According to the National Health Commission, from 0:00 to 24:00 on the 24th, 31 provinces and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 32 new confirmed cases, including 5 local cases;

According to National Health and Medical Commission news, from 0:00 to 24:00 on the 24th, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 32 new confirmed cases, including 5 local cases (2 cases in Jiangsu , 1 case in Liaoning, 1 case in Guangdong, 1 case in Yunnan); 24 new cases of local asymptomatic infections (2 cases in Liaoning, 2 cases in Jiangsu).

2 new locally confirmed cases in Jiangsu

From 0 to 24:00 on July 24, 2 new locally confirmed cases in Jiangsu (both common types) and 2 local asymptomatic infections were reported in Nanjing City.

Liaoning added 1 new local confirmed case

According to Liaoning Provincial Health Commission 24 news, from 0:00 to 20:00 on the 24th, Liaoning Province added 1 new local new confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia and 2 new local asymptomatic infections. All are reported by Shenyang City. The three infected people are a family of three, and their daughter had taken a flight and stopped at Nanjing Lukou Airport.

Details of confirmed cases

A woman, 24 years old, unemployed, took flight MF8069 from Xiamen to Shenyang back to Shenyang on July 14, stopped at Nanjing Lukou Airport, and had a meal during the trip.

During the investigation of people returning to Shenyang from Nanjing, Shenyang City found that he had developed symptoms such as low-grade fever accompanied by sore throat on the 17th, and immediately notified the 120 ambulance to transfer him to the north of Shenyang Fourth People's Hospital. The hospital implemented isolation and observation, and collected biological specimens and sent them to the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention for nucleic acid testing, and the results were reported to be positive.

The Shenyang Municipal Health Commission immediately initiated the transfer procedure and transferred the patient to Shenyang Sixth People's Hospital for further diagnosis and treatment. After consultation with the provincial medical expert group, the patient was diagnosed as a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (common type).

itinerary announced (swipe to view) ↓

XX, current address: Rongle Community, Zhulin Road, Dadong District.

On July 14, I took flight MF8069 from Xiamen Gaoqi Airport (stopping at Nanjing Lukou Airport) and arrived at Shenyang Taoxian Airport at 0:00 on July 15.

html At 16:00 on July 15th, go to Qianxun Pet Base, No. D-6, Fumin South Street, Hunnan District; at 18:20, go to Ji Zhi Chuanwu, No. 269 Zhengyang Street, Shenhe District; at 19:00, go to Middle Street , one after another Shopping at the Jordan Store in Plaza 66 in the Imperial City and Beijing Daoxiangcun Middle Street Flagship Store; at 20:49, go shopping at the Mixue Bingcheng Xiaoshizi Street Store.

html Go shopping at Beijing Daoxiang Village Middle Street flagship store in Shenhe District at 18:00 on July 16; at 18:30, go to the real-life secret room of Changgu Qiwen on the 5th floor of New World Department Store, Jinqiao Road, Dadong District; and arrive at a convenience store near home around 21:00 .

html I drove a RV to Inner Mongolia at 13:35 on July 19. I stopped at the Xinmin Service Area of ​​the Xinlu Expressway on the way and arrived at the Horqin Service Area of ​​the Xinlu Expressway at 22:00. After parking, I stayed in the RV overnight.

Arrive at Khan Mountain scenic spot at 10:30 on July 20; arrive at Jiuquwan Scenic Area at 13:30; arrive at Wulagai Lake parking lot at 18:30, and spend the night in the RV after parking.

arrived at the Bulin Spring scenic spot at 12:00 on July 21, and returned to Shenyang around 14:00, stopping at the Xinmin Service Area of ​​the Xinlu Expressway on the way.

html stopped briefly at Yifang Square on Wenhua Road, Shenhe District at around 10:00 on July 22, and went to the vegetable market hall 3505 Caocang Road, Dashizi Street, Dadong District at 12:20, and then went to a nearby convenience store.

html At about 17:00 on July 23, I drove my RV to Bird Island in Hunnan District and stayed in the RV overnight after parking.

htmlOn July 24, he was quarantined for observation after investigation.

Details of asymptomatic infections

A certain man, 47 years old, and a certain woman, 48 years old, are the parents of the above-mentioned patients.

As close contacts of his daughter, on the morning of July 24, the two were transported by the 120 ambulance to the North Campus of Shenyang Fourth People's Hospital for isolation and observation. At the same time, biological specimens from the two people were collected and sent to the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention for nucleic acid testing. , the results reported are all positive.

The Shenyang Municipal Health Commission immediately started the transfer procedure and transferred the two people to Shenyang Sixth People's Hospital for further diagnosis and treatment.

After consultation with the municipal medical expert group, two people were diagnosed as new coronavirus asymptomatic infections.

On the evening of the 24th, the Epidemic Prevention and Control Integrated Team of the Shenyang New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters issued a notice: Building 50-15, Zhulin Road, Dadong District, Shenyang City was adjusted to a medium-risk area. Risk levels in other regions remain unchanged.

Emergency search!

Benxi City, Liaoning Province, released the movement trajectory of asymptomatic infections in Shenyang Benxi

According to the Liaoning Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention collaborative investigation notice, the above-mentioned asymptomatic infections had driven to Xixi by themselves and were active in Benxi. Their movement trajectory is as follows:

July 16 From 19:00 on the 19th to 18:00 on the 17th, the event took place at a riverside camping site about 1,000 meters diagonally opposite the Huaxi Mu Hot Spring Hotel in Benxi Manchu Autonomous County.

Citizens who have been to the above-mentioned places during the above time period are requested to report immediately to the local Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, communities (village groups) and work units, and cooperate with the local epidemic prevention and control departments to implement relevant epidemic prevention and control measures. If the problem causes an epidemic or has a major impact, the relevant responsibilities will be investigated in accordance with laws and regulations.

Guangdong has 1 new locally confirmed case

According to Guangdong Provincial Health Commission news, from 0:00 to 24:00 on the 24th, there was 1 new locally confirmed case in Guangdong Province (a local asymptomatic infection reported in Zhongshan on the 22nd The patient will be diagnosed).

Yunnan has 1 new locally confirmed case

According to Yunnan Provincial Health Commission news, from 0:00 to 24:00 on the 24th, Yunnan Province has a new locally confirmed case of new coronavirus pneumonia.

Case details

Female, 29 years old, Chinese nationality, mild case.

was found in the nucleic acid test of key populations in Ruili City on July 24, and was immediately transported to a designated hospital for isolation treatment by negative pressure ambulance . Based on the epidemiological history, clinical manifestations and laboratory test results, the patient was diagnosed as a confirmed case of COVID-19 (mild).

Nanjing will start the second round of nucleic acid testing for all employees today

In the early morning of July 25, Nanjing issued a notice (No. 5) on launching the second round of nucleic acid testing for all employees in the city, which is scheduled to start at 11:00 a.m. on July 25th. The second round of nucleic acid testing for all permanent residents and people coming to Ning will be carried out.

A place in Sichuan has been upgraded to a medium-risk area

According to the Mianyang Municipal Health Commission of Sichuan Province, starting from the 24th, the No. 1 Huike Road, Wujia Town, Fucheng District, Mianyang City has been adjusted to a medium-risk area, and the risk level of other areas remains unchanged. .

Wear a mask and wash hands frequently

Strictly control and don’t relax!

source: cctv.