team. In 1999, she participated in the U.S. Badminton Open for the first time and won the championship. But what is unexpected is that Pi Hongyan, who had just won the championship, was notified to leave the national team because she was only 1.64 meters tall and had little development prospects.

In desperation, Pi Hongyan returned to the Sichuan Provincial Team from the national team. Because she had limited opportunities to participate in competitions, she could only get a monthly salary of 600 yuan! Later, Pi Hongyan went to Denmark to play basketball, during which she was invited to become a French national and represent France in competitions. Unexpectedly, Pi Hongyan, who was once considered to have no future by the Chinese Badminton Association, became a blockbuster and stood at the pinnacle of the world's badminton world. According to statistics, Pi Hongyan has won 11 gold medals on behalf of France. Do you think it is necessary for the Chinese Badminton Association to require players to be taller?