On the evening of January 10, Lin Zhiying shared a set of recent developments of his eldest son Kimi on his personal social platform. He also posted that Kimi had grown a total of 12 centimeters from January last year to January this year and was growing very well.

html On the evening of November 10th, Jimmy Lin shared a group of recent developments of his eldest son Kimi on his personal social platform, and posted a post saying that Kimi had grown a total of 12 centimeters from January last year to January this year and was growing very well. Lin Zhiying also bluntly said that with Kimi's growth rate, he will probably look up at his son next year: "At this pace, I will look up at him next year. He has grown 12 centimeters this year. At this rate, he will be as tall as four months later." . It can be seen that Jimmy Lin is very pleased and satisfied with his son's growth.

In the photo, Kimi is recording his latest height with a marker. Although the little guy still didn't show his face, his thick black hair and long eyelashes grabbed the spotlight. Especially the eyelashes, they are so great. I just don’t know if she was a little embarrassed, but Kimi’s ears were still a little red when she wrote down her height, and her shy side was immediately revealed.

According to Lin Zhiying, Kimi has grown a full 12 centimeters in this year, and she is indeed growing very well. And with Kimi's growth, I'm afraid it won't be long before she catches up with Jimmy Lin. I never expected that the little cutie who was once in "Where Are We Going, Dad?" would grow up to be almost as tall as his father in a blink of an eye. It really makes people sigh that time flies by.

Jimmy Lin's official height is the same as his beloved wife Chen Ruoyi , which is 172 centimeters. In terms of male height, Lin Zhiying is not tall, but among women, Chen Ruoyi can be called a proper tall person. So even though our Kimi is only 12 years old, she has perfectly inherited her mother’s tall gene. Looking forward to seeing Kimi transform into a handsome long-legged Oppa in the future.

After seeing Lin Zhiying’s posts and photos, netizens left messages: “Brother Black Rice, come on, surpass Dad”, “Brother Black Rice with glutinous rice dumplings has grown up to be a big brother”, “Kimi will surpass Dad when he grows up” Got it".

Speaking of which, judging from the recent photos of Kimi shared by Jimmy Lin and Ruoyi Chen, the little guy has indeed grown up a lot. Previously, when Chen Ruoyi released a photo of her husband and son, she deliberately tried to hide it and asked netizens who was behind the photo. Although everyone can see it at a glance, they still can't help but sigh. After all, everyone has watched Kimi grow up. Looking back on the various cuteness in "Where Are We Going, Dad" back then, Kimi has indeed changed a lot now.

When taking a photo with her mother, Kimi gave everyone the same impression of a little adult, with a height that is not much different from her mother and is very eye-catching.

After Kimi faded from the screen and returned to life, Jimmy Lin and Chen Ruoyi rarely released full-face photos of their son, but the couple would tacitly share the daily love life of Kimi and her twin brother. When he was a child, Kimi was a very warm boy. After he grew up and became an older brother, he naturally became a "big warm boy". He was very patient with his two younger brothers and would accompany Gemini in all kinds of fun. Every time I see the three brothers in the same frame, I am affected by this happy picture.

Two days ago, Chen Ruoyi also posted photos of her date with Kimi. Not only that, the mother and son also had a "heart-to-heart" conversation. When Chen Ruoyi asked Kimi how old she and Jimmy Lin were, Kimi directly said that her parents were in their 30s. This answer is quite acceptable to Chen Ruoyi. But when Kimi said that she looked older than Lin Zhiying, Chen Ruoyi was not calm. The adorable conversation between mother and son brought a lot of joy to everyone. It can also be seen from it that Chen Ruoyi and her son get along very much like friends, and the way they get along is enviable.

Now Kimi is still very well protected by her parents, so I hope Jimmy Lin and Chen Ruoyi can share more about the growth of Kimi and their two twin sons in the future, and wish them happiness as a family of five.

picture comes from the Internet