"Complete Song Ci" was compiled by Tang Guizhang and supplemented by Kong Fanli. It includes 1,330 poets from the Song Dynasty and 21,116 poems. In the Northern Song Dynasty, although Ci has formed an independent literary style, it seems that it has not been generally recognized

word, a kind of poetry. Because it is the lyrics of Hele, it is also called tune lyrics, Yuefu, music, long and short sentences, poetry, Qinqu, etc. It began in the Sui Dynasty, took shape in the middle and late Tang Dynasty, and flourished in the Song Dynasty.

"Complete Song Ci" was compiled by Tang Guizhang and supplemented by Kong Fanli. It includes a total of 1,330 poets from the Song Dynasty and 21,116 poems. "Complete Song Ci" is one of the most important results of the compilation of ancient books in China in the past century. Song lyrics and Tang poetry are both the artistic peaks of Chinese classical poetry. The "Complete Poems of the Tang Dynasty" compiled in the Qing Dynasty is a well-known book, and now the "Complete Poems of the Song Dynasty" has been newly compiled, which can be regarded as a double gem of Chinese literature.

A collection of Song lyrics.

The compilation of Song poetry collections began in the Song Dynasty.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, although Ci has formed an independent style, it seems that it has not been generally recognized as "orthodox" literature, so Northern Song people's Ci is generally not included in anthologies.

Collection of Ci poems by Song Dynasty poets include "Hundred Family Ci" (now lost) from Changsha Bookstore, Fujian "Qinqu Waibian" (five kinds exist today), "Sixty Family Ci" (now lost), etc.

In the late Ming Dynasty, Mao Jin Jigu Ge published six volumes of "Song Famous Writers' Ci" with sixty-one chapters. This was the beginning of large-scale publication of poetry collections after the Song Dynasty, and his book was the most widely circulated.

Later, Hou Wencan of the Qing Dynasty engraved the "Collection of Ci Poems of Ten Famous Masters", and Qin En reengraved the "Ci Xue Series". In the late Qing Dynasty, the trend of publishing collections of poems became more popular and the scale became larger. Wang Pengyun engraved "Ci from Siyinzhai" and "Thirty-One Cis from Song and Yuan Dynasties", Jiang Biao engraved "Ci from Famous Masters from Song and Yuan Dynasties", Wu Chongxi engraved "Ci from Shanzuo People", and Wu Changshou engraved "Shuangzhao Loujing" "The Original Ci of the Song and Yuan Dynasties", Zhu Zumou engraved the "Qiangcun Series", and Tao Xiang engraved the "Continuation of the Original Ci of the Song, Jin, Yuan and Ming Dynasties". In 1931, Zhao Wanli supplemented the works of Zhujia Congke and compiled 73 volumes of "Compilation of Song, Jin and Yuan Ci". Later, Zhou Yong first published "Ci Gou Shen of Tang, Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties", which contained a lot more new information than Zhao Ji. However, the individual chapters and sentences engraved by various writers are not recorded at all, which is not enough to explore the whole picture of a generation of poetry.

On the basis of comprehensive compilation by various writers, Tang Guizhang extensively searched and collected all the poems attached to the collected works of the Song Dynasty, the selected poems of the Song Dynasty people, and the poems and works contained in the notes of the Song Dynasty people. He also collected and collected them from similar books and local chronicles. The poems contained in various books such as poems, epigraphs, inscriptions and postscripts, flower and tree records, etc. were collected in one place and compiled into "Complete Song Ci". In 1940, a thread-bound version was published in Changsha by the Commercial Press. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the editor re-edited the book, and it was revised and revised by Wang Zhongwen. It was reprinted and published by Zhonghua Book Company in 1965. The new version of "Complete Song Ci" has greatly improved compared with the old version in terms of materials and style: rare books have been used to replace the previous originals, more than 240 poets and more than 1,400 poems have been added; the poets of the Tang, Five Dynasties, Jin, Yuan and Ming Dynasties who can be examined have been deleted. Ci writing; reexamining the poet's biography and rewriting the biography; adjusting the style of the old version from "emperor", "clan" and other classifications to arranging the poet in chronological order. The book compiles a total of more than 1,330 poets from the Song Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, with about 20,000 poems, and more than 530 citations. In recent years, the editor has continued to make revisions and corrections, writing "Supplements and Supplements", which is attached at the end of the 1979 reprint of this volume.

This book is well-collected and carefully edited. It corrects many mistakes made by predecessors. It is an important reference book for the study of Song Ci.

After the new edition of this book came out, the contemporary Kong Fanli compiled the lost remains from the Ming manuscript "Shiyuan" and other books, and compiled it into the "Supplement to the Complete Song Ci", which included more than 140 writers (41 of them had been published in "The Complete Song Ci") ), composed of more than 430 poems, was published by Zhonghua Book Company in 1981.


Volume 1630 Han Zhen

Volume 1631 Han Hui

Volume 1632 Han Zhun

Volume 1633 Han Huang

Volume 1634 Han Jiayan

Volume 1635 Han Jiang

Volume 1636 Han Ju

Han Zhen

Feng Xiao Yin

Suo Li Chou, continuous Boundless, the first smoke on the road came. The people who embroider the curtains think about it far away, secretly weeping, and weeping to send off the Zhenglun. The long pavilion is within sight, but it is more heavy and far away from the water and solitary clouds. But looking at the extremely high tower, one can see all the kings and grandsons as far as the sun goes.

ecstasy. After leaving the pond, I was walking around, green and jealous of the light skirt. When I am tired, I hold my bare hands, walking slowly among the scattered flowers and flying catkins. Zhu Yankong has changed himself, and his fragrance will grow new year by year.All over the green fields, play and sleep drunk, don't lose your youth.

