After joining the ranks of Huawei in suspending supply, Micron has issued a letter requesting major module manufacturers to cooperate and not to directly or indirectly supply related storage products such as modules, memory cards or solid-state drives made with Micron memory to H

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Huawei has been placed at the "gun point" of the trade war. No matter what, Huawei has always adhered to the purpose of serving enterprises and users. At present Many countries are using Huawei's 5G equipment, which proves the safety of Huawei's equipment.

html On May 29, memory chip manufacturer Micron Technology announced that it would suspend supply to Huawei. After joining the ranks of Huawei in suspending supply, Micron has sent a letter asking major module manufacturers to cooperate and prohibit the use of Micron memory. Modules, memory cards or solid-state drives and other related storage products are directly or indirectly supplied to Huawei and its affiliated companies.

According to Micron’s financial report, Huawei accounts for 13% of Micron’s total revenue. According to industry analysts, if Micron cuts off supply to Huawei, its own revenue will be affected. It can be said that it will hurt the enemy by one thousand and lose eight hundred by itself.

But on June 27, according to foreign media reports, Micron’s stock price rose 13.34% to $37.04, the largest single-day increase since December 22, 2011.

The reason for the surge in Micron's stock price is obvious because they have resumed some chip shipments to Huawei and expect the company's chip demand to pick up later this year.

It can be seen from this incident that in today's economic globalization, the U.S. sanctions on Huawei will definitely affect many other companies, including U.S. companies. Hardware products will not fluctuate like software. Hardware is basically a physical order. If it does, there won’t be one if it doesn’t, so the impact will be relatively large. The surge in Micron’s stock price fully proves this point.

Editor of this article: Chen Xingxing

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