The character in the play, Ding Yizhen, the deputy mayor of Jingzhou City, Handong Province, fled to the United States in fear of crime. After cleaning toilets in a disco and washing dishes in a restaurant, she was slapped by local gangsters and dared not return the favor.

Cover News - West China Metropolis Daily reporter Xu Wen

In the recently popular anti-corruption drama "In the Name of the People", the character in the dramaHandong ProvinceDeputy Mayor of Jingzhou CityDing Yizhen was in a disco after fleeing the United States in fear of crime. Cleaning toilets, washing dishes in restaurants, being slapped by local gangsters and not daring to fight back, like a rat crossing the street who lives in panic all day long.

cover news ( found that in reality, the situation of corrupt officials who fled abroad is far more miserable than that of "Ding Yizhen". They dare not go out during the day, are haunted by nightmares at night, cannot see their relatives, dare not seek medical treatment when they are sick, and even die in other places. .

The prototype of "Ding Yizhen" fled to the United States and lived in a basement, wrapped in bread

After "In the Name of the People" became popular, it is generally believed that the prototype of the character Ding Yizhen, a corrupt official who fled to the United States, is Wang Guoqiang, the former party secretary of Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province. On April 6, 2012, Wang Guoqiang was dismissed from the post of Fengcheng City Party Committee Secretary due to his ineffective handling of mass incidents caused by substandard heating in Fengcheng City. On April 24, Wang Guoqiang and his wife fled to the United States.

"Wandering around the world, on the run, worse than dead, living on the last breath, street rat, etc., I feel these words with my body and mind." Recalling the two years and eight months of absconding from the United States, Wang Guoqiang wrote in his confession , "It feels like 28 years have passed to me." While

was absconding in the United States, Wang Guoqiang was afraid of being discovered by China and captured by the United States. He and his wife did not dare to use their passports and did not dare to seek medical treatment if they were sick. "Don't even go to the hospital, you can't even buy medicine, because buying medicines in the United States requires a prescription and a passport to see a doctor. We would rather die of illness than disclose our identities. That's really embarrassing. "It's miserable." Wang Guoqiang said that during his escape, his wife's neck became enlarged, which may be due to hyperthyroidism, and her eyeballs became hard. She was worried about glaucoma, but she did not dare to go to the hospital for treatment.

In the United States, Wang Guoqiang and his wife did not dare to use their passports, so they could only stay in inns (roadside hotels) that cost thirty or twenty yuan. I dared not leave the house all day long, so I kept my belly wrapped in bread. During the day, I could only walk around in circles in a small cell of less than ten square meters like a prisoner. Wang Guoqiang said that he and his wife had rented a shared house three times in Southern California. “The conditions in the shared house were really bad. There was everyone there. The tenants were tall and tall, loud as bells, and rarely cultivated. It was really... It's scary, but I have to live there. My wife is frightened all day long, and I'm thinking about and preparing for something unexpected. I'm worried that one day I'll be punched to death or chopped to death with a knife. Where can I find someone?" he recalled.

While in the United States, Wang Guoqiang bought everything at the cheapest price, never bought any clothes, and did all his haircuts by himself. He did not dare to contact relatives in China, nor did he dare to contact his classmates and friends in the United States. Wang Guoqiang's father-in-law and his wife's sister passed away, and they were unable to return to visit them.

On December 22, 2014, Wang Guoqiang returned to China and surrendered under heavy pressure.

Unable to taste food, haunted by nightmares, lost 20 pounds in two months

Also in trouble is Xu Li, former director of the Wage Disbursement Center and Director of the Social Control Office of the Finance Bureau of Anxiang County, Hunan Province.

Between 2006 and April 2011, Xu Li used her position to make up for her gambling debts by privately transferring money from four bank accounts in the wage payment center to her own and other people's bank accounts. 9.6798 million yuan. Later, Xu Li fled to Macau with the money and entered a casino. In two days, she almost lost all the money she brought. The money-spending life left her behind, and Xu Li fled Macau and smuggled herself to Bangkok, Thailand, through Cambodia, , trying to end this nightmare by traveling to a foreign country.

According to Xu Li's self-report, in the first few days after arriving in Thailand, she did not dare to go out during the day and was plagued by nightmares at night. She either dreamed of being arrested or dreamed of her daughter crying "Mom is back". She would wake up crying every time, and occasionally When I went out and saw the police, I was so nervous that I felt dizzy. In the two months since she fled to Thailand, Xu Li's face turned pale, her hair fell out, and she lost more than 20 pounds.

