This article comes from a Douban netizen: For more helpful and inspiring content, please search "Douban" in major app stores. Hamburger is a fascinating and friendly English word. When you first learn it, you feel that it is full of delicious feeling. .

This article comes from Douban netizens: Travelers say

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Hamburger, a charming and friendly English word, feels full of good when you first learn it. The feeling of eating.

If you want to study history, it probably originated in the middle of the 19th century when people living in Hamburg, Germany, mashed steak into a certain shape. It was then spread to the Americas and became a dish called "Hamburg Steak" vegetable. In the late 20th century, Americans improved its method and finally evolved into the popular appearance in fast food restaurants today.

If you are smart, you must have guessed that today we are going to tell the story of the American burger .

/The Great American Burger that Changed Prejudices/

Everything started when I stood on the streets of the United States and shouted "I hate America"...

I have been a very keen American fast food person for a long time, so before going to the United States, I swear that no matter how many discomforts I encounter, I will never have any problems eating.

However, after coming to the United States, reality slapped me in the face.

KFC chicken steaks that are juiceless and hard to chew, ice water that always appears in front of you, all kinds of flaming French fries and fried foods, sweet American Chinese food that thinks it is disguised well... I never thought about it. I'm actually not used to American food.

So when I once again stepped into a minefield and ate an invincible and unpalatable burger, I finally couldn't help shouting "I Hate America!" on the streets of America!

But the reversal always came very quickly.

Yes, if you are smart, you must have guessed it again - not long after, I encountered that big burger restaurant that lived up to my taste buds.

/Amazing first encounter with delicious big burgers/

The first time I walked into this store was in New York.

My friends and I, one is a New York lover, the other has lived in New York for half a year and is trying to become a Local New Yorker. After I took him to finish a bourgeois Western meal, the man wiped his mouth and said, "I'm still hungry." So Li Shangshang led me to walk quickly, passed through the rush of people, passed a few traffic lights, and pushed the door open to enter this store.

Just looking at the facade, I don’t think this store is very special. It is just like any ordinary fast food restaurant on the street corner in New York. It is just as crowded, noisy, noisy, and has no expectations.

The industrial style decoration is in line with the New York character, the tables and chairs are arranged to maximize the use of the store area, the dining table ordering and ordering methods are used to save manpower, and the menu is simple and crudely printed on the wall. And all kinds of burger names that are confusing to understand. If you look closely, you can see that there are actually vegetarian options specially prepared for vegetarians. Compared with its rough decoration style, this detail seems delicate and thoughtful.

"You will like it!" The friend was full of energy and confident.

"It's best this way." I choked back.

We slowly moved forward in the long ordering queue, and finally it was our turn to order.

"Please give me a signature burger with lemonade !" The friend shouted loudly. He turned around and said to me firmly, "Order lemonade!" in the tone of a veteran gourmet chef.

I nodded repeatedly, ignoring the fact that I usually "don't order the same food as my companions" and "hamburgers must be paired with hot Americano coffee to relieve fatigue." In principle, I quickly ordered a piece of the same homemade food.

After a while, the meal was ready.

I had no expectations and suddenly my eyes lit up.

I saw a pleasant and exciting color scheme on the dinner plate. There was a large piece of fresh beef patty sandwiched in the warm yellow bread, a piece of cheese, decorated with red tomato slices, and green leaves next to it. In response, the sauce squeezed on the side is ready to come out. Unexpectedly, the seemingly rugged burger restaurant actually brought out such an appetizing plate of food.

took the burger and ate it, it was amazingly delicious!

Every bite is filled with a full and layered taste. The tender meatloaf inside the soft bread is bursting with juice and mixed with cheese and sauce. When it gets too boring, there are crispy vegetables to calm it down. It is truly a feast for the mouth, and the taste buds will be overwhelmed.Take a sip of lemonade at this time, it is refreshing and slightly sweet, and it sweeps away the complex taste and high calorie feeling of the burger you just ate, as if the cool summer breeze calms down the storm.

