This is a game without any suspense and still highly anticipated. The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh. The back of the hand has been wiped with the most precious hand cream for a long time, making it extremely bright and beautiful, reflecting youth and vanity; although

This is a game without any suspense and still highly anticipated.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh.

The back of the hand has been wiped with the most precious hand cream for a long time, and it is extremely bright and beautiful, reflecting youth and vanity;

Although the palm of the hand is covered with calluses and has been covered by the light of the back of the hand for many years, it has already shined into the long river of life. It's just a life of mist and rain.

In the two warm-up games, both sides did not actually use swords or guns. They met each other and shook hands. Old K laid out a very simple game: using regional press to cut off the Chinese team's offensive launch - the Chinese men's basketball team lost 49 points in one game. points, a loss of 50 points.

The huge gap between the Chinese and American men's basketball teams is clear at a glance and cannot be avoided, so we have to be patient.

The Olympic Games is an ancient and solemn event, and tension is inevitable.

At the beginning of the game, both sides maintained a high degree of concentration and intensity. The Chinese team never fell behind. No matter Ding Yanyuhang made a free throw or Zhou Qi was angry and tested his skills, there was a back and forth, and the Chinese team never fell behind.

The U.S. team still continued the defensive strategy from the warm-up match: a pressing zone defense to cut off the Chinese team's offensive launch, with multiple people occupying the strong side, blocking the ball carrier in the pick-and-roll, blocking the ball's transfer, the defense being impregnable, and the situation on the court turning sharply. , like a pool of stagnant water, the Chinese team fell into a swamp similar to the warm-up match.

Anthony and Durant took over the game and set the pace. The score opened up and the United States led 13-4.

At 5 minutes and 10 seconds of the first quarter, Jordan and Butler came on, and the Dream Team's internal and external defense took another level. Implementing the defensive strategy of pressing in the area and flanking the ball holder, the pressing became more fierce. The Chinese team kept forcing mistakes. Butler and Lowry pushed for counterattacks. Jordan dominated the inside and made free throws. The United States led by 20 in the first quarter. point.

The US team continued to adopt a high-pressure policy, with Pickles and DeRozan leading the way by promoting fast breaks.

The American team controlled the offensive rebounds with their height and strength advantages, and the Chinese boys had to defend the penalty area at the cost of fouls.

kept blowing the whistle and shooting free throws. Durant shocked the world by hitting three consecutive three-pointers.

encountered huge defensive pressure on the outside. Yi Jianlian, an extremely familiar and friendly name, led the Chinese team to struggle forward through shooting and inside killing free throws, and the point difference returned to 28 points.

Even though they were behind by a big score, 2.1 seconds before halftime, Director Gong still requested a timeout and arranged the final attack. ——An attitude that belongs to this ancient nation, but the execution of the boys needs to be improved urgently.

In the second half, as the boys of the Chinese men's basketball team became more familiar with the game and the psychological pressure was relieved, their spirits were different. They were relaxed, confident, and reborn. They were in the limelight for a while. Guo Ailun rushed into the backcourt, China. The team caught up to 25 points.

Pickle Pepper and Lowry reacted on the spot and stabilized the situation by hitting the basket and killing free throws. Old K all replaced the starters to end the game. Irving hit three consecutive three-pointers and the game came to an abrupt end.

Looking at the whole game, the two sides were in a brief stalemate at the beginning. The American team locked down the Chinese team's offensive attack through regional pressure. The Chinese team was at a loss in the face of high-intensity and oppressive defense, lost contact inside and outside, and made frequent mistakes. The American team was led by the situation. Profits can be determined in one go.

The weak outside line is the scab of the Chinese men's basketball team.

The defense of this Dream Team may be the best since the 1992 Dream Team.

played five warm-up games, beating its opponents by an average of 43 points per game. Today, the difference is 57 points.

The Chinese men's basketball team is in an embarrassing period of inactivity. There are too many young people in the team who need to grow and improve.

plays against the world's top teams. The significance of learning and reflection is far more important than the results. ——This dream team wins by defense, not offense. The Chinese men's basketball team's defense and ability to withstand high-intensity defense need to be changed.

57 points difference, basketball is indeed a cruel sport, but it gives people more than just negative pain.

It’s time to get rid of the baggage in your heart and face the reality.


Driver’s Column: NBA

in the eyes of a cold uncle