Affected by the epidemic, the operating conditions of Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises have continued to be sluggish. In order to promote economic recovery and reduce the burden on small and medium-sized enterprises, the Japanese government has previously stated that i

Affected by the epidemic, the operating conditions of Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises continue to be sluggish. In order to promote economic recovery and reduce the burden on small and medium-sized enterprises, the Japanese government has previously stated that it will issue "rent support subsidies" to small and medium-sized enterprises to help them tide over the difficulties.

In addition to national support, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike announced on August 14 that the metropolitan government will begin accepting applications for partial rent subsidies from operators whose business conditions have been affected due to the spread of infection from August 17. As of February 15th next year, this money will independently add and to the country's "rent support payment"!

For small and medium-sized enterprises, rent is a huge expense in their operations. Being able to receive double support at this difficult time shows how powerful the Japanese government is!

For those who are not sure about the rent support fund, please take a look at the application guide below!

Application targets

From May to December 2020, small and medium-sized enterprises and individual merchants (capital funds within 1 billion yen) whose turnover meets one of the following conditions:

1. Single-month turnover decreased by 50% compared with the same period last year Above;

2. The turnover for three consecutive months decreased by more than 30% compared with the same period last year.

The subsidy amount

is based on the monthly rent paid in the most recent month when applying for the subsidy. It subsidizes 6 months of rent. Corporate legal persons can pay up to 6 million yen, and individual operators including freelancers can get up to 300 yen. Ten thousand yen. The specific subsidy method is:

1, legal person

If the rent of the enterprise is within 750,000 yen, 2/3 of the rent will be subsidized. If the rent exceeds 750,000 yen, 500,000 yen + 1/ of the excess will be subsidized. 3. The upper limit of the subsidy is 1 million yen per month, and a maximum of 6 million yen can be received in six months.

2, self-employed

If the rent of the self-employed person is less than 375,000 yen, 2/3 of the rent will be subsidized. If the rent exceeds 375,000 yen, 200,000 + 1/3 of the excess will be subsidized, with the upper limit being monthly 500,000 yen, and a maximum of 3 million yen can be received in six months.

Documents required for application

1. Real estate lease contract

2. Proof of rent payment in the past three months (bank passbook, detailed statement, etc.)

3.Proof of identity of a legal person or self-employed person

4.Company sales volume compared with the previous one Proof of reduced turnover compared with the same period last year (copy of sales ledger)

Application process

In principle, the application for this housing subsidy only accepts online applications, and there is no need to go to the window. Enter the "Home Rental Support Benefit" official website to apply and follow the process:

1, select the application page and click Apply;

2, download the pledge and sign;

3, select the business form (corporate or self-employed), fill in the email, and confirm the email to read After submitting the file, click Agree;

4. After confirming that the information is correct, select Next, and then press Operation to apply.

For those who have difficulty operating online, the government stated that it will set up an "application support venue" to provide on-site guidance on application. However, due to the possibility of infection in gathering activities, it is best for everyone to apply online according to the guidance on the official website.

Application time

The Japanese government’s nationwide rent subsidy application will start on July 14 and end on January 15, 2021. Tokyo’s separate subsidy for will start on August 17 and end on February 15, 2021.

As the epidemic in Japan has developed, there is still no good news. However, it is urgent to revive the economy and resume production and work, which has become the most serious task at present. The Japanese government is also doing its best to revive the economy and help the development of enterprises.

The issuance of rent subsidies has also solved the biggest crisis faced by many small and medium-sized enterprises. However, although the government said it expects to start accepting and issuing applications within two weeks, the amount of work is very huge. On the one hand, it must be carried out efficiently and timely. Acceptance, on the other hand, must be strictly reviewed to avoid loopholes being exploited by lawless people, so the issuance may not be that fast.

In addition to helping companies, the Japanese government has also considered the many ordinary people whose income has been reduced due to the epidemic, and launched the "Residential Guaranteed Benefit" . This subsidy does not distinguish between nationalities. As long as you meet the conditions, you can apply for the government Pay the rent for 3 months (9 months can be paid under special circumstances).

Application conditions

The subsidy conditions and amounts will differ in different regions. The main requirement is that there is a certain amount of salary and bank deposits. However, no large remittances were received during the epidemic. Living expenses are mainly earned by working oneself, and due to the impact of the epidemic People whose income has been halved are generally eligible to apply.

Application process

1. Download the application documents from the official website published in your place of residence and fill them in; or go to the city hall window to pick up the application documents and fill them out.

2. Fill out the information and mail it to the "Independence Promotion and Support Department, Life and Welfare Division".

3. The application result will be mailed to the applicant in about 2 weeks. After applying, you will receive a "Notice of Residence Guarantee Benefit Decision".

4. The government will directly pay the housing subsidy to the landlord or landlord's agent, and will not pay it to the applicant's account.

Application materials

Exemption letter, documents proving income reduction, payment details, passbook, lease contract, etc. In order to avoid repeated visits, you can first go to the "Independence Counseling Support Organization" to make an appointment for an interview, and make sure that all the materials are complete before applying.

Whether it is an individual or a company, the Japanese government's policy of subsidizing rent is not limited to nationality or occupation, so Chinese people in Japan can also receive it. Everyone should pay attention to the official website's updates and news in a timely manner, or go to the government office to inquire whether you can apply. After all, this is The amount of money is not small and can help friends in need.

hopes that everyone can survive this epidemic crisis safely. If you encounter any problems in finding a job or applying for a job, please go to Tokyo Recruitment Network !

What subsidies did you receive in Japan during the epidemic? Have you applied for rent subsidy? Leave a comment and chat with us!