Han Hui

Linjiang Fairy (for Gu Zhiyao’s birthday)

It’s hard to grow old with a glass of spring wine, and the master appreciates the beauty of autumn. We chased each other at the foot of Jiuhua Mountain. The refreshing mood that comes in the morning is all drawn towards the end of the pen.

After returning to Taige, he should be the Duke of Gonggun. You might as well look at Wu Gou with a smile. It was a dreamy day that year, and the peace and auspicious light floated.

Manjianghong (and Zhao Gongming)

In front of Wulaofeng, on Jiujiang, there were fairy visitors. When we meet each other, we will exchange gold and stone under the pavilion of Guichi. The romantic people of my generation should sing and sing, while the officials and officials are busy and busy. He also writes books, raises clear cups in the cluster, and takes a leisurely day.

The same smile, today. The plum blossoms are just right and the fragrance is white. I will forget about you, and my drunken towel will be wet. I have praised my attitude to Qionglou, and I seem to have heard news from the Golden Palace. I miss you now and when you are gone, we should remember each other.

The willow shoots are green

The clouds are light and the autumn sky is clear. A river of flowing water, mist and rain. The bank turns back to the stream, and the mountains and plains are far away. At some point, the army will be conquered.

Pedestrians are leaning against the canopy alone. Consider this scene as in the picture. Don't ask about fame, but look for poetry and wine, and catch the west wind.

Drunken Penglai (Shou Pancao)

Ask about the benefits of West Lake, the wind blowing upstairs, who can say longevity. The fragrance of lotus flowers spreads ten miles away, and the day is clear against the Sophora yin. The gentle waves are rubbing the blue sky, the distant mountains are covered with dark clouds, and the orchestra is playing its first tune. Drunk dancing, cheering, and the time of birth.

The knees are whirling, the old lady is playing, the emperor's glory makes the clothes appear embroidered. Relying on Fanglong, he was given a gold medal and a colorful ribbon. Since then, it has been flying high, and Fengge Luantai is full of mellow wine. The Taoist immortal style, the beautiful face and the green temples remain the same year after year.

Water Tune Songtou (Chao Zi should have seen it at thirty-eight feet, because □ Zhang Deguang drank mignonette water, and Ci De Guangyun)

The bright moon reaches the shadow of the flowers, and the wine is fragrant and red. This feeling is flowing, but I feel that the clear scenery is full of curtains. People are annoyed by good flowers, and flowers also know people's quiet charm, and good places have the same wind. He waved to thank Chen Gang and walked into the Toad Palace with his sleeves raised.

It's half autumn, beside the quiet stream, in the chaotic mountains. An old friend passes me by, and I can take pleasure in it for a thousand minutes. Thanks to the talented man from Qujiang, he sat on Pingzhang Huayue and ignored the old hero. Where can I send my thoughts, and my drunken words are in a hurry.

Congratulations to the bridegroom (there is a word "congratulations to the bridegroom" written by the ancients when sitting on the seat, which is very strong, and the wine half uses its rhyme)

Everything pretends to be over. Manqi is late, fog rises in Lingshan, and the jade stream flows into Zhugisa. Hitting the 楫 is desolate and desolate through the ages, and I am saddened to wear my clothes and go south. Tears are shed secretly, and China sinks. How many chests are full of economy, energy, and depression. The sky laughs to itself and listens to the chicken dance.

The nine tigers in Tianguan have no way out. I sigh that the capital, the people's anointed blood, is still handed over to the barbarians. The country of Wu and Shu is in good shape, but the situation cannot be said at all. But as far as the eye can see, the southeastern climate. The boat on the Red Cliff Tower should look like the old one. I asked Ziyu and Gongjin if they are doing well now. Let go of it and lift it up to you.

Congratulations to the bridegroom

I have bad feelings due to illness. The small curtains, poplars and catkins fall, and the shade of the wood forms a curtain. I wonder how long the spring has lasted, I have forgotten the years. More, once upon a time covenant. I plan to wait for the orioles to find good words, but the red color is dim and the wind is scattered. Think about the past and remember it like it was yesterday.

Cold food during the Qingming Festival must be enjoyed. Calculate life, when you will be rich, you will be miserable. Try to wear a spring shirt from a wine companion, inserting many beautiful flowers into the tender calyx. Don’t be fooled by your faith, and take your fame into consideration. With the mountains and rivers offering a smile, who can tie this body and leisure place? Outside the piano and sword, drink and drink.

Qingpingle (Pan Lingsheng came to court on July 13th)

Single father played the piano. The boat should fly away. No better than Heyang, which is full of flowers and trees. This meaning is as high as ever.

We meet on Qingqiu’s birthday. It is a villager on the same stream. Smile and point to Hushan for longevity, benevolent and calm to gain merit.

Shuilongyin (On July 26th, Wang Daofu of the Shusheng Dynasty)

I came to Yiwu from the left of the Yangtze River, and my name was different from that of Zhuchu Gongyou. There are golden halls and jade chambers, beautiful trees in the Yao forest, and dragons and lins walking around. Aiming at Shen Gao, he is so powerful that he can swallow eighty-nine out of ten. Asked about the grand event of Sanhuai, it was the first year of the year, people should envy it, and the green felt was old.

talks about the prefect of the article. Celebrate the thousand years and wish your relatives a long life. Ice peaches and snow lotus roots, rosy clouds and moon pendants, and orioles singing. The rain is ripe in the west, the stars are in the south pole, and the precious fragrance condenses in the day. Taking advantage of the new coolness, we arranged to ride on the clouds around the sun and drink Tianjing wine.