Due to livelihood considerations, Xu Li began to learn Thai and started a small business to make ends meet, but she was never able to integrate into the country.“Without relatives, no friends, and no happiness, I feel that my life is worse than a wanderer.” Xu Li wrote in her confession, “Every lonely night, I can only turn on the CCTV International channel and listen to Listening to the local accent, I fell asleep crying and woke up from crying. "

In 2014, news came from Thailand that fugitives were being deported to the country. The news became more and more serious, and Xu Li began to hide in hiding again. Tibetan days. The Thai locals discovered that she had no identity document and began to blackmail her repeatedly, even threatening her life.

On July 2, 2014, Xu Li, who could no longer endure the lonely life in a foreign country, returned from Thailand and surrendered.

was forced to join the Myanmar armed organization and patrolled the mountains with a submachine gun on his back

In comparison, Xu Guoguo, the former manager of the Agricultural Production Materials Company of the Qinyang Supply and Marketing Cooperative in Henan Province and the former party branch secretary of the Qugou Supply and Marketing Cooperative, had an even more bizarre escape. .

Between 2012 and 2013, Xu Guoguo was suspected of taking advantage of his position to embezzle the rent from the front room of the Shibali Purchase and Sales Station of Qugou Supply and Marketing Cooperative. In May 2013, he fled to Bangkang, Myanmar..

"I originally thought that the money there would be easier to earn than at home, and I would start some business again when I went there. Who knew that I would be arrested by a local armed organization as soon as I arrived in Bangkang. According to their rules, everyone must patrol. At that time, I was given a submachine gun, and I followed them on the mountain patrol with the gun on my back. I had never used a gun, and it was loaded with live ammunition. I was scared, fearing that the gun would go off," Xu Guoguo recalled.

Later, Xu Guoguo's family rented a small house with an area of ​​more than ten square meters and did not dare to go out. As soon as I went out, I saw someone walking down the street with a gun on his back, and I was very scared. One is afraid of catching himself, the other is afraid of fighting. Once, when Xu Guoguo went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, he suddenly heard the sound of gunshots and ran away in fright. He lived in a relatively remote place, far away from the vegetable market, and he almost collapsed after running home. Later, all the money he brought with him was spent, and he had no livelihood, life safety could not be guaranteed, and his children could not go to school. Xu Guoguo had no choice but to sneak back into the country and hid in Yunnan, Xinxiang, Henan, Jiaozuo and other places. He did not dare to use his real name to the outside world, nor did he dare to contact his relatives. He "lived a life of neither humans nor ghosts."

In order to make ends meet, Xu Guoguo secretly worked part-time as a porter in a color printing factory, earning just over 1,000 yuan a month. Even though he knew that the salary given by his boss was low, he did not dare to say anything for fear that others would discover his identity. Later, Xu Guoguo went to a welding company to do cargo transportation and inspection work, earning 1,800 yuan a month.

On May 15, 2015, Xu Guoguo was arrested and brought to justice.

A woman who fled while pregnant to marry a disabled person in Thailand was electrocuted and died on her first day at work.

Some people who fled abroad tried to escape legal punishment by going far away after many twists and turns, but ended up dying in a foreign country.

In 2000, Gu Zhenfang, who was then the cashier of the Wujing Maritime Affairs Department of the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration, took advantage of his position to embezzle more than 920,000 yuan in public funds. On October 26, 2000, Gu Zhenfang left the unit on the pretext of going to the hospital to collect test reports. The next day, Gu Zhenfang fled from Shanghai to Thailand with a private tourist passport and part of the stolen money.

Gu Zhenfang had a marriage in China. After escaping to Bangkok, Thailand, she quickly married Gaiao, a local man in Thailand. Despite Gaiao's financial constraints and the fact that he was blind in his right eye and disabled, she still married him because she was pregnant with her ex-husband's child at the time and she wanted the child in her belly to have a legal status in Thailand.

On December 12, 2000, Gu Zhenfang also assumed the identity of a woman named Pulinda (transliteration). In 2002, the fact that Gu Zhenfang forged someone else's identity was discovered by the Ministry of Interior of Thailand, and her ID card was immediately canceled. In order not to alert others, she could only hide her name and live a life of underworld.

Gu Zhenfang’s escape life in Thailand was not easy. In addition to raising the child she had with her ex-husband, she also has a son with her Thai husband Gaio. Gaio used to be a taxi driver and then lost his job at home. In order to survive, the couple could only slowly spend all the property she brought from China.

In 2006, Gu Zhenfang decided to work on her own to earn money. Since she did not understand Thai, she first went to a language school for further study.During this period, a classmate from the same school introduced her to work in a Taiwanese company. However, on her first day at work, Gu Zhenfang was accidentally electrocuted while cleaning the company dormitory.