Recently, we received family tracing information from Mr. Wu Bo, the son of Mr. Wu Dingnan from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. He hopes to find his uncle Wu Xu who has gone to Taiwan. In a letter written by Wu Xu to his family on September 20, 1988, he recorded that he met his

Recently, we received family tracing information from Wu Bo, the son of Mr. Wu Dingnan from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. He hopes to find his uncle Wu Xu who has gone to Taiwan. The following is information about finding relatives. I hope more people will pay attention and forward it to help find relatives and reunite them.

The picture shows old man Wu Xu

Wu Xu (also known as Wu Hengchu) was born in July 1917 in Nancheng County, Jiangxi Province. In 1949, he went from Hainan to Kinmen; in 1954, he was transferred to Taiwan; in 1956, he got married in Taiwan and gave birth to four daughters.

A group photo of the four sisters

The eldest daughter - Wu Juanniang (accountant, lived on the 5th floor, No. 257, Huamei Street, West District, Taichung City)

The second daughter - Wu Meiniang (used to live near the Taichung City Airport)

The third daughter - Wu Juanniang (used to live in Kaohsiung County)

Fourth daughter - Mary Wu (who lived in Taipei City)

Wedding photos of Mr. Wu Xu’s daughters

After Wu Xu retired in Taiwan in 1960, he ran a snack bar in Taichung for more than ten years, and then moved into the Rong family in Gangshan, Taiwan. In 1987, when relatives on both sides of the Taiwan Strait were allowed to visit, the mainland family asked someone to find Wu Xu. After losing contact for more than 20 years, we finally made contact.

A letter written by Wu Xu to his family on September 20, 1988, recorded that he met his brother and sister-in-law in Nanchang in 1947, and later went to Guangzhou and Hainan. Then he went to Kinmen, then to Taiwan, then he got married and had children, his daughter got married, and after he retired, he ran a snack bar, and then he went to the Home of Honored Citizens. He was very happy to receive letters from his relatives, but at the same time, he felt extremely sad. He had been away from home for decades and was unable to fulfill his filial piety to his mother. He hated the war, which tore his family apart. Now that he is in pain, he hopes that after he recovers, he can go home and see his family...

After reading the letter, the editor couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes.

Among the letters exchanged, there were of course some photos of Mr. Wu Xu in Taiwan. After receiving them, his family members in the mainland kept them as treasures. Unfortunately, after about 4 to 5 correspondences (the address of the last letter: 5F, No. 51-2, Ningxia Road, Taichung City), contact was suddenly lost.

My family in Mainland China wrote several letters and sent them to Taiwan, but there was no reply. My family has always been thinking about their relatives in Taiwan. I hope I can find them in my lifetime and be able to reunite with my family.

If you have any news, please contact us as soon as possible!


Thank you for your attention and forwarding, and let’s help find relatives together.

This veteran’s family search service is promoted and released by the Longyue Peace Public Welfare Development Center of Hunan Province in conjunction with Toutiao Search. If you have more clues, you can send us an email ( If you need to find other missing persons in war, you can also contact us or contact Toutiao Search.

The Hunan Longyue Peace Charity Development Center is a public welfare executive organization incubated by the Shenzhen Longyue Charity Foundation. It continues to adhere to the mission of "soothing the wounds of war and advocating humane care" and focuses on searching for soldiers missing in the war.