Qingpingle (second rhyme)

Xiao Ran is in the stream. The scenery is beautiful in autumn. A few wisps of bright red remain intact. Straighten your head and watch from time to time.

Thinking back to Wuma Qingyou. It is clear that the seniors are romantic. It will be left as a good story in the mountains, and no one will be worried about it.

Walking on the Shasha (Chinese Valentine's Day Ci)

The rain brings coolness, and the clouds urge dusk. The painter is leaning against the balcony. The crescent moon beside the willow is already dim, and the stars are faintly scattered across the sky.

In the good times of this and ancient times, the cow girl is widely spread. Try a cup and find new sentences.The deep and cold eyes are the green hills, the old love and hatred have no basis.

Qing Ping Le (Shou Pan Wen Shu)

Chang Si Gaozhi. I saw the cool breeze blowing again. Happy years mean longevity. Write a folk song quickly and send it again.

May the public good health and good health. Qingyun receives fame. Mo Dao, now that the officials are small, I, the Confucian scholar, want to be kind to the people.

Liu Shaoqing (Rain washes the Lantern Festival)

The rain washes the Lantern Festival. There is a smoke lock on the balcony, and there is a faint sound of sheng and xiao. And put plum blossoms, burn silver candles, and the fragrance of agarwood floats.

Xingqiao in the soft world. Think of Jise and the imperial capital Jiangxiao. The screen covers Xiaoxiang, the drunken clothes fall down, and the spring dream is far away.

Bodhisattva Man (Tong Zhongming Yinshan Yin)

The snow clouds have disappeared and the clear wind is soft. The spring waves on the hill are clear and the waves are far away. The plum slices are fragrant. Begonia red makeup test.

People say poetry is easy to relate to. Who pays for the wine cup? It’s not that I’m not in the mood. The sound of birds singing at sunset.

A Jian of Plum Blossoms (for Feng Deying)

Talking about lovesickness and sorrow in dreams. The grass is fragrant and the sun sets, and spring fills the Qin Tower. In front of the building, new green water flows westward. A song of Yangguan, sharing the brow.

Many romantic affairs have ended. It's thin and fragrant, but I'm afraid to take precautions. The small courtyard is quiet under the light clouds and the moon. Tomorrow the mountains will be long, and the hatred will be long.

Hai Yue Yao (Send to Zhao Yongxingzai)

Late Autumn Yanzhu. Geng Zhouyi and Xiao Xiaoyu. The water traces are clear and clear, the meandering winds gradually become clearer, and the clouds sail to the west. Sandie Yangguan, leaving the feeling of separation.

Xinan Yiwu. Who is the master of Fengyue? The Drunkard Poetry Society has been neglected since then, with its mind filled with dust. Watching Hong Fei off, don't listen to the sound of several soft oars.

Good things come close (red plum blossoms)

The spring color enters the fragrant branches, dotted with thousands of red jade branches. Don't be afraid of worry and indulge in sleepiness, relying on your new makeup like a bundle.

The peaches and plums are too enchanting, relatively dim in the night. Remember that where there are sparse flowers, there is a subtle fragrance.

Bodhisattva Man (Viewing Plum Blossoms in Wilderness)

I have always been intoxicated by plum blossoms throughout my life. Several branches are dripping with fragrance. The moon shines brightly after the snow. The bile bottle is infinitely clear.

The light shadow is thin in the middle of the night. Drink up the glass of wine. Tomorrow's scenery will be especially new. The world is full of spring.

Xijiang Moon (the writing is due to the Song Jiu rhyme indicating Huangliu)

How many people are attracted by the spring color, and the peach and apricots in Xitou are red. The staff and quinoa appear to cross the bridge east. The past is like a dream.

The fragrant grass is drunk at the bottom of the flower, and the willow edge is arrogant. Now I sit haggard and poor in poetry. Don't ask about the fermented chicken dancing in an urn.

Huanxi Sha (Night Drink at Zhongming Xiaoxuan)

A green mountain reflects the small pond. The forest is sparse and the people are quiet when the moon is bright. It’s also appropriate to meet over a glass of wine.

When you are drunk, you don’t know how much spring is happening, and the joy is still too late to be heard. Where do the gods fly?

Huanxi Sha (Zhong Ming ordered to compose an erotic song)

Bao Yaxiang is still drunk. The first start of a warm spring dream in brocade quilt. Clouds on the temples stir up jade hairpins.

The embroidered jacket is half timid in the cold night, and the silver lamp is still delicate and sleepy. The pink marks faded slightly and the face glowed.

Xijiang Moon (second rhyme)

The wind is warm and the morning light is silent, and the moon is bright and the night is heavy. The forest in the mountains is light and overcast. The flowers and willows are flying and the brocade is covered with cotton.

No one can cure alcoholism, but I can't help the sorrow of spring. There is a heartbreaking sound in front of you. Dream breaks through the window and pillow.

Chaozhongcuo (second rhyme)

Spring grass and swallows are flying in the pond. When people are drunk with peonies. How many Yao, yellow, Wei and purple are beaten into greasy pink swallow branches.

The immortal is drunk and looks at Pingzhang, but the clear shadow is late. There was a sound outside the flowers, and there were a few orioles by the willow.

Shui Tiao Ge Tou (Qingming Yanlai)

Under the ancient and modern fishing platform, travelers are traveling in flat boats. Why is this small boat? Thousands of clouds and mountains are traveling eastward. I want to stop being drunk and write about my life's indignation, and I will be more clear-minded. When I went to the guest star pavilion, I scratched my head alone with short sideburns.

