Actually, I didn’t know how to translate the name of this dish. It seems that no one in China has introduced it, so I can’t copy other people’s translation. The original name of this dish is Arroz con Costra, which is literally translated into Chinese as “Cookba”. If translated i

Ever since I learned to do this, if I don’t have a baby for three days, I will ask for it by name, which is more satisfying than eating meat buns! Actually, I didn’t know how to translate the name of this dish. It seems that no one has introduced it in China, so I can’t copy other people’s translation. The original name of this dish is Arroz con Costra, which is literally translated into Chinese as “Cookba”. If translated into “Spanish” "Cookba" then probably no one would want to read it after seeing the title, but it is simple, easy to cook, fast and delicious, so it is very suitable for cooking after get off work. Families in Spain all use clay pots to make this vegetable rice dish, then pour a layer of egg liquid on the surface and bake it in the oven until it is golden and fragrant. So let’s call it “Spanish Clay Pot Egg Rice”.

Not many people in China know this, but this clay pot egg rice dish can be said to be the second most famous pot rice dish in Spain. You must have guessed that the first place is Paella pot rice. It’s such a coincidence that this clay pot egg rice dish and Paella iron pot rice originate from the same geographical area in Spain: the Valencia Autonomous Region. I wonder if Valencian people particularly love rice? But it’s not just Valencians who know how to cook this dish. It’s very simple to make. It’s considered Spanish home-cooked national cuisine. It’s more home-cooked than Paella pot rice. It is said that Spanish mothers can make it and can feed it quickly. Feed the whole family.

Valencia is located on the Mediterranean coast of eastern Spain. It is the birthplace of Spain’s two major rice dishes and a European resort.

Speaking of Paella iron pot rice, some people may have an impression of a previous news. British TV celebrity chef Jamie Oliver once announced an "Oliver's version of Spanish paella" on Twitter. At the time, he wrote on Twitter, "When it comes to Spanish food, there is no better Spanish food than paella. I The version combines chicken drumsticks with chorizo," sparking outrage across Spain.

Some media writers analyzed that in Spanish culture, sausage cannot be added to rice, so they were very angry. In fact, Spanish cuisine can add sausage to the rice, but normally, Paella does not add sausage, and the one with sausage is called Arroz con Costra. Of course, there are also differences in the pots used between the two.

At that time, Spanish villagers used various methods to sour Jamie Oliver, and it was quite funny

The Spanish clay pot egg rice used a shallow clay pot. First fry the red and white sausages and then cut them into pieces, then add the tomatoes, Fry the onions until soft, add the chicken and fry briefly, then add the uncooked rice, sausage, chicken, etc. and stir-fry briefly, then add an appropriate amount of stock and sprinkle a pinch of Spanish smoked paprika or saffron (the spices used in different places vary slightly). Then cook the rice over low heat on the stove until the rice is soft and the soup is slightly dry. Spread a generous amount of egg juice on the surface of the entire pot of ingredients, then bake it in the oven until the egg juice on the surface is golden brown. The rice at the bottom is also cooked into crispy rice crackers, which can be enjoyed by the whole family. It probably takes less than 30 minutes, so it’s a dish you can easily cook after get off work. One pot contains sausage, chicken, rice and eggs, and paired with a salad or soup, it is a home-cooked meal with a unique Spanish style.

It is unlikely that ordinary households will have a Spanish shallow clay pot, but it doesn’t matter. We are not Spanish anyway. We just change the taste of our daily meals. If there is a pot of suitable size that can be put in the oven, it will be fine. Our family uses a tagine pot that was given as an anniversary gift from a department store. You can also use a Japanese earthenware pot or a casserole, which can be put in the oven anyway.

What we use at home is the bottom pot of the Tagine pot that was given as an anniversary gift from the department store. Many people should have this at home, but they rarely use it at all.

For the sausage part, use one red and one white sausage. I use the red part. The sausage is smoked Polish sausage, and the white sausage is French sausage from Chez Bix. For the white rice, I didn’t buy Spanish rice specifically, I just used Taiwanese rice at home. At first glance, it seems to have nothing to do with Spain. If you care about using all pure Spanish ingredients, then go to high-end supermarkets and look for them yourself.

Spanish clay pot egg rice

Ingredients (for 2 to 3 people):

Boneless chicken leg: 1

Polish smoked sausage: 1

Chez Bix French sausage: 1

Beef tomato: 1

Onion: half

White rice: 1 cup

Chicken stock: 3 cups

Salt: 5 teaspoons

Black pepper: a pinch

Spanish smoked paprika: 1 pinch (you can also use saffron or turmeric instead)

Eggs: 4

Cold Pressed virgin olive oil: 100cc

Spanish mothers usually add some pork ribs when making this dish. If you want to eat more meat, you can add an extra 200 grams of pork ribs.


1. Wash and drain the rice first. I know Spanish people don’t wash rice, but you should wash it if you use Taiwanese rice. By the way, set the oven to 180 degrees and preheat.

2. Peel the tomatoes and use a super easy-to-use paring knife to peel them easily. Peel the tomatoes and onions and cut them into small cubes

The traditional method is to blanch them in boiling water and then peel them. That is too inefficient. It is more efficient to use a paring knife.

3. Put a little olive oil at the bottom of the pot, smoke the sausage, Place one piece of each French sausage into the pan and fry over low heat for 3 minutes, then remove from the pan. It doesn’t have to be fried, as they will be cooked together later anyway. Fry it briefly to prevent it from falling apart when cutting into pieces.

4. Cut the lightly fried sausage into cubes. You can cut it into whatever you want.

5. You don’t need to wash the pot. Add about 100cc of olive oil and fry the onion until it becomes slightly transparent. Add in diced tomatoes. Stir fry.

6. Add chicken legs and sausage pieces and stir-fry until the chicken is slightly cooked. Add washed rice, 0.5 teaspoon salt, a little black pepper, and a pinch of Spanish smoked paprika (you can also use saffron or turmeric instead) or general red pepper powder), stir evenly.

7. Add 3 cups of chicken stock or water. If the pot is too small and cannot fit 3 cups at a time, it doesn’t matter. Just add more as it evaporates while cooking. Anyway, you need 3 cups of rice.

8. Cook over low heat until the soup is almost dry (approximately the situation in the photo, it takes about 15 minutes). Slightly arrange the surface of the rice and dig a small groove along the edge of the pot (to facilitate the accommodation of eggs). liquid)

9. Pour in 4 beaten eggs, and then put the whole pot into the preheated oven

10. Bake for about 5 minutes and wait until the egg liquid on the surface is slightly solidified.

The red and white sausages used in this recipe are complete. , you can buy

in food stores