This may be a true portrayal of many compatriots who have no way to seek help and are unable to escape. However, with the continuous improvement of Cambodian government policies, these problems may be solved.

For the compatriots who are still in Cambodia, every step of the journey in Cambodia was extremely difficult. Some people walked covered in wind and snow, and some fell down and never woke up...

Help Being helpless and unable to escape may be a true portrayal of many compatriots, but with the continuous improvement of Cambodian government policies, these problems may be solved.


Leave a message under the official Facebook page of Minister of Interior Su Qing and you may be replied

According to reports, the Cambodian Ministry of Interior decided to set up a working group on June 16 to handle and respond to people’s comments on the official Facebook page of Deputy Prime Minister Su Qing. Messages or comments.

The Cambodian Ministry of Interior pointed out that the reason for doing this is to collect, organize and respond to the opinions and needs of the people, so as to understand the social situation and thereby improve the work of various government departments.

If this working group officially starts work, then as mentioned at the beginning of this article, the wage arrears, rent, cheating, and some public security issues that currently plague many compatriots may be sorted out and solved by the members of the working group.

This is undoubtedly the best solution channel for those compatriots who are struggling. After all, the compatriots living here encounter too many problems.


Some Chinese people in Cambodia are really miserable.

They are asked for tips, owed wages, and cheated...

I won’t mention the crimes derived from online gambling here. As a digression, recently Philippines Manila seems to have started. "Reenactment of the vicious security incident in Sihanoukville", you can search specifically for cases of kidnapping, mutilation, etc. Some of the victims have not identified their nationality, and some are Chinese themselves. As for the perpetrators, everyone knows them well.

Although the online gambling army has withdrawn from Cambodia, there are still many problems left for them.

Previously, because of the existence of these people, a large number of investors flocked in to buy land and build houses with loans. It seemed that the business was prosperous. However, when the online investment army left, these projects became unfinished buildings, and the boss Run away, workers' wages are in arrears; intermediaries run away, millions of investments are wasted; or the landlord is determined not to leave a way for investors to survive, refusing to lower rent...

Such a farce has been going on for some time. More and more, more and more compatriots are disappointed in Cambodia, and more and more Cambodian workers who are owed wages have an increasingly bad impression of the Chinese.

This is an endless cycle, but it seems impossible to solve it. No matter what the final solution is, one party will be seriously injured. What's more, as foreigners, what can we argue with the locals?

Not to mention the recurring problem of tipping. I don’t know why the local people, from government workers to small vendors, have the impression that Chinese people are rich. However, one of the most dissatisfied issues among Chinese people towards Cambodia must be the tipping issue. .

Although the government explicitly prohibits the collection of tips, there are policies and countermeasures. Many times we can only suffer the loss, let alone encounter robberies or other incidents that require the police to deal with it. How much money was lost after the incident is only Only your wallet knows.

Is this experience miserable? awful! How miserable! Very miserable!

But now, these situations can be reported directly to the Ministry of Interior of Cambodia. Although it is only for staff to collect opinions, as long as they raise it, there will be a chance, instead of allowing these problems to continue for many years without being solved, and the compatriots will have to swallow the bitter consequences. Although

has the dawn of a solution, how to feedback problems is also a science. After all, not all problems can be adopted.


Please pay attention to the method of feedback

For this working group of the Cambodian Ministry of Interior, collecting public opinion and assisting the Cambodian Ministry of Interior to improve the work of various departments is the focus, so for those compatriots who want to leave a message and seek help, thousand Don't foolishly leave messages in Chinese. There are people who are proficient in Chinese, English and Cambodian, but not many.

When you give feedback or leave a message, please be sure to use English or ask someone to translate it into Cambodian. The editor recommends that it is best to give feedback in Cambodian.

Secondly, please be sure to use the ancient Chinese experience. When giving feedback, be concise and clear. Don't make long and confusing comments, otherwise the result will make you cry.

As for how to give feedback to

, focus: Minister Su Qing’s Facebook message!

* Don’t follow the wrong one!

Stop asking how to add

and how to get contact information!

just follow and leave a message, it’s that simple!

#Cambodia##Cambodian impression##Cambodia travel#

「Pan-Asia Life」

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