According to the China Review News Agency, former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu of the Chinese Kuomintang invited Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun, former Chairman Jiang Qichen, and China Broadcasting Chairman Zhao Shaokang to have a dinner on the evening of the 27th. The four people m

According to the China Review News Agency, the former mayor of Kaohsiung of the Chinese Kuomintang Han Guoyu 27 evening invited the KMT chairman Zhu Lilun, former chairman Jiang Qichen, and China Broadcasting Chairman Zhao Shaokang to have a dinner. The four people made an appointment to synchronize on Facebook Sending photos of the dinner party gave the blue camp a boost in morale.

Regarding Zhu Lilun, many recent polls have shown that the Kuomintang’s support has collapsed. The January poll published by the Formosa Electronic News has a favorable rating of only 22%, and there is no stop loss point . Han Guoyu’s behavior is like saving a life. The floating board prevented Zhu from drowning and the KMT's shipwreck effect, and hopefully helped the KMT to at least consolidate its basic supporters and not leave.

Han Guoyu also announced on Facebook that he will dig out charity and inspirational deeds from various places and collect 100 heartwarming stories. It is expected to be completed by the end of the year. On the 28th, he will be interviewed on the radio and Zhao Shaokang’s live broadcast. His frequent actions have attracted a lot of attention from the outside world. Lenovo.

From Zhu Lilun’s point of view, the outside world believes that he returned to fight for the position of party chairman last year, and his ultimate goal is still to fight for the 2024 election. Under this situation, Han Kuo-yu, who is not completely convinced about his attitude towards 2024, may of course He is Zhu's strong rival within the party.

However, after experiencing setbacks such as the four major referendums, Taichung "legislator" by-elections, and the failure to recall the non-party "legislator" Lin Changzuo, Zhu Lilun did not take responsibility for the first time, even though Zhu later apologized many times and emphasized his responsibility. He carried it on his shoulders, but he was seriously injured and lost all his prestige, let alone trying to win the ticket to the "big spot" in 2024.

The Kuomintang’s current support is in a state of collapse. In addition to the fact that the middle voters are not paying the bill, even the original blue camp supporters are completely disappointed with the current Kuomintang. Therefore, regaining the trust of basic supporters first may be the Kuomintang’s top priority. Even though Han Guoyu has been dormant for a year and a half, the unprecedented grandness of his recent book launch shows that his popularity and die-hard supporters are still there.

At this moment, Zhu Lilun and Han Guoyu have tightened their relationship. Han also expressed support for Chairman Zhu in leading the Kuomintang in an exclusive interview, which can allow Zhu to temporarily stop the bleeding. From the evening of the 27th, Zhu Lilun, Han Guoyu, Zhao Shaokang and Jiang Qichen Facebook has seen an influx of encouraging likes and comments from Blue Camp representatives and supporters, which proves how important the combination of the four people at this time is to the Kuomintang.

It’s just that the greater the positive effect Han Guoyu brings, the greater the threat to Zhu Lilun’s future may be. However, for Zhu who is already extremely weak at this moment, it seems that there is no other choice.