U.S. President Trump has imposed severe crackdowns on Huawei and required telecom operators in remote rural areas that have long relied on Huawei to switch to equipment not made in mainland China. Under pressure, some rural telecom operators in the United States have planned to r

Reference News Network reported on June 28 that overseas media reported that US President Trump has severely suppressed Huawei and required remote rural telecom operators that have long relied on Huawei to switch to equipment not made in mainland China. Under pressure, some rural telecom operators in the United States have planned to replace Huawei equipment, but talks have been ongoing for nearly a year with no results. The cost issue is still the key.

Taiwan China Times reported on June 27, citing Reuters, that according to people familiar with the matter, about a dozen rural U.S. telecom operators that rely on Huawei network equipment are discussing with Ericsson and Nokia about replacing manufacturers in mainland China. equipment.

reported that it is not easy to replace the original equipment. Whether it is Nokia or Ericsson, it is relatively difficult to compete with Huawei on price. The US technology website "Critical Point" once revealed that some US telecommunications companies purchased US$500,000 (US$1, approximately 6.9 yuan) of Huawei equipment, which can provide services to 4,000 customers. If they want to replace equipment of the same level, the cost will be It will be between $1.2 million and $1.5 million.

Roger Entner, an analyst at Leken Analysis Company in the United States, said that the prices of Chinese manufacturers are 30% to 50% lower than those of their competitors.

reports that although there is a proposal in the U.S. Congress to provide subsidies to rural operators, no action has been taken since it was proposed. John Nettles, president of Pine Belt, said that it had been in contact with Ericsson and Nokia last year and had been negotiating for nearly a year. If they cannot obtain more discounts, rural operators simply cannot afford it.

In addition, Entner pointed out that operators in rural areas are not very profitable. If they cannot afford the price of new mobile network equipment, these operators will have to shut down their mobile networks and may face bankruptcy.

The picture shows Huawei communication equipment used in the local business department of LHTC Broadband Company in South Canaan Township, Pennsylvania, USA. Xinhua News Agency

[Extended reading] Overseas media: Micron Technology has resumed supply to Huawei

Reference News Network reported on June 27 Overseas media said that Micron Technology has partially resumed supply to Huawei.

According to a report on the US " Wall Street Journal " website on June 26, after the US Department of Commerce added Huawei to a blacklist in May, Micron Technology stopped all shipments to Huawei. On June 25, Sanjay Mehrotra, CEO of US memory chip manufacturer Micron Technology, said that it had partially resumed supply to Huawei after the company had determined that these shipments were related to the US export ban on Huawei. Do not conflict.

Mehrotra said in a conference call with analysts after Micron Technology announced its quarterly earnings on June 25 that the company found that it could actually supply Huawei with a subset of products that were not subject to export restrictions on blacklisted companies.

Taiwan Juheng.com reported Micron Technology’s third quarter financial report for fiscal year 2019 on June 26, saying that Micron performed strongly this quarter. It is worth noting that Huawei accounted for 13% of Micron’s revenue in the first six months of fiscal year 2019.

reported that Mehrotra said at the earnings conference that Micron has resumed shipments to Huawei in the past two weeks. But he said that if Huawei continues to be "blacklisted," "then we will feel the impact in fiscal year 2020."

reported that the company's financial director said that the sales of DRAM and NAND products this quarter were frustrated by the Huawei ban. , without this ban, Micron should be able to reach the top of its financial revenue forecast.

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[Extended reading] Russian media: Russian consumers have strong demand for Huawei mobile phones

Reference News Network reported on June 27 Russian media reported that the United States imposed sanctions on Huawei After the crackdown, Russian consumers' demand for Huawei mobile phones has not diminished at all.

The Russian Satellite News Agency quoted a report from "News" on June 25 that data from chain retailer M.Video-Eldorado showed that the sales and sales of Huawei products in Russia in May and June 2019 were the same as in April. . According to data from Russia's Megafon Telecommunications Company (Megafon), sales of Huawei and Honor (a brand of Huawei) mobile phones did not change in May and June 2019.

reported that sales data from the chain retailer Svyaznoy-Euroset showed that within about a month after Google announced the suspension of some business cooperation with Huawei, Russian consumers’ demand for Huawei and Honor mobile phones increased unabated from the previous month. : Huawei brand sales in Russia increased by 8% and sales by 7%; Honor brand sales in Russia increased by 5% and sales by 4%.

The U.S. Department of Commerce added Huawei to the "Entity List" in May this year. Google announced that it would stop cooperating with Huawei in some areas. According to

reports, a Russian official recently told the media during the International Cyber ​​Security Conference that relevant Russian departments will conduct the first round of discussions with Huawei this summer on the latter's adoption of the Russian "AVRORA" operating system.

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[Extended reading] No fear of the US "ban"! Huawei's global 5G commercial contract breaks record

Reference News Network reported on June 27 Taiwanese media reported that Huawei's 5G business is not affected by the US "ban" and has repeatedly set its own records. On June 25, Ding Yun, Huawei’s Managing Director and President of the Carrier Business Unit, stated that Huawei had obtained 50 5G commercial contracts globally, two-thirds of which were assisted by Huawei in their construction.

According to a report from Taiwan's Juheng.com on June 26, Huawei held the "5G is ON" summit in Shanghai on June 25 with the theme of "5G deployment drives China's digital upgrade." Ding Yun said at the meeting that so far, Huawei has obtained 50 5G commercial contracts worldwide, and its 5G equipment shipments have exceeded 150,000 stations, refreshing its own record.

Ding Yun said that these contracts come from markets outside China such as South Korea, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, and Kuwait. In the first half of this year, two-thirds of the 5G commercial networks released by these countries were deployed by Huawei.

reported that it is reported that Huawei leads Nokia in the number of global 5G commercial contracts, and Nokia currently has 42 commercial contracts. According to the

report, due to the impact of Huawei's "ban", many supply chains around the world have stopped supplying goods. Ding Yun said that Huawei's business continuity issues will not be affected, and core capabilities such as chips, modules, databases and operating systems are effectively protected.

Ding Yun said that Huawei's "aircraft" can not only continue to "fly" for 12 months based on inventory alone, but also has basic capabilities such as chips and modules, and can also continue to "fly".

At the Hannover Industrial Fair in Germany, a visitor holds a 5G small base station displayed in the Huawei exhibition area. Xinhua News Agency

(2019-06-27 00:19:01)

Reference News Network learned that Huawei has no comment on the above news.

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