For many elderly people today, whether they go out on tricycles or motorcycles, most of them go on a rampage, acting like no one dares to mess with them. Even some elderly people who go out in wheelchairs can drive cars on the road at a speed that is unmatched. And this vulnerabl

For many old people today, whether they go out on tricycles or motorcycles, most of them go on a rampage, acting like no one dares to mess with them. Even some elderly people who go out in wheelchairs can drive cars on the road at a speed that is unmatched.

Such a vulnerable group in the eyes of the public has become a "steel warrior" because it is tolerated and respected by the general public. Fighting for seats on the bus, fighting for territory on the basketball court and dancing in the square, bumping into each other on the street, etc., are all caused by some old people acting like monsters.

So, what will these people do if they make a mistake? Their real tricks are nothing more than the feminine tactics of "crying, making trouble, and hanging themselves" to evade or avoid claims or penalties. Such an old man can be said to have taken the old man to the extreme.

I am "Brother Zheng, who looks at life". I will track social hot spots with you, feel people's lives, and interpret the various situations in the world.

html On February 21st, on a street in Jinan, Shandong Province, "Zhangdian Rong Media" exposed that an old man riding a motorcycle carrying his son accidentally hit a normal running Mercedes-Benz and then resorted to a trick on the scene. He rolled on the ground and started howling, trying to avoid the car owner's claim.

When many citizens saw this scene, they found it even more incredible. Faced with a grown man who dared to drive without a license and took his son out, why did he start rolling around like a bitch when he hit someone else's car? , pretending to be crazy to avoid claims and penalties?

When an ordinary car driver encounters such a minor scratch accident, he or she will just go through the normal legal procedures. They first choose to call the police, and then ask the perpetrator to make corresponding compensation according to the traffic police's appraisal and certification.

However, the cleverness of the old man riding a motorcycle to carry people was that he quickly grasped the passive situation to the active situation. He first lay on the front of the Mercedes-Benz and lay on the ground pretending to cry. It seemed that he wanted to claim some money from the owner of the Mercedes-Benz, so that his car accident would not be in vain.

What netizens find even more ridiculous is that the old man’s son, as an adult, is still trying to reason with the owner of the Mercedes-Benz, pretending to be a victim himself, and pretending to call the police to avoid the traffic. Responsibility for accidents. But the old man was performing a sad drama on the side.

At this time, the owner of the Mercedes-Benz car saw this strange pair of father and son, and he was at his wits' end. I believe that the owner of the Mercedes-Benz car could never have imagined that the simple farmers in his impression would be so unreasonable and unreasonable. A traffic accident turned into a "porcelain accident".

At this time, most of the citizens also supported the "weak" side and said to the old man lying on the ground: "No one will let you pay, why are you two doing this? Let's go!" The old man was still lying on the ground. He pretended to cry on the ground: "Ouch, something happened to me!" As soon as he heard that the owner of the Mercedes-Benz would not allow him to pay compensation, he immediately got up and began to pull his son around to escape.

Soon the old man gave his son a hand, walked directly to where his motorcycle was parked, pushed the motorcycle and prepared to leave. The old man's son also pretended to be very sensible and argued with the owner of the Mercedes-Benz on the phone.

At this time, a citizen spoke to this strange father and son: "If you don't leave, I will call the police. When I call the police, your (motorcycle) car will be taken away and your father does not have a driver's license!" Then, the old man's The son pushed the Mercedes-Benz owner's shoulder with his hand and said, "Thank you!" While waving to the Mercedes-Benz owner, he and the old man left together.

A netizen in Yantai, Shandong said: "In fact, rich people have higher quality and do not accept refutation. Being unkind for the sake of wealth is a thing of the past. Now a person's quality determines his future. People who have experienced too many unreasonable people are poor people, and they are still poor. He likes to mess around and fight for small gains.

A netizen in Hengshui, Hebei Province said: "Looking at their attitude, the father and son probably wanted to blackmail the Mercedes-Benz owner for a little money before leaving. It is not easy to understand the difficulties of the poor, but it is not that I am poor and I am justified." The owner of the Mercedes-Benz car seemed to be a gentle man at first glance. He had no way to deal with these old men lying on the ground and acting mischievously, so he could only suffer the loss of being dumb. "

A netizen in Binzhou, Shandong Province said: "The owner of the Mercedes-Benz is a smart person, and the old man who caused the accident on the motorcycle is even more smart. He can learn to show weakness and be miserable at the right time. In addition to winning the sympathy of everyone, there is still one more thing left. A large amount of compensation was paid, and he successfully escaped. ”

In fact, it is not easy for anyone to encounter such a thing. No matter how rich the Mercedes-Benz owner is, he has earned it himself, and even the maintenance fee of several thousand dollars has to be paid out of his own pocket. And for For the motorcycle father and son, I hope they can learn this lesson and get a license before riding, otherwise they will not be so lucky next time.

Regarding the ban on tricycles and motorcycles in many cities, the reason is that there are many unlicensed drivers. Too many, not only do they not wear helmets, but they also carry people illegally. Once a serious traffic accident occurs, they will not die or be disabled, and ordinary car accidents also bring safety risks to many car drivers.

Although, many people are praising the Mercedes-Benz owners for being too kind. If you deserve to drive a Mercedes-Benz, you will definitely drive a Rolls-Royce in the future. But in the face of this accident, some Mercedes-Benz owners had to use the help of the onlookers to act as a generous and tolerant good person.

After the father and son riding a motorcycle quickly fled the scene, the owner of the Mercedes-Benz walked to the side of the struck car and told the onlookers: "Everything inside was smashed in! "This kind of dumb thing can't survive without eating it. If you eat it, you can only digest it slowly. Who let you meet this strange father and son, rolling around and crying?

After careful study, I found a ridiculous phenomenon, that is The onlookers were all trying to protect the father and son, "Let's go, we won't let you pay! "It seems that only by making the rich bleed can you show your kindness by offering flowers to Buddha. You never regard right or wrong as the main reason for judging the accident.

Is it possible that these people have a hatred of the rich? Only when they see the rich suffer losses every day, Do you feel that you have earned something? And yet you praise and spread word of mouth about those ruffians as your idols? This shows that this kind of hypocritical kindness is the greatest evil in the world!

What do you want to say about this old man’s behavior of crashing his motorcycle into a Mercedes-Benz and lying on the ground, screaming and acting violently? Please leave a message
