As a food with high starch content, potatoes are also a common home-cooked dish. Potatoes are lower in calories compared to rice and pasta. For weight loss, potatoes are actually a good fat-reducing food. let's see. Potatoes are not high in calories. Eating potatoes can help you

As a food with high starch content, potatoes are also a common home-cooked dish. Potatoes are lower in calories compared to rice and pasta. For weight loss, potatoes are actually a good fat-reducing food. let's see. Potatoes are not high in calories. Eating potatoes can help you lose weight. Potatoes are rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, potassium, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Some people say that because potatoes are low in calories, they only contain 0.1% fat. However, potatoes are high in starch and cannot be eaten as a dish, but as a staple food! During the weight loss period, if you eat potatoes with one meal, do not eat other staple foods such as rice and noodles. Also, the choice of potatoes is very important for the cooking method. Try to steam, boil, or simmer them instead of frying, roasting, or stir-frying.

By Muzi Sauce


  • Canned tuna soaked in water 100g
  • Potatoes 150g
  • Boiled eggs 2
  • Black pepper and sea salt
  • Colored pepper 150g
  • Low-fat mayonnaise
  • Flaxseed oil

Recipe steps

. Cut potatoes into cubes and set aside

. Dice the pepper and set aside.

. Steam the potatoes and two eggs for about 15 minutes.

. Spray a small amount of flaxseed oil in the pot, add the colored pepper and stir-fry.

. Sprinkle a little black pepper and sea salt, and continue to stir-fry until the colored pepper becomes soft

. Crush the steamed potatoes and eggs

, add the fried bell peppers

, add the tuna and low-fat mayonnaise

9, stir evenly

0, shape it into a plate, and finally squeeze on the mayonnaise, done!

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