With 86 days left before Taiwan's 2020 election, Kuomintang candidate Han Kuo-yu temporarily put aside the Kaohsiung Municipal Government to focus on the election campaign. He stayed overnight on the 16th in Xiaoliuqiu, an outlying island at the southern tip of Taiwan. On the 17t

There are 86 days to go before Taiwan's 2020 election. Kuomintang candidate Han Guoyu temporarily put aside the Kaohsiung Municipal Government and went all out to fight for the election. On the 16th, he stayed overnight on the outlying island Xiaoliuqiu at the southern tip of Taiwan.

17, Han Guoyu visited the local fishermen’s association in Xiaoliuqiu and went to the front line to listen to people’s grievances. Huang Zhifu, chairman of Tengfeng Palace and former director-general of the Ryukyu Fishermen's Association, helped South Korea draw the "Shang Shang Lot", which means that South Korea will have noble people to help resolve the crisis in the future, and can escape the difficulties and move towards a smooth future.

Lin Guozheng, CEO of the Korean Campaign Office, said that Huang Zhifu cared very much about Han Guoyu, so he specially helped Han draw lots. This lottery is the top lottery. I believe everyone knows its meaning.

signed poem means that the wind and waves in the Yangtze River have gradually calmed down, and now that the weather is calm, the ship can move forward safely . To get this sign, you must wait patiently for the help of noble people to help resolve the crisis, and dangerous things will turn into peace.

Han Kuo-yu has become the most popular political figure in Taiwan. His high popularity quickly brought him Korean fans, who follow Han's every move all the time. The so-called " steel Korean fans" .

Hallyu style seems to be able to eliminate conflicts in society. There are news reports that two Korean fans were involved in a car accident on the way to a promotional event. However, because the other party was a "Korean fan", they reconciled on the spot and no longer cared about it.

There are Korean fans who are willing to give up their work temporarily in order to persuade South Korea to run for the election, and even sit on a hunger strike, not eating or sleeping, only drinking water, just to wait for a reply from Han Guoyu saying "do you want to vote?"

Many people wonder: Why do people do so many unreasonable things that they would not normally do for their favorite public figures? Korean fans have done so many things that may seem irrational to outsiders, but they do these things voluntarily and voluntarily, and they are happy with it.

Social psychological theories can help explain these phenomena.

The threshold effect

Psychologist Richard Weisman, in his book "Paranormality", made an in-depth study of irrational crowd behavior and its motivations.

There is a concept in psychological research called the "foot in the door effect". When used in marketing, it is also called " gets even closer to ". The simplest understanding is " is soft and is dug deep".

Psychologists have discovered through experiments that as long as you can get the other party to agree to a small request of yours, the possibility of agreeing to the other party's request again will be greatly increased.

In one famous case, researchers found that when researchers asked households if they would like to erect a "Be a safe driver" sign in their yard, almost every household agreed. After a period of time, when the researchers visited again and asked those who agreed if they were willing to replace it with an oversized sign, more than 75% of the residents agreed.

This oversized sign is actually very inconvenient for the public and is unsightly. Because many people have already agreed to small requests first, and after asking for more money, they will almost always accept this inconvenient request. 2

Similar logic can also be seen in Korean Wave.

During the early campaign, Hanguo-yu put forward two slogans: "Kaohsiung is old and poor!" and "Hanguo-yu helps (young people from the North) go home!"

Although some people think this is a statement that vilifies Kaohsiung, It cannot be denied that Han used his personal charm to turn Kaohsiung's existing problems into major problems, and many people gradually began to believe that maybe he could really bring a new future to Kaohsiung..

As a result, when many voters have begun to believe or are willing to give Han a chance, the "threshold effect" has gradually fermented. Even later during the campaign, Han made many statements such as "Ferris wheel of love" and "dig oil in Taiping Island ", but because his supporters had already decided to support or give Han a chance, they would not commit to Han. Check for authenticity.

Over time, when Han continued to put forward some fantastic arguments, Korean fans also felt that it was relatively reasonable and feasible.

Herd Psychology

In the Korean Wave phenomenon, we can also see the so-called herd mentality effect, the so-called "three people become a tiger" and "the effect of following others' opinions". The

experiment found that when most of the people around the subject (5 to 6 people) deliberately gave wrong answers to the questions asked by the experimenter, the subject (even if he knew the answer was wrong) was almost unavoidable. , will also be pressured by the surroundings to answer the answer that is obviously wrong.

Observing the behavior of Korean fans, we will also find that in the closed groups of Korean fans, a small number of radical Korean fans continue to make trendy posts, praising Han himself and his family members, establishing a personal cult for them, and shaping Yu. He has become a political wizard that is rare in Taiwan in a century and is the hope to solve Taiwan's predicament.

In addition to using strong words for group members who put forward different opinions (or relatively moderate Korean fans), Korean fans will also wonder whether these people are "lurkers" from other camps. Through these, Korean fans consolidate the thoughts of Korean fans and prevent Korean fans from thinking differently from iron fans, creating the atmosphere of Yiyantang.

Showing Miracles

Another way to consolidate and deepen the support of Korean fans is to continuously promote South Korea’s strong ability to govern.

Many Korean fans have used the media and the Internet to "saturate bomb" President Han's political achievements in coming to power to create the impression that Han is powerful. These "miracles" make Korean fans believe that they are right and deepen their support for South Korea.


Korean Yu made many promises during the election. Although Han took the initiative to admit that many of his election promises could not be fulfilled, Korean fans believe that after he took office, "Kaohsiung City has become the city with the highest attention from Chinese people" and "Kaohsiung citizens I’m now happy with ”, thinking that I still made the best choice.

In psychology, there is a special term for this kind of belief in one's own ideas and ignoring other contrary evidence, which is called "motivated reasoning" (motivated reasoning). This psychological mechanism believes that humans can face the problem of Continue to maintain your original belief in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The main reason why humans often make "motivated reasoning" errors is that when encountering contrary evidence, they will have a feeling of " cognitive dissonance" (Cognitive dissonance) in their hearts. This feeling will be uncomfortable, so , when humans receive information that is different from existing cognition, it is easy to ignore and doubt it in order to maintain the cognitive balance of the good feeling of "we are right", but at this time they will make mistakes in motivated reasoning.

There is a lot of evidence to show that Han is not as omnipotent as Korean fans think. However, in order to prove that they did not misjudge the person and made the wrong choice, Korean fans can only find and accept the "external reasons" for Han's political opinion to delay the vote. For example, the ruling party boycotts and the mayor does not have enough power to maintain his own cognitive balance.

Generally speaking, although some people think that the emergence of Hallyu is a miracle, in fact, existing psychological theories can effectively help understand the emergence of this phenomenon: Han quickly uses straightforward and down-to-earth language. Being able to get along with the people so that they have expectations for its next policies; and then rely on the media and the "cyber army" to promote some of South Korea's governance achievements into great achievements.

However, the emergence of Korean fans has made ordinary people enthusiastic about politics that they usually have no interest in, and they are willing to spend more time caring about public affairs, making politics "feeling". (End)