The monthly filing is here again, and our finance department is super busy in the middle of every month! I think of every applicant’s daily worries: Why hasn’t the company sent me the information? It's the middle of the month, aren't you anxious? You can take a little time off th

The monthly declaration is here again, and our finance department is super busy in the middle of every month! I think of every applicant’s daily worries: Why hasn’t the company sent me the information? It's the middle of the month, aren't you anxious? You can take a little time off this month!

In order to allow everyone to celebrate Chinese Valentine's Day, this month's tax return has been postponed to the 16th. Well, it is actually because 8 is a Sunday, and the tax declaration deadline in August 2021 has been postponed to 8 16. Here, Xiaolang reminds everyone to arrange the declaration time reasonably and complete the declaration in time!

There is a problem in this month’s declaration that you must pay attention to. The " Announcement on Matters Concerning the Integration of Value-Added Tax, Consumption Tax and Additional Tax Returns" that has been implemented this month has been explained clearly by Xiao Lang in the previous article. Friends who have questions can click to read it directly. :

In addition, Xiaolang here would like to briefly explain to you: How to calculate the tax reduction and exemption amount for individual industrial and commercial households to halve their income tax? (The previous article talked about the tax preferential policies that can still be applied in the second half of 2021. Some friends are asking how to calculate the tax exemption amount for self-employed individuals)

First of all, you must know the calculation formula for tax exemption amount

Tax exemption amount = (for individual industrial and commercial households) The tax payable on the part of the taxable income not exceeding 1 million yuan - the tax reduction and exemption amount of other policies × the part of the individual industrial and commercial household's taxable income not exceeding 1 million yuan ÷ the taxable income of the business income) ).

Let me give you two examples to explain:

  1. html The annual taxable income does not exceed 100w Uncle Chen is an individual business owner of a laundry, and the annual taxable income is 70,000 yuan (the applicable tax rate is 10%, and the quick calculation deduction is 1,500) In the early years, Uncle Chen was able to enjoy a tax exemption of 2,000 yuan due to illness and disability under the disability policy. What was the tax exemption for Uncle Chen? →Uncle Chen’s tax reduction amount=[(70000×10%-1500)-2000×70000÷70000]×(1-50%)=1,750 yuan.
  2. year's taxable income exceeds 100w Sister Li is an individual business owner in a clothing store, and her annual taxable income is 1,200,000 yuan (the applicable tax rate is 35%, and the quick calculation deduction is 65,500). In her early years, Sister Li was disabled due to illness and could enjoy the policy exemption for people with disabilities. The tax amount is 6,000 yuan. What is the tax reduction amount for Sister Li? →Li Jie’s tax exemption amount=[(1000000×35%-65500)-6000×1000000÷1200000]×(1-50%)=139750 yuan

Xiaolang has given you the answer for the calculation of the tax exemption amount for individual industrial and commercial households. ~If you have any other questions, you can ask them in the comment area! Xiaolang will reply to everyone in time!