Question bank source: Youtibao public account Civil Service Police Recruitment Examination Public Security Professional Subject Simulation Paper Public Security Police Recruitment Question Brushing Tool is compiled by Youtibao public account based on the latest Police Recruitment

question bank source: Youtibao public account

Civil Service Police Recruitment Examination Public Security Professional Subject Simulation Paper Public Security Police Recruitment Question Brush Tool is compiled by Youtibao public account based on the latest Police Recruitment Examination, Civil Service Examination syllabus and previous Police Recruitment Examination questions. It contains key question types and knowledge points that are frequently tested in the public security professional subjects of the Police Recruitment Examination, which will help candidates review and prepare for the Police Recruitment Examination and achieve good results.

1. According to the provisions of the "Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China", after a social security incident occurs, which of the following statements about the emergency response measures that the public security organs can take is incorrect: B

A. Forced isolation of parties who use equipment to confront each other or participate in conflicts with violence

B. Control buildings, vehicles, equipment, and facilities in specific areas, and shall not control the supply of fuel, gas, electricity, and water

C. Block relevant places and roads, check the identity documents of people on site, and restrict activities in relevant public places

D. Strengthen the security of core institutions and units that are vulnerable to impact

2. A certain city held a meeting between international stars and fans at the municipal stadium. After the meeting, fans from all over the country had a fierce quarrel. Someone blocked others at the entrance and exit of the stadium, and the police on duty immediately tried to dissuade them. However, some fans ignored the warnings of the police and began to throw water bottles, smashed the propaganda boards, and pushed down the non-motor vehicle isolation barriers, seriously disrupting the order of the scene. In response to this incident, the city's public security organs took the following inappropriate actions: C

A. Using stadium broadcasts for warnings

B. Deploy surrounding police forces to ease traffic outside the site

C. The department dispatched police reinforcements with guns to prevent the situation from getting worse

D. Resolutely control the troublemakers

3. In September 2018, a large-scale mountain collapse disaster occurred at the junction of County B in Province S and County H in Province Y. The Public Security Bureau of County B, the Public Security Bureau of H County, and the public security organs of some nearby counties and cities were all involved. The police were dispatched immediately to participate in disaster response. In an emergency situation where the disaster relief police force has not yet been organized, the public security police responsible for command at the scene should be: D

A. The first public security policeman to arrive at the scene was

B. The highest-ranking public security policeman at the scene

C. The public security policeman recognized at the scene as having the strongest command ability

D. The public security policeman with the highest administrative level in his unit

4. The following inappropriate descriptions of public security intelligence work include: BD

A. The core of public security intelligence work is information construction

B. Public security intelligence work serves to crack down on crimes

C. Public security intelligence work is an important means to improve the level of team management

D. The main body of the public security intelligence work is the policeman in the intelligence post

5 and the criminal policeman Wang Mou found someone holding a kitchen knife and insulting passers-by on his way home from get off work. Accompanied by the aggressive behavior of chasing and slashing passers-by with a knife, Wang was obviously in a state of mental abnormality. Wang immediately stepped forward to take measures to subdue him and take him to a nearby police station for disposal. Regarding Wang’s behavior, the following statements are correct: BC

A. Temporary performance of duties

B. Immediate enforcement of mandatory behavior

C. Protective behavior for behavior objects

D. Punishment behavior for pursuing legal responsibility

Civil Service Police Recruitment Examination Public Security Professional Subject Simulation Paper Public Security Police Recruitment Examination Tool miss. I also hope that all candidates can achieve good results in the police recruitment examination.