Tsai Ing-wen (Photo source: Taiwan media) The incident of Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's "suspected falsification of papers" continues to escalate. According to Taiwan's "United News Network", Xu Yongtai, a Ph.D. in economic history from the University of Oxford, went to the London

Tsai Ing-wen (Source: Taiwan media)

The incident of Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's "suspected falsification of papers" continues to ferment. According to Taiwan's "United News Network", Xu Yongtai, a Ph.D. in economic history from Oxford University , went to the London School of Economics and Political Science twice to review Tsai Ing-wen's doctoral thesis and believed that there were many "abnormalities" in his thesis.

Xu Yongtai discovered that Tsai Ing-wen’s paper had missing pages and many handwritten changes. He asked the library why the pages were missing, but the librarian could not answer.

"The errors were changed by handwriting, which is quite unusual." Xu Yongtai said that he believed that many words used in Tsai Ing-wen's paper were American spellings and were not consistent with common sense.

"British schools think you are here to get a British degree, so you have to use English. This is not a question of right or wrong, but this is British culture. There is no other choice but to learn about the local customs." Xu Yongtai said.

During the verification process, Xu Yongtai also discovered that Tsai Ing-wen’s paper had many problems, such as incoherent annotations. The entire paper totaled 401 pages, 391 of which were coded, but 10 more uncoded pages, and there was no overall conclusion.

Not long ago, Lin Huanqiang, a professor at the Department of Economics at the University of North Carolina (UNC Charlotte) in the United States, conducted a three-month independent investigation into the authenticity of Tsai Ing-wen’s doctoral thesis, and personally went to the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in the United Kingdom. ) library read Tsai Ing-wen’s doctoral thesis that year and finally wrote a 50-page investigation report titled “The Authenticity of Tsai Ing-wen’s Doctoral Thesis and Certificate.” The report concluded that Tsai Ing-wen did not receive a doctorate from the London School of Economics in 1984.

Regarding the degree and thesis controversy, Tsai Ing-wen breaks her silence.

Taiwan's "United Daily News" reported that on September 19, Tsai Ing-wen was asked about this matter when she attended an event. She said that "it cannot be true or false" and "if you have a degree, you must have a thesis."

When the media at the scene asked Tsai Ing-wen why her paper was sent to the London School of Economics and Political Science library 35 years late, including the lack of the examiner’s signature and date, Tsai Ing-wen responded, “This is a paper from 35 years ago. They had their own practices at that time, but basically the papers were handled in accordance with the regulations at the time. Now many people are questioning it, but they have not denied that there is a paper, right? "

In response to the report given by Dr. Xu Yongtai on the paper, Cai In English, he responded, "I think the person who made this comment is as different as a mountain. You should be careful when making professional comments."

Taiwan Shih Hsin University Vice President You Zixiang said on Facebook: Tsai Ing-wen The issue of the authenticity of papers is becoming more and more noisy. With more and more doubts raised by different sources, it may be difficult to calm down the controversy by saying "it cannot be true" or "there must be a paper if you have a doctorate". . Instead of talking about it so much, why can't it be made public for everyone to read? (The Paper reporter Han Yuting)

Original title: "The controversy over Tsai Ing-wen's doctoral dissertation continues, and some scholars pointed out that there are many "abnormalities" in her paper"