The city and county levels quickly organized more than 3,500 medical personnel, 10 mobile nucleic acid testing vehicles, and 20 negative pressure ambulances to conduct nucleic acid testing at 342 sampling points overnight.

Xin'an County announced the results of the first round of nucleic acid testing for all employees and the announcement of launching the second round of nucleic acid testing for all employees

In order to fully protect the life safety and health of the people, Xin'an County launched nucleic acid testing for all employees on December 31, 2021 . The city and county levels quickly organized more than 3,500 medical personnel, 10 mobile nucleic acid testing vehicles, and 20 negative pressure ambulances to conduct nucleic acid testing at 342 sampling points overnight. With the active cooperation of the residents, the first round of nucleic acid testing for all employees was completed within 12 hours. As of 24:00 on December 31, 2021, a total of 418,052 people have been sampled, and all nucleic acid test results are negative.

Based on the needs of the current epidemic prevention and control situation, in order to thoroughly identify potential crowd infections and effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic, after research by the county COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters and reporting to the city’s COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters for approval, it was decided to launch the second round Nucleic acid testing for all employees. The relevant matters are now announced as follows:

1. Nucleic acid sampling time: January 2, 2022 8:00-22:00

2. Sampling objects: All residents of Xin'an County (including local permanent population, floating population, non-local registered population, etc. ).

3. Testing locations

Nucleic acid testing is based on towns (industrial areas), boarding schools, and construction sites, and sampling is done at the sampling points closest to the place of residence. The specific location will be subject to notification.

4. Related matters

1. Residents are requested to voluntarily obey the arrangements of the town (industrial area) and village (community), follow the testing requirements, go to the sampling points in batches, and conduct nucleic acid collection in an orderly manner. Those who refuse to cooperate, do not support nucleic acid testing, disrupt order, and conceal, lie, or falsify information will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

2. During the testing process, please take personal protection, wear a mask throughout the process, do not talk or gather, and keep a safe distance of more than 1 meter from others. After sampling, return to your place of residence immediately and do not stay at the site.

3. Persons under the age of 16 or suffering from diseases need to be accompanied by a guardian to the sampling site for nucleic acid testing; persons with limited mobility should report to their village (community) in advance, and the village (community) will contact them for door-to-door sampling.

It is currently winter and the temperature is low. Residents are advised to keep warm and keep warm and pay attention to safety.

Xin'an County New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

January 1, 2022

On January 1, the Luoyang Xin'an County New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office released "A Letter to the People of the County" , the content is as follows:

A letter to the people of the county:

In response to the current severe and complex epidemic situation, in order to quickly and effectively cut off the chain of epidemic transmission and protect the health and life safety of the people, through the county epidemic prevention and control command The Ministry of Health conducted research and decided to further strengthen epidemic prevention and control measures. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1. Places where people gather are temporarily closed to the public.

(1) Public places and scenic spots such as libraries, museums, planning halls, cultural centers, city study rooms, farmhouse bookstores, etc. are temporarily closed to the public (for business), and training institutions have suspended offline services.

(2) KTV, Internet cafes, cinemas, chess and card rooms, swimming pools, gyms, pedicures (foot baths), bars, tea houses (clubs), yoga studios, moxibustion halls (health clubs), bathing places, hotels, etc. Confined places are closed for business.

(3) Community activity rooms, rural entertainment activity rooms, elderly day care centers, elderly meal assistance centers, and religious activity venues are temporarily closed.

(4) All individual clinics are temporarily closed, and pharmacies and traditional Chinese medicine dispensaries continue to ban the sale of cold and antipyretic drugs. People with symptoms such as colds and fevers are advised to go to fever clinics.

2. Set up road health monitoring points.

Lianhuo Expressway Xin'an Station, Lianhuo Expressway Xin'an West Station, the junction of Luoxin Expressway and Jianxi , the Xinmian junction of Huanghe Avenue, the Xinyi junction of Provincial Highway 242, the east extension of Tieci Road and Jian Eight road health monitoring points are set up at the west junction, the intersection of the new 310 National Highway and the 242 Provincial Highway, and the intersection of the 314 Provincial Highway and the Mengjin . Buses, taxis, online ride-hailing services, and passenger transport lines have been suspended throughout the county.

3. Risk personnel should take the initiative to report.

At present, all people who have the same itinerary as confirmed cases, all people who have returned from outside the province, and people with a history of traveling to cities in epidemic-affected areas and medium- and high-risk areas must immediately report to the village (community) and unit where they live and include them in community health management. It is strictly forbidden to go out before the nucleic acid test results are available.