This is a meal that is a double enjoyment of sight and taste.

This is a meal that makes me realize that the burgers on the street also have their own beauty.

This is a meal that redefines "chain burger restaurants".

/Big burgers that never disappoint expectations/

When I turned around, I discovered that this small burger restaurant has sprouted up in many cities in the United States. When you need a full meal, it will always appear on the street corner. However, the amazing thing is that as it continues to expand, people's expectations for it have not diminished. Whenever you post the burgers from this store in your circle of friends, there will always be someone who excitedly leaves a comment below shouting, "It's delicious!!!"

Every city where you meet it is so different, yet so consistent.

In New York, everyone feels that they are a stranger, and everyone feels that they are the master.

Here we have the best food in the world and the most mouthy and cunning diners. Among them, there are many who want to taste the fireworks in the world after eating Michelin, some who only like street food, and many who are in a hurry to fill their stomachs and need to rush to the next job immediately.

This small burger restaurant is enough for them to stop in the glimmering New York.

In Boston, the streets are filled with the smell of books.

This is a gathering place for high IQs and a resting place for intellectuals. It seems that everyone who passes by has something in their mind that is beyond my reach or understanding. I have an average IQ. I often get lost in the beautiful scenery outside the subway station when I get out of the subway.

In this small burger restaurant, we can finally see that everyone has the same infatuated expression.

Las Vegas, the air is filled with the smell of drunkenness and wealth.

There are several extremes among the diners here. Either they spend money like water and eat seafood that does not belong in this desert, and every bite tastes like US dollars; or they stay up all night and drink non-stop. I try my best to numb my taste buds with alcohol, and some random carbohydrates are full of the taste of alcohol; otherwise, like me, I don’t smoke, drink, or gamble, but I just look forward to the most cost-effective food in this oasis built with money in this desert.

In this small hamburger restaurant, I can finally eat regardless of money or tomorrow.

Washington , the political atmosphere is thick.

Everyone on the street has a poker face, which completely deviates from our understanding of Americans. Adjectives such as warm and hospitable are almost not used at all. It was a rainy day in Washington, D.C., and I was soaking wet. I hid from the rain on my hungry stomach, but the rain did not slow down, so I had no choice but to strike up a conversation with the guy next to me who had been hiding from the rain for 20 minutes but still didn't say anything. Unexpectedly, the younger brother was evasive with his words. After a few rounds of back and forth, he said he would leave first. I ran into obstacles everywhere and had no choice but to seek comfort from delicious food.

In this small burger shop, I finally found a touch of kindness and warmth from Washington.

Miami, hot, restaurant offerings are uneven.

traveled around the United States for nearly a month, and the last stop was in Miami. On the day I left, I left behind the car that had been with me for a long time, dragged my suitcase covered in dust from various cities, and spent the last time in Miami on Lincoln Road.

I can’t help but feel sad when I think about having to find food again. During the entire journey around the United States, food in Miami is always a minefield. No wonder people who go to Miami are drinking! I was anxiously looking for a place to rest when I suddenly noticed the familiar big green hamburger sign on the street corner! ! ! It felt like an acclimated international student suddenly discovered the goddess Lao Ganma in the supermarket!

In this small burger restaurant, I can finally beat the heat and eat with satisfaction.

No matter where the diners come from, they can all have the same expectations, take off their disguises, pick up a delicious big burger, and complete a satisfying meal.

Because of it, it will always be a familiar recipe, always delicious and live up to expectations.

I think you should have guessed the name of this restaurant, Shake Shack. It has a refreshing rhythm when you read it, and you feel warm and full when you eat it.

This is the American burger that I feel, warm, welcoming and complex, just like my days in the United States.

What about yours?

Text | Orangutan Picture | Network

[Click here for the original text of more pictures] Life with a delicious big burger in your hand is called America

[Other articles by Yellow Orangutan] For you who are full of negative energy - the power of food

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