From the establishment of the enterprise to the time of tax reporting, the tax bureau will assess the tax types and tax items for you based on the business scope of your enterprise. Once the assessment is completed in the system, the enterprise should complete the declaration on

In daily accounting work, tax filing can be described as cumbersome. People often ask: “I don’t know what taxes to file every month?”, “What will happen if I don’t file on time?”, “Which taxes should be reported at the national tax and which should be reported at the local tax?” "Does the company have to go to the tax bureau to determine the tax type before starting a new business?" and other issues related to declaration, today I will systematically sort it out for you.

01. Enterprises must declare all types of taxes every month.

From the time the enterprise is established to the time of tax reporting, the tax bureau will determine the tax types and tax items for you based on the business scope of your enterprise. Once the assessment is completed in the system, the enterprise should complete the declaration on time within the prescribed reporting period. Declaration, missed filing deadlines and missed declarations will all result in fines.

The consequences of not reporting on time:

1, fines, late fees

If you fail to declare on time, the tax authorities will impose penalties on overdue declarations based on the circumstances. In addition, if there is a tax payable, a daily tax of 10,000 5. Late payment fees will be levied.

2. Unable to clear card normally

During the reporting period, you can easily complete tax returns, declarations, card clearing and other services online without leaving home. If the reporting period has passed, the online tax service office can now make up for the overdue filing with simple penalties. , but to clear the card, you can only bring the corresponding information to the tax service office!

3. You will become a fugitive.

If you fail to file your tax return within the prescribed time limit, the tax authorities will find out the whereabouts of the company and relevant personnel through on-site investigations, telephone inquiries, etc., or even though they can contact the company's accounting agents, tax preparers, etc. , but if he does not know and cannot contact the actual controller of the enterprise, the enterprise can be determined to be a "fleeing (lost contact) enterprise".

4, impact on tax credit rating

If you fail to file a tax return within the prescribed time limit, points will be deducted on a per-time basis when assessing the taxpayer's credit rating, which will directly affect your tax credit rating.

02. What taxes should companies report?

my country's current tax types: There are 18 types of current taxes in China (from May 1, 2016, the "business tax to value-added tax" will be fully implemented; from January 1, 2018, environmental protection tax will be implemented) , respectively: value-added tax , consumption tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax , resource tax, urban maintenance and construction tax , real estate tax, stamp duty, urban land use tax , land value-added tax , vehicle and vessel use tax , ship tonnage tax , vehicle purchase tax, customs duties, farmland occupation tax , deed tax, tobacco tax , and environmental protection tax.

03. If you need to submit a report to the tax authorities, you must submit it on time.

All the information that needs to be submitted must be on time and complete, and the enterprise must be prepared to retain it for future reference. Such as financial statements, filing for tax benefits, etc.

04. Changes in tax category identification information must be made to the tax bureau.

my country's current tax categories: If the enterprise has new business or terminates some businesses, please also go to the tax bureau to make changes. If new business adds items, terminated business must be canceled in a timely manner. Make changes to avoid missed declarations and nowhere to declare. For example, stamp duty tax items include 13. Under normal circumstances, new companies will not add all tax items to you. If you have items that have not been approved, you can You need to add it, otherwise you will not be able to complete the declaration. Also, be sure not to declare indiscriminately or mix in declarations for other tax items. This is a wrong declaration and will be punished. Even errors in the tax declaration may incur late payment fees.