4. Residents should not leave the county unless necessary, and people from outside the county should not return to Xinjiang unless necessary, and they should not move across counties. If you really need to come (return) to New Zealand, you must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, report to the destination village (community) and unit 3 days in advance, and cooperate with the implementation of follow-up control measures after entering New Zealand.

5. Strict control over public places.

All supermarkets, farmers’ markets, hotels, hospitals and other places with densely populated and enclosed spaces must take preventive and control measures such as ventilation, disinfection, temperature measurement, code scanning, and wearing masks. Welfare institutions, elderly care services institutions, and mental health institutions implement fully closed management, and outsiders are prohibited from entering or exiting. Nursing homes have suspended admission of new elderly residents and suspended visitation activities. All colleges, primary and secondary schools, and child care institutions must shoulder the main responsibility for epidemic prevention and control and implement various epidemic prevention and control measures.

6. Strengthen management of villages (communities).

Set up health monitoring points in villages (communities, residential areas) throughout the county to strengthen prevention and control work in villages (communities, residential areas). All people entering are required to wear masks, measure body temperature, and check health codes and itinerary cards. Red codes and yellow codes are found Register with the code and immediately report to the local epidemic prevention and control headquarters for standardized handling; all vehicles and people entering the community will be checked and registered one by one.

7. Strengthen personal hygiene protection.

encourages residents to stay at home to prevent the epidemic and not go out, wash hands frequently, disinfect frequently, and ventilate frequently. If they really need to go out, they should wear masks scientifically, take active protective measures, and avoid gatherings or gatherings. Pay close attention to the health status of yourself and your family. When symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, chest tightness, diarrhea, loss of taste and smell occur, please go to the nearest fever clinic in time and do not take antipyretics without permission.

Epidemic prevention and control is everyone’s responsibility. As long as we unite as one, take practical actions to jointly build a safe barrier for epidemic prevention and control, we will be able to jointly protect our beautiful homeland and welcome spring in peace and harmony!

Xin'an County New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office

January 1, 2022

Luoyang, Henan Many scenic spots have temporarily suspended operations during the New Year's Day holiday activities.

On December 30, 2021, confirmed cases of the new crown epidemic appeared in Xin'an County, Luoyang City. , Luoyang City Epidemic Prevention and Control Department and the Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau strictly control the epidemic prevention and control work, and strictly implement the "reservation, limited quantity, and peak staggering" requirements of tourism-related scenic spot enterprises. Relevant scenic spots and cultural venues cancel activities related to the New Year's Day holiday, and some The scenic spot is temporarily closed.

1. Temporary opening of scenic spots

Daimei Mountain, Qingyao Mountain , Yellow River Shenxian Bay, Wangfu Bamboo Sea

2. Scenic area activities canceled

During the New Year's Day, Sui and Tang Luoyang City suspended the "New Year's Eve" activities and Yingtianmen 3D light projection show (light show resumption time will be notified separately).

Laojunshan The ticket-free event originally scheduled from December 23, 2021 to January 23, 2022 will be suspended until further notice. Tourists who have made reservations and meet the epidemic prevention and control requirements can come as normal, or they can handle the refund procedures for relevant tickets through the original booking channel.

Luoyang Science and Technology Museum has suspended science popularization activities in the exhibition hall.

Relevant areas in Luoyang City are actively carrying out nucleic acid screening work. It is recommended that citizens and tourists in the province should try not to come to Luoyang for the time being unless necessary. At the same time, it is also recommended that Luoyang citizens from outside the province not return to Luoyang for the time being. If they need to return to Luoyang, they must present a nucleic acid certificate within 48 hours, have not been involved in other domestic epidemic-related areas for 14 days, and report to their community three days in advance.

Henan Provincial Center for Disease Control reminds you again

The current situation of epidemic prevention and control at home and abroad is severe and complex

Please continue to maintain a high degree of protection awareness

Tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control

Don't take chances, remember that danger comes from carelessness

Insist on wearing masks scientifically

Wash your hands frequently, ventilate frequently, and do not gather.

Maintain a safe social distance and develop good hygiene habits

Do not travel to medium- and high-risk areas unless necessary

Everyone must be the first person responsible for their own health

Get the full COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible

Actively get the booster shot after 6 months of age

Try to avoid the risk of infection

It is to contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic

Let us join hands and work together

Consolidate the hard-won prevention and control results

As soon as possible Usher in the final victory in this battle against the epidemic!

Coordinator | Zhu Rongyu

Review | Yang Xiaomi

Editor | Cheng Shichao

Source | Henan Disease Control, Luoyang Health Commission, CCTV News Client. (Statement: This article is published on the WeChat public account of "Henan Provincial Department of Education" for the purpose of conveying more information. If there is an error in the source labeling or infringement of your legitimate rights and interests, please contact us in time and we will correct it in time. Delete or deal with it according to law)