The wind is blowing, the smoke is not collected yet, and the rain is beginning to fall. There are flowers all year long, and I want to take a spring break several times. The sentiment of paying tribute to the ancients and cherishing the virtuous people can only remain the same in name. Who will recognize Yangqiu again. Lai Dexuan Ying hides and looks at this stream.

Xijiang Moon (fourth uncle was born in the dynasty)

The plum blossom has a spring breeze, and the orange forest has a beautiful moon scenery. The five clouds are near Jiuxia Shang. The beautiful scenery is endless.

The old man meets the lake and the sea, and has traveled all over Xiaoxiang in the past few years. How long is it to be full of poetry? Win the sky.

Bu Shuzi (the first guest in the birth dynasty rhymes with the fourth uncle)

The bottom of the flower is drunk by the east wind, and the good times are suitable for the same life. It's spring these days at the end of the world, and I'm encountering Xinfeng Wine.

is a collection of stories about Gao Yang, and looking back when traveling to the south. I hope that I will have enough food and rest for many years, and smile at the world.

Huanxisha (Drinking at Panshe's house at night, a guest brought a prostitute to sing)

The light rain cleared up and the weather was cold. The incense sticks of Yueqiao Garden are broken. Apricot cheeks, peach face, dark eyebrows and curved eyebrows.

The song "Fu Yanliang" arouses the hatred of visitors, and the drunk Lin Luan mirror is afraid of being looked at. Good nights and spring dreams surround Pingshan.

Bodhisattva Man (small words)

Begonia wants to thank Mianfei Liu.Willow silk brushes the heads of people walking by. It's Qingming Festival. New smoke with porridge.

The light curtain is cold, but the shadow of the swing is leisurely. The winds of water flow without limit. The beauty's flowers are half-covered.

Huanxisha (Shou Chao Yuanmo)

The lake and the sea meet each other more closely. In front of the Sophora japonica tree and the rain longevity cup. The music, calligraphy and pictures are lost in the water.

collectively refers to Jin Luang as being direct and should not be manipulated by Peng Zeshang. For the first time this year, I want to be detached.

Love the embroidered quilt (Chao Zhongyi is about to arrive in Chuyang and buy a new concubine)

Huan Nong and two little smiles. When the snow is beginning to disappear and the plum blossoms are about to bloom. If you don't believe it, you will lose weight, and you will be afraid of people guessing and frowning.

The fragrant green is screened by the mountain curve, and the mountain pillow is turned sideways and moved. Try to go to the river with your companions, but the drunkard wants poems in the pavilion.

Huanxisha (Inscribed on the Picture Scroll of Beauty)

A colorful dance has not yet ended. The jade hairpin hangs down from the forehead and the clouds on the temples. Dreaming back to the Golden Palace in East China.

Swallows and orioles are in love, willow branches and peach leaves are in a hurry. Luo Jingkong provokes Yu Xiangnong.

Buchangong (fishing lines)

Reach Yantan Road in three years. Sigh that the beard and temples and clothes are dusty. Leaning on the solitary tent, enjoying the breeze leisurely, I see a scene and fly away.

What is the use of human beings in modern and ancient times? Comic wins, individual emotions. The rain brings clouds, and the water flows eastward from the chaos, but only the green mountains remain the same.

Shui Tiao Ge Tou (Ci Yun Zai Shu)

Just take a pillow outside the summer breeze and let everything happen as it happens. Wherever the piano and sword come from, they are parked at the top of this level. The sun circles around the Jiutian Pavilion, the smoke wipes out the surrounding mountains and thin forests, and the dusty city sounds in front of it. The old eyes are still awake after being drunk, but they still have poetry.

Qiaonan Courtyard, Shuangguiyin, has a famous saying. Fortunately, people in the world of martial arts have tidied up their book curtains. Looking back, I am fine in my house. What's the matter with the monk who is sleeping at the window? The bird is high. The water flows to the bright moon, who is more transcendent?

Partridge Sky (Lanxi Zhouzhong)

Rain, wet west wind, and smoke on the water. A turban of Chinese hair gets on the stream boat. The sails come and go against the mountain scenery, and the oars' broken beach marks are scattered and rounded.

Looking for turbid wine, try to sing the chapter. The gulls and herons are more graceful when avoiding people. At the fifth watch of the night, I still dream of Qiantang. Only when I sleep can I realize that the past has passed before my eyes.

Shui Tiao Ge Tou (Second Song Dynasty·Rhyme)

The festival has blown the hat, who will see Nanshan again. A beautiful place in Nanshan, with clouds on the stage surrounded by a stream. I still remember that I have made you drunk together, and I have been transformed into a crane for thousands of years. I should be frugal now and in the past. There are many traces of successful events, but the scenery is only high and cold.

Don't ask any questions, just go back to the wine bank and collect all the money. It’s just a matter of smiling and laughing, thanks to Kong Rongzun. Great and broad-minded, winning the indifference of each other, feeling the old and rejoicing. Let's take a look at the chrysanthemums in Xiaozhai. They are leaning against the palm of the hand.

Reduced word magnolia (Cichang Fuyun)

Time is wasted. How many places can you get to dissipate? Don't regret returning home late. You can't hold yourself back when you see new words.

Yanaka Shuri. Laughing and making noise know that you have a younger brother. Who means this? Everything in the world will be left to its own devices.

生zzazi (Meixi Juge Ci)

The frosty leaves in the willow pond are blown by the wind, and the smokey pistils are crossing the Meixi River. Maodian asked the village for mash, but was not allowed to go back empty-handed.

I am leaning on my stick and wandering around, writing my side sentences. What's the point of drunken eyes? It's a solitary place at sunset.

