Walking into Dawa Mountain in Libao Village, Xichuan Town, the peach blossoms are fragrant, standing like a beautiful lady in pink, charming and gorgeous. With the continuous rise and fall of the mountain, from a distance, it looks like sunset falling on the earth, gauze covering

[Editor's Note] In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the Municipal and County Party Congress, and strive to create and enhance Qin'an "China's Peach Hometown" tourism brand, Qin'an County is based on the current epidemic prevention and control situation. , the 2022 Qin'an, Gansu "Peach Blossom Fair on the Cloud" will be held via online live broadcast starting from early April to promote Qin'an peach blossom landscape and investment projects, Qin'an Peach and other agricultural products to help rural revitalization. Starting today, the Qin'an County Integrated Media Center has launched the [2022 Peach Blossom Party on the Cloud] column on various platforms to show all walks of life the online series of "Peach Blossom Appreciation on the Cloud·Code Upstream Qin'an" to fully demonstrate the new development of Qin'an in the new era. stay tuned!

March is the most beautiful day in the world, and it is a good time to enjoy flowers. Walking into Dawa Mountain in Libao Village, Xichuan Town, the peach blossoms are fragrant, standing like a beautiful lady in pink, charming and gorgeous. With the continuous rise and fall of the mountain, from a distance, it looks like sunset falling on the earth, gauze covering the hills, and like a sea of ​​flowers. It is so beautiful that it paints a vibrant and moving picture.

When you are in the sea of ​​​​flowers in the peach garden, you can see bees buzzing and busy collecting nectar. Looking around, you can see the peach blossoms standing on the branches blooming, pink as haze and white as snow and frost. Against the blue sky and green branches, The pink and tender faces all over the mountains and plains show a strong sense of spring. Wherever the breeze passes, the peach branches are swaying, and the subtle fragrance floats, just like a fairyland on earth, which makes people linger.

Peach blossom is a beautiful scenery in Qin'an County. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Qin'an was said to be "Peach Blossom River ten miles north of the city". During the flowering season, the peach blossoms are in full bloom and are as gorgeous as brocade. It is a good place for tourists to go out and enjoy flowers, visit the garden to pick, have leisure and entertainment, and go sightseeing.

(Editor: Li Xiaobing Editor: Lu Shujuan Editor: Wu Xinping)