Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 2 (Xinhua) Wang Shiyu, head of the Policy and Regulations Department of the State Administration of Taxation, said at a press conference on fiscal and taxation support for poverty alleviation held by the State Council Information Office on December 2


On November 20, at an e-commerce company in Wen County, Jiaozuo City, farmers pasted express delivery orders. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Hongxing

From January to October this year, the tax department implemented various preferential tax policies to support poverty alleviation and achieved tax reductions of more than 95 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38%, effectively promoting poverty alleviation in poor areas. Judging from the value-added tax invoice data, the sales revenue of 832 poverty-stricken counties increased by 13.3% year-on-year from January to October this year, and the economic recovery and development of poverty-stricken areas has achieved good results.

Wang Shiyu introduced that the country has comprehensively sorted out the 110 preferential tax policies to support poverty alleviation and issued the "Guidelines on Tax Preferential Policies to Support Poverty Alleviation", which lists the policy content and conditions for enjoyment by category, and "packages" the tax preferential policies to the people. . At the same time, modern scientific and technological means are used to carry out multi-channel and wide-coverage publicity and guidance on the preferential tax policies for poverty alleviation through the service of "opening online columns, setting up special seats online, assigning special personnel to every point, and having special handlers on matters" to ensure that tax payments are People fully grasp and accurately understand.

In terms of implementing measures, Wang Shiyu said that all grassroots tax departments have carefully sorted out the list of preferential tax policies for poverty alleviation in the region based on local poverty alleviation priorities, regional characteristics, and industrial structure, innovated working methods, and organized and implemented them in a targeted manner. The Henan Provincial Taxation Bureau has established a working group to extend tax services to rural fields and deliver policies "point-to-point" and "face-to-face" through farmers' night schools and other forms, so that more villagers can understand agricultural-related tax incentives and employment and entrepreneurship policies. The Chongqing Municipal Taxation Bureau actively supports social forces to participate in poverty alleviation, strengthens the comparison and application of tax-related data, verifies taxpayers who have declared corporate income tax exemptions and exemptions for poverty alleviation donations but have not declared value-added tax exemptions, and reminds taxpayers to declare relevant exemptions and exemptions in a timely manner Taxes.

In terms of supervision and rectification, Wang Shiyu said that the State Administration of Taxation adopts the "big data + grid" supervision model and uses the organizational method of "the State Administration takes the lead + comprehensive self-examination by all regions + follow-up inspections by special offices + irregular open inspections and secret visits". Integrate non-contact inspection methods such as "check, ask, use and visit" to establish a working mechanism of "find problems - rectify problems - feedback problems - improve the system" to ensure the implementation of policies.

Editor in charge: Gao Chang