Xijiang Moon (late spring)

I heard that in late spring, the warm breeze brings flowers everywhere. Tourists compete to cross the South Water Bridge. How many ponds have spring grass.

Who connects Yule with the prancing horse? Fishing should be done by Pan Lanradi. How can time not be free? Lose to the wild birds of the stream gull.

Chao Zhongcuo (similar to Wu Zi)

In the spring, people are tired and playing in silence. Yanyu fights against Tangli. There are countless red green paths, and orioles sing frequently on the branches.

The place where the running water splashes in the small garden is green all over Xiejia Pond. I resent the moon and hate the taste of flowers, and my tears stain my clothes.

Xiaozhong Mountain (similar to Wu Zi)

The cloud shadows are clear and clear when it rains. Bixi spring is shining, and the falling flowers are flat. The warblers urged me to cross the bridge. Where are the people? Poetry and wine lighten the mood.

is still alive. Who can do this? The grassy path leads to Liubian City. When I return, clear dreams surround the mountain screen.

Linjiang Fairy (Girlfriend's Resentment)

The crisp pipes and numerous strings are nowhere to be found, and the small building is empty and covers the distant mountains. The willow silk goes straight down the winding stem. The begonia is about to fade, and the jade bracelet is timid for spring.

_The wine will not make you happy, and the new swallow will whisper in the cold society. The carving plate is full of treasure and fragrant. The sky is bright and dark, and the rain is gurgling outside the curtain.

Chaozhongcuo (Pingjiang Shi_·Shengchao)

Wuhu Yanshui Baihuazhou. Don't take advantage of the trend. Rendao Zishu's family background was Gonggun Gonghou in the Qing Dynasty.

The green water and spring of the famous garden are priceless, and the Shu brocade dance wraps around the head. On this day, every year of my life, the fragrance of my treasure cup floats.

Yue Gongchun (with Wu Wei)

Liu Jiaohua is jealous of Yan Yingxuan. Intestinal perforation. I am tired of a spring rainy night. Don't hear the bells and drums.

The fragrant and cold music screen is covered with tents, who can sit on the swing in the garden?I recall the phoenix pillow in my youth, when the sun was high and I was still drunk and sleeping.

Huanxi Sha (Manyuan Spring)

Peony and fermented glutinous rice are Man Yuanchun. The willows in front of the door are beautiful and sunny. The double curtains and the double swallows spoke in a deep voice.

The flowers are green and tender in the early days, and the leaves are red in the evening. Light thunder sends a slight cloud without realizing it.

Partridge Sky (No Smoking)

No Smoking, Desolate Rain and Wet Clouds. The suburbs were filled with people. Children can make a lot of money out of borrowed grass, and they can't even notice the flowers stained with a glass of wine.

My body is old and my eyesight is getting brighter. Looking back is the world of mortals. Who believes that there is no cold food in the mountains? Why not pick apples in the stream?

A cluster of flowers (Ci Yun Si Yuan)

Flying flowers through the snowy waves. The spring dawn is beautiful and frosty. The wind returns to the charming place, the coldness is gentle, and the poems are very beautiful. In the future of Shuangyan, where is Duanhong? The light rain is far away.

Whose family is the light and shade of Qi Chuang? The orchid buds are carved on the threshold. Painted eaves and curtains After dusk, try to drink and laugh and make noise. Together and apart in life, we are old and drunk.

Eyes are charming

The east wind blows across the threshold and the dew is still cold. The flowers are heavy and dry. It's a light cloud day, the morning light is slightly shining through, and the curtains are fragrant.

Yin and Qing are uncertain, Yao's level is moist, and new hatred is felt in the heart. From a high position, you can see the green poplars on the south road and the endless mountains.

Qingyu Case (Xihu Road)

Su Gongdi is on Xihu Road. Liuwaiyue and Qingcong left. How many years are spent in shock and darkness. I traveled all over Nanshan, and after returning from Beishan, I always wrote poems.

Now I am old and miss the spring. I am chanting and searching for sentences by the river bank. The lingering feelings are empty and self-promising. There are fragrant grasses in the small garden, short fences and bamboos, and a little rain of flying flowers.

Huanxisha (Ke Xinqing's rhyme between the walls)

is afraid of the mountain spirit and customs driving back. Don’t be surprised when seagulls fly down. The motivation is gone and the weight is wandering.

After a long night of rain, the sky clears and the streams fall, and the dawn clouds slightly reveal two rows of mountains. When new seedlings emerge, the wind will blow.

Chao Zhongcuo (the play is presented to Zheng Qian)

A flat boat supports the moon and travels around the rivers and lakes. Yanshui Zhanjin Shop. The cool songs are playing under the tent, and the skin is first covered with ice and snow.

A poet is a poet, and he can imitate the best sentences. A pair of jade flies away, and the fragrance of the lotus stirs the wild cattails.

A lonely boat in the bright moon (Meeting a child is like having a drink in a guest house in Qinghefang City)

We suddenly meet and are surprised to see each other as old. Ask friends in the mountains, drunkards and poets. I am leisurely leaning on the Qinglou, in Chang'an City, Hua Fa scratches his head for you.

Are the green bamboos and sparse plum trees here today? Facing the West Lake and the setting sun. Amid the sound of swan geese, it is still time to wake up from drunkenness in this world.

Jiang Chengzi (Dejiu was drunk with him, and his son seemed to have bought a new wine to go with it, and he had a poem with Dejiu)

Tian Sun should be weaving cloud clothes. Try palace makeup. Ask Liu Lang. The waves on the lake are cold, but the mountains in the distance are still blue. Naturally, I have been lazy and idle since I was old, just like a teenager.

is a combination of luxury and leisure. Remember Yan Yang. Poor Su Zhang. It's easy to get drunk even after having a drink. Looking back, the sail is heading west. When will it be updated? Let’s be clear and mad together.

