Attention small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in Zengcheng's service industry! If you are renting state-owned property owned by administrative institutions in the district, you can apply for a 3-month rent reduction or exemption!

Attention small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in Zengcheng’s service industry! If you are renting state-owned property owned by administrative institutions in the district, you can apply for a 3-month rent reduction or exemption!

In order to better coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and alleviate the operating difficulties of small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in the service industry, in accordance with the relevant policy requirements of superiors, the Zengcheng District Finance Bureau recently issued the "On Doing a Good Job in Administrative Institutions in Our District" Notice on the Rent Reduction and Reduction of State-owned Properties in 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). According to the "Notice", small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in Zengcheng's service industry can generally reduce the rent for three months when renting state-owned properties.

The "Notice" clarifies that the lease contract for this rent reduction is a valid lease contract from January 1 to December 31, 2022. The specific targets for rent reduction are small and micro enterprises in the service industry and individual industrial and commercial households within the administrative area of ​​Zengcheng District that lease state-owned properties owned by administrative institutions in the district (except for residential purposes).

During the above period, in addition to the general 3-month rent reduction, eligible lessees can also be exempted from 3 additional months of rent reduction for state-owned properties in administrative districts that have been declared as high-risk areas for the epidemic during the year and before the date of publication of this article. Monthly rent; for state-owned properties in administrative districts that are declared as medium- and high-risk areas after the publication of this article, on the basis of 3 months of rent exemption, starting from the month when they are declared as medium- and high-risk areas for the epidemic, they will be exempted from rent for another 3 months. (Including the current month, if the remaining lease term of the year is less than 3 months, the specific months for rent exemption should be negotiated with the lessee). Each rental property can be exempted from rent for up to 6 months in total throughout the year.

"Notice" requires that each owner unit should actively communicate with the lessee after receiving the document, and review the identity of the final lessee in accordance with the provisions of this article. For the final lessee who meets the conditions for rent reduction and exemption, according to the area where the leased state-owned property is located, by The owner and the lessee shall clearly specify in writing the period, amount, and area of ​​land and property involved in rent reduction and exemption.

If the lessee is not the final lessee, the owner should also urge the sublessee to implement the rent reduction and exemption policy to ensure that the final lessee enjoys no less than the amount of rent reduction and exemption provided by the owner to the sublessee.

After rent reduction and exemption, all administrative institutions should log in to the asset management system in a timely manner and register and enter relevant rent reduction and exemption information in the asset system in accordance with the "Rent Reduction and Reduction Registration Operation Instructions".

[Nanfang Daily Reporter] Zhu Weiliang

[Correspondent] Zeng Finance

[Author] Zhu Weiliang

[Source] Southern Newspaper Media Group Nanfang + Client