According to a report by Agence France-Presse on the 7th, in response to Hungary’s preparations to purchase Russian natural gas in rubles, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement that day, criticizing Hungary for “helping Putin” and “undermining European unit

Source: Global Network

[Global Network Report] After Hungarian Prime Minister Orban had a phone call with Russian President Putin on the 6th, Ukraine criticized neighboring Hungary. According to a report by Agence France-Presse on the 37th, in response to Hungary's preparations to purchase Russian natural gas in rubles, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement that day, criticizing Hungary for "helping Putin" and "undermining European unity" in the Russia-Ukraine war. Ukraine also claimed that Hungary's efforts to promote peace talks were "questionable" and called on the country to support sanctions against Russia and provide military assistance to Ukraine. The day before, Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjarto Peter said that Hungary was studying ways to pay for the Russian natural gas it purchased, and that it had nothing to do with the EU.

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry said in a statement: "Clearly, after the election, Budapest has entered the next step - helping (Russian President) Putin to continue his 'aggression' against Ukraine."

Agence France-Presse said that after Orban won consecutive victories last week Putin congratulated Orban after his fourth term as prime minister. The leaders of the two countries spoke again on the 6th, and Orban told Putin that Hungary would be prepared to pay Russia for natural gas imports in rubles.

In response, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "We believe that this statement of preparations to purchase Russian natural gas in rubles is an unfriendly stance against our country. This statement also contradicts the unified position of the European Union."

Russian President Vladimir Putin A presidential decree was signed on March 31: International customers from "unfriendly" countries and regions must settle in rubles if they want to purchase Russian natural gas. The new regulations will take effect on April 1. When asked whether Hungary would use rubles to pay for Russian natural gas, Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjártó Peter said on the 6th that Hungary was studying ways to pay for Russian natural gas and that it was none of the EU's business.

Agence France-Presse mentioned that Orban urged Russia to cease fire immediately during his phone call with Putin, and invited the leaders of France, Germany and Ukraine to meet with the Russian leaders in Budapest.

But Ukraine is not satisfied with Hungary's efforts to promote peace talks. The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on the 7th: "The proposal for Ukraine and Russia to hold peace talks in Budapest looks doubtful." "If Hungary really wants to help end the war, it can do this: stop undermining the unity of the EU and support the new of anti-Russian sanctions and provide military aid to Ukraine rather than create additional sources of funding for Russia's 'military machine,'" the statement said.

Agence France-Presse mentioned that in a phone call with Putin on the 6th, Orban reiterated his opposition to Hungary's shipment of weapons to Ukraine and his opposition to the EU's embargo on Russian energy imports, on which Hungary is highly dependent. During this election, he promised to ensure that Hungarian residents had adequate supplies of natural gas.