Ran Ranyun (making the rain of flowers)

leaning against the langan to make the rain of flowers. Rolling bead curtains, grass and fragrant trees. In the mountains, a few clouds and smoke come and go. If you can't paint, you can see other people's courtyards.

The society is cold and Liang Yan is whispering and dancing. Xiaotaohong and Begonia are vomiting for the first time. Who believes it? The mood when you wake up from drunkenness in the afternoon. I am relaxing in my spring shirt and talking to myself.

Visit Kinmen (Dongfeng blows wine and noodles)

Half a shadow of a flower. The sky is clear and the clouds are turning. Choose victory and seek spring sorrow. The days are short. It's raining and it's late on the mountain road.

The peach bottom of the stream is full of deep red. People can't help but wander far away. Butterflies circle the branches and chirp. The east wind blows the wine.

Man Tingfang (Wang Si Bo Sheng Chao)

Dots of Huaishan Mountain and far away from the river, each has its own scenery. The land is full of outstanding people, but the stars are full of bad articles. For the first time, he was full of good spirits. At that time, Rui and Guizhang should be engaged. Xun Xian plays, the cool night is full of moon, the jade well is fragrant with lotus root.

Halal, such as Yi Shao, orchid pavilion with bamboos, and meandering water drinking wine. I want to be drunk in my hometown for eternity. The small star on the screen is pregnant with jade, and the flying duck and boat are flying in the sky. The achievements of fame, clouds, dragons, winds and tigers are carried by gold medals.

Huanxisha (Drunken Mignonette)

A song called "Drunken Mignonette" by the West Wind. Tianxiang blows dreams into Yaochi. The hairpin is still unopened.

The flowers are heavy and tender, the smile is red, and the leaves are lightly brushing the green eyebrows. After waking up from alcohol, the waning moon makes the sound of wild geese late.

Huanxi Sha (Ciyun Changfu)

The mountain air blows and the moon is cool. The garden is full of yellow chrysanthemums. In my life, I have only been drunk as my hometown.

Looking forward to the beauty, because of the common blessings, it is clear that the festival is the Double Ninth Festival. Even while drinking, he was still a teenager.

Huanxi Sha (Ciyun Changfu)

Don’t ask the stars for their temples to be stained with frost. Watch the dim moonlight with a cup. Singing and singing, the fisherman washes the waves.

But he remembered the two willow sentences planted by his hand, which really became the decisive chapter of Yunhan. Where is Su Xian standing in the vastness?

Huanxisha (frost chrysanthemum yellow)

The yellow flowers still bloom by themselves after frost.What are the emotions of old age? Every plant is planted by hand.

There is a saying about the jade dust in the autumn, but there is no dream about the golden hairpin when winter comes. Lovesickness bloomed all night long.


The snow disappeared and the frost entered the boat in the creek. Try floating. Go up the hill. The thin cold smoke is still not all absorbed. When I asked, the plum blossoms have not bloomed yet, and I can't sing enough, and I feel sad in spring.

still has such an old mind. Lazy gaze. Turn deep and quiet. The poem ends with an eyebrow, and the new moon is like a hook. The village in front of Chunqian in Lahou is far away, with stable back roads and west-flowing water.

Huanxi Sand (Yesexuan to see the jade-colored mignonette)

The rhinoceros is reflected in the moon-shaped pearl garden. Fuyao becomes the Phoenix Pond. Guanghan once broke off the highest branch.

His ambition is still the same as Zhuge's knees, and his clear name is still like Zizhi Mei. Plum blossoms and spring birthday wine are late.

Partridge Sky (Ciyun Changfu)

As I grow old, I feel the smell of wine. The ancient style in the forest by the water. It's dusk in the clouds, it's late in the sky over the Yangtze River, who recognizes the bald man with the temples in Danzhou?

People are easy to get away from, but language is difficult to work with. I still remember the same person in spring. All the painstaking efforts are like this, just wave the string and watch it go.

The wind enters the pines (the distant mountains are horizontal)

The spring of the small building reflects the distant mountains. Green all over Gaocheng. Looking at the setting sun, it is quiet, and the grass is still green and luxuriant. The rain is sparse, the smoke is cold, the food is cold, and the falling flowers and catkins are clear.

The number of strings is hard to listen to. Still a little bit spicy. When I ask what is going on in spring, spring will grow old, but spring will not speak, and spring hate will be hard to calm down. Don't turn the romantic season into a leisurely mood.

Bodhisattva Man (meaning among flowers)

The red color in the small garden is boundless in spring. The new sound is written in the flowers. A smile calls for truth. The fragrant cheek wine has not yet awakened.

Xifang pursues victory. Drink and ponder the poetry. Nowhere to say sincere feelings. The dark dust is born in the tent.

Visit Kinmen (He Changfu)

Hua Susu. Willow's three sleeps are not enough. Yichuanxi Mountain is newly green. There is no dream to continue the old love.

Don’t ask about the cuckoo’s cry. Only Jiangnan water bamboo. Bei Ke is miserable and alone. Spring mountains grow vegetation.

Visiting Kinmen

The tranquility is familiar, the roaring spring breeze is self-sufficient, and the refreshing air is fresh and clear. Don't ask for divination when you meet.

draws mountains and valleys. Flying clouds chase each other on the rocks. In the future, Jiangdong will think of Weibei. Who will continue the broken string?

