According to Japanese media reports, actress Suzu Hirose has confirmed to star in the documentary program "Passionate Continent" to be broadcast on November 7 (MBS·TBS series, broadcast every Sunday at 11 p.m.). This is Suzu Hirose's first long-term documentary interview. The pro

According to Japanese media reports, actress Suzu Hirose has confirmed to star in the documentary program "Passionate Continent" to be broadcast on November 7 (MBS·TBS series, broadcast every Sunday at 11 p.m.). This is Suzu Hirose's first long-term documentary interview. The program will conduct a follow-up interview with Suzu Hirose within one year. The program continued to report with the title "Actress Suzu Hirose".

In fact, I think it’s long overdue to film Hirose Suzu’s “Enthusiasm.” Basically, the people who appeared on this show were young actors who were popular at the time, like Miura Haruma, Sakai Masato, and the like. However, Hirose Suzu was cast because the time was right. If it hadn’t been for the impact of the epidemic, filming might have started last year.

Hirose Suzu actually has a relatively innocent appearance. Some people may say she is very beautiful, but personally I am not very interested in her. Maybe it is because she had too much negative news when she first debuted, but this is a matter of opinion. As long as you like things.

picture comes from Baidu