According to a report by Taiwan media "Central News Agency" on the 12th, Taiwan's "Zhongshan Academy of Sciences" and the Taiwan military have intensively conducted artillery firing and drills in the eastern seas in the past two years, which has prevented fishermen from going to

( Observer Network News) In the past two days, many Taiwanese media have paid attention to the livelihood issues of fishermen in Taitung.

According to a report by Taiwan media "Central News Agency" on the 12th, Taiwan's " Zhongshan Academy of Sciences " (referred to as " Chinese Academy of Sciences ") and the Taiwan military have intensively conducted artillery firing and drills in the eastern sea area in the past two years, which has prevented fishermen from going to sea to operate and affected their livelihoods. . "Taiwan TV News Network" even reported on the 11th that a survey of live-fire shootings conducted in the eastern seas in the past showed that from January to the end of May alone, relevant units had carried out or planned live-fire shootings for as many as 147 days, and the fishermen were suffering. Unspeakable.

In this regard, the Taitung District Fishermen's Association hopes that Taiwan's military exercises and training can avoid the fish flood season, or that Taiwan's defense department directly subsidizes fishermen. However, the Taiwan military said that the direct subsidy to the regional fishermen's associations was "unfounded by law" and that whether there was a causal relationship between the artillery blasts and the damage to the fisheries must be investigated by an impartial third party.

Screenshot of Taiwanese media "Central News Agency" report

According to the "Central News Agency" report, from January to the end of May this year, the "Chinese Academy of Sciences" and the navy and air force announced more than 50 days of shooting and drills in Taitung waters, with a total of 174 waves of military exercises. and artillery test firings. During this period, the sea area from Dawu in the south to Changbin in the north was designated as a dangerous area, and fishermen stopped going to sea.

Fisherman Lu Zhengxiu said helplessly in an interview with "Central News Agency" today (12th): "We also know that there is nothing we can do, but it directly affects the livelihood of fishermen. Now is the bluefin tuna flood season, but in the past few days... Unable to work at sea. Almost every fisherman has loans, including loans, fishing workers, and household expenses, which cost about NT$300,000 (approximately RMB 67,980) per month. "

Taiwan United News Network also reported on the 12th. According to the report, according to the shooting report on the official website of Taiwan's "Fisheries Administration", the "Chinese Academy of Sciences" and the Taiwan military conducted intensive shooting exercises in the southeast in May and June. The southeastern sea area was closed and controlled, and ships in Taitung's Chenggong Fishing Port, Fugang Fishing Port, and Shangwu Fishing Port Unable to go to sea, fishermen's livelihood is affected.

A fisherman surnamed Chen said, "I haven't been out to sea for several days, and even if I go out to sea, the fish may be scared away." The fisherman also said that the Taiwan military has shot more and more times in the past two or three years, and now there are very few fish. The cannons were banging on the sea. It would be strange if the fish were not scared away. I would laugh if I could catch half of the fish when I went out to sea.

The "Taiwan TV News Network" even reported on the 11th that a survey of live-fire shootings conducted in the eastern sea in the past showed that from January to the end of May alone, relevant units had carried out or planned live-fire shootings for as many as 147 days. , nearby fishing boats are not allowed to go to sea during the drill, otherwise they will be reported. "Taiwan TV News Network" exaggeratedly stated that "fishermen are unable to go fishing almost every day, and their livelihoods are greatly affected."

Screenshot of "Taiwan TV News" report

According to Li Zhenyuan, the director-general of the Taitung District Fishermen's Association, this problem has been going on for many years. The fishermen's association reported and made representations to Taiwan's defense department many years ago. At the beginning, the two parties coordinated to try to avoid the fish flood season. However, in recent years, the Taiwan military has conducted more and more frequent exercises in the eastern waters, resulting in fishermen's operations at sea being restricted and affecting their livelihoods.

Li Zhenyuan said that the fishermen's association supports defense work, but also hopes that Taiwan's defense department can consider the livelihood of fishermen and avoid conducting drills and artillery firing during the fish flood season.

With their livelihoods constantly affected, some fishermen hope that the Taiwan military can provide subsidies. A fisherman surnamed Zhang said that they have cooperated with the military training, but they also hope to receive relative compensation. The fisherman also said that the fishermen's association had reported it to Taiwan's defense department before, but the fishermen had not received any compensation.

According to the "Central News Agency", regarding the issue of training affecting the livelihood of fishermen, Taiwan's defense department told Taitung County on April 11 that the department would donate money to "Tunqin" for the impact of the Taiwan military's major training on people's lives. "Good Neighbor" funds to improve lives and promote local development. However, this fee is allocated directly to the local township and municipal offices.

The Taitung District Fishermen’s Association is dissatisfied with this. The fishermen's association stated that the military had allocated funds for "building a good neighborly relationship" but allocated them to township and city offices, but the fishermen were the actual victims.Li Zhenyuan also complained in an interview with "Taiwan News Network" on the 11th that the actual damage suffered by fishermen has affected their livelihoods, but their rights and interests have been damaged and they have not received appropriate compensation.

Regarding the demands of fishermen and fishermen's associations, according to United News Network , the Taiwan military claimed that it has allocated "good neighborliness" funds to township and municipal governments for overall planning and use every year. There is no legal basis, and whether there is a causal relationship between the artillery blast and the damage to the fishery must be investigated by an impartial third party.

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