Bu Shuanzi (sent by He Changfu on the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival)

It has been raining since autumn, and the moon is cold and quiet. In the middle of the night, among the grass trees, the clear shadows of jade dew appear.

The sound of the flute leaning against the building is still profound after hearing it thoroughly. I opened the firewood door with my hand and closed it again tiredly. I was lying in the clouds and my clothes were cold.

Drunken Penglai (Shang Taishou)

Celebrating the article Taishou, sleeping in bed with fragrant fragrance, it is a happy birthday. When Yu Ling returned, the plum blossoms continued to bloom for many years. The mood of chess and wine, the taste of music and music, are the perfect match for Chaotian Palace. In front of Yuzuo Mountain, the ice is the edge of the water, and there are many winds and moons.

With green temples and a beautiful face, facing each other with dignity, he is naturally a figure from the Central Plains and from his old family. _When the Lu class returns, I still remember to accompany Qingqie. It's good to have thousands of books in my chest, talk and laugh, and contribute to the times. The brocade is warm at the beginning, the treasure cup is deeply persuasive, and it dances back to the fragrant snow.

Chaozhongcuo (Mei Yue Yuan)

is the time of spring wine and longevity. We are of the same generation. The fragrance moves the plum blossoms and the full moon brings the east wind first every year.

The ice stream is clear and shallow, surrounded by jade, and the lotus curtain is long and calm. I hope that my life will be long, and I will wave my string and watch the flying stars fly away.

Tai Changyin (La Qian Mei)

Winter Plum Blossoms in early spring. Also know who it is for. It should be circled hundreds and thousands of times. As the night turns, there is a battle between the emperor and the emperor.

was very lonely and sad for Yi, wandering around for a few months. A faint fragrance comes. I feel that poetry has no limit.

Chaozhongcuo (Ciyun Changfu Jianzhi)

Who renovated Qu Yuxi Bin. When will we be neighbors? Drunk, they sang and sang to each other, walking followed the springs, rocks, pines and clouds.

Now is the plum season again, and there are only people in the eyes. The soul is broken, the fragrance is solitary, and the clothes are leisurely arranged in front of the flowers.

Love Embroidered Quilt (Teardrop Bullet)

The stream wind blows and the rain hits the window at night. Put your mood into drunkenness. I remember that deep in the mountains, my temples are now gray.

At the end of the night, the shadows are cold, the lights are dim, dreams are hard to come by, and the dream is longer. The treasure is broken, the luan glue is continued, and the teardrops are still fragrant.

A plum blossom (winter plum blossom)

A plum blossom and a hundred flowers. Light spring breeze, different palace makeup. The mantle of West Lake is even more unforgettable. The snow in the river and sky is so heartbreaking.

The bamboo shadow window is slanting across the clear night. Winning lovesickness brings melodious dreams. Shuiyun Township outside Yuxi Mountain. A hut with sparse fences will not be exchanged for a gold medal.

Die Lianhua (On the 30th day, I returned to the village shop to buy wine, Cheng Ji and Ziren drank together and sang)

There was a sparse plum blossom tree on the road. People come and go, no matter the year. Take a walk in the south. The east wind blows the fragrance to me.

I wonder how young I am now. Tomorrow will be new, and the shadow of the stream will cross the mountain at dusk. Don't climb over you and stay here.My heart is at the place where I write poems.

Dielianhua (Drizzle blows over the pond)

Spring is early this year. Mei and human relations, I think Mei prefers. The fragrance of a tree in the south is not old yet. The spring breeze has grown its own fragrant grass.

is from the city still with Xiao. Walking to Jun's house, the drizzle blows in the pond. I hope the bunker will arrive. Yuxi means young and old.

Sheng Cha Zi (Plum and Willow)

When the mountains feel like spring, they are all plums and willows. White and green, wine before the sun reflecting in the wind.

It doesn’t matter if you go back, don’t look back on the road. Everyone celebrates the New Year, and the willows and plum branches are thin.

Exploring the Spring Order (Long Lantern with Scenery)

Dark dust and bright moon, small peach branches, the feeling of the old home. Asking now, the wind is turning and the moth is at its end. Does anyone want to try on the spring shirt?

Jinglong lights up the world. Move Chang'an and sing. No one can remember this mountain city. Even the village wine, partial religion drunkenness.

Linjiang Fairy (Spring Painting Screen)

Luo Zhang Painting Screen New dreams are quiet, and the lingering fragrance lingers from the green window. The heavy curtain is afraid of leaning against the railing. The spring breeze blows the jade water, and the spring snow fills the Lingshan Mountain.

Liang Yan will return to the wild geese in the future, and the crabapples will be full of red. Wine, sorrow, flowers, hate the moment. The smoke and clouds are urging the dusk to fall, and the drizzle is wet and slightly cold.

Eyes are charming (social day)

The wind returns to the fragrant snow and reaches the pear blossoms. Whose mountain shadow is it? It's not too late for the small window, the double eaves are in the early days, and the jade is leaning against the bamboo.

Shehan No matter what people are like, they are still at the end of the world. The blue clouds are closing at dusk, my heart is in a state of confusion, and my drunken eyes are squinting.

Linjiangxian (I went out to relax after illness on June 2nd)

The bamboo trees were shaded and the streams flowed, and the orioles flew away and returned. The tent fence falls into the small bridge bay. There is no trace of dust, and I love myself.

The rain drives the dusk with the wind, and the clouds move with light thunder. Return to the coolness of the window. I am really tired after being sick, and my furrows are wide when I am asleep.

Die Lianhua (Looking at the jade-colored mignonette in Yequxuan)

The slanting sun clears the frosty mountain at dusk. Walking to the east of the bridge, Lin Zhu found no way. The small courtyard has a fragrant mist across the windows. Danpingqu has several flowers like rain.

consider your mood carefully because you will stay for a long time. The strong wind of ninety thousand blows the cold shadow. If it’s not the Moon Palace, that’s a lot. The neon clothes dance through Lingbo steps.

Willow Shaoqing (Yushui Mingsha)

Yushui Mingsha. The road twists and turns, and the city leans on the bridge. The old me comes here, gets drunk with someone, and pays him credit at a glance.

Feihong Yao Ai Tianya. But fight and mood restaurant. Purple chrysanthemum branches and red cornus branches, don't ask about the years.

The courtyard is full of fragrance

The jade water and the spiritual mountain, the frosty sky and clear dawn, the piano hall is neither smoke nor fog. Zai Lin's first visit, Guibi recorded brilliantly. The word "appeasement" for the people of Baili, cheering place, and millet appeared. It’s a good year. I’d rather drink in the spring than get drunk and get wet.

gods, leaders, mountains and rivers, and star-studded articles. It will be yellow and green, and you will meet Mingliang. I would like to give Shang Fang a sword that can climb over the threshold and shine with its ancient glory. Feifu left, and Gantang left behind his love, staying to talk to Tongxiang.

Bodhisattva Man (Plum Blossom Sentence)

I found the plum blossom sentence before the wind. The fragrance comes from mutual sharing. The moon moves at dusk. A horizontal wine statue.

Where in the world is there? It's spring time again. Don’t let this poet down. Chanting flowers in my heart.

Congratulations to the bridegroom (On the 13th, the plum blossom branches in the small garden are decorated with reddish colors, which makes me feel happy)

The plum blossoms are faintly visible. The years are deep, but there is no handle, and the staff is leaning leisurely. Surrounded by mountains and under the red leaves of the deserted forest, the setting sun shines over the isolated city with smoke and water. If you want to send it, it will be what it says. The branches at the bottom are sparse and steep, and before the fragrance is blown, they look like flowers. I can't bear to break it, but I'm happy about it.

Jackdaws and thousands of frosty winds are rising. The house is in good shape, the garden is harvesting taro and chestnuts, and the little trough is beautiful at first sight. The same drink makes you want to get drunk, but only then can you make a fortune. Old attitude, muddy teeth. Find out if the solitary root spring is there. Both red and white are peaches and plums. It's so empty, how can you do that?

Hundred Character Order (Shou Nanzhi)

The imperial edict flies to the sky, watching the golden tamarin tie the horse, and the wind and moon in the West Lake. After court, the cigarettes are torn all over my sleeves, and I am in the Qiong Tower and Jade Palace. Splendid liver and intestines, pearls and saliva, green hair on the temples. With whomever the economy is, the rivers and mountains should laugh at Wu Yue.

Let's drink spring wine and look for plum blossoms, and sit facing the southern branch of the tree. The military guard Zhu Mensen paints a halberd, and the drunken dancers wear socks. The high hall on the mountain face and the new ships floating on the stream are said by the people of Liuqi state. There is nothing left to do, and it is so strange for a moment.

Bodhisattva Man (Zhao Changfu broke the plum blossoms from Huangyan and sent it to "Bodhisattva Man", which he rhymed with)

There is no post in Longtou and Xiweiduo. If there is a break in front of the rock, it is better to fall down. The wind is blowing and the snow is blowing over the cloud stream. The poem is clear and satisfying.

A good night's drinking in the bamboo stove. Drink the fried monk's tea. Mei Yi's sentences are profound and long. The love affair has not been forgotten.

Xiaochongshan (willow color new)

dyed with thick smoke and willow color new. The little peach blossoms reflect the water, and the sun is shining evenly at the beginning of the day. The dew harvests the fragrant path and the grass is covered with wormwood. After concentrating on love for a long time, the wind is light and the dust is rising.

Liang Yan is already fighting for spring. Fold flowers and drink wine, try to wet your lips. The voice of the wandering warbler. Lingan song, bees and butterflies follow people more.

I am grateful for the emperor's grace (and Wu Tuiguan)

I am anxious to manage the green branches, and I am drunk on the fragrant grass. The cloud breaks and Wu Yang's dream can arrive. When I woke up, I was sleepy, and the clear shadows moved darkly. The old meaning of leisure has been forgotten.

Spring is late this year, but early spring last year. A little bit of red and how much. When I return home in the spring, my alcoholism turns into flower trouble. The few calls of birds make people feel old and startled.

Thanks to the Emperor's favor

Poetry club is busy drinking, and every village is filled with flowers and willows. The moon pavilion is more cloudy and cloudy. It's that time again when we get married in spring. I can't help but feel the rain at night, looking at each other.

Nongrui climbs the strips to search for fragrant wine. Who can ask a thousand questions in one fight? Jiangnan Yunmeng, empty talk and anger. The people holding the cup share it with me, can you sing?

Rui Partridge (Xin Zhenjiang has long and short sentences, and the rhyme is occasionally formed, so he is not Yu Buer.)

Partridge Ci in Nan Lanling County. At the end of the day, he used Denglin to compose poems. You can't be promiscuous for a day, and you won't be strong for a long time.

The winds and clouds in the world and in the sky will happen, and the years are known behind the eyes and before the eyebrows. Only Haimen is solid in the north, and official affairs change according to the wishes of the ultimatum.

Huanxisha (Tongchangfu drank from Nanchi)

The green hills above the house are lined with evening clouds. The red coat by the water reflects the slanting sun. Liuyin has lotus odor and Xiang pattern.

Who is happy when wine grows with songs? Poems become a cup of wine and I am out of the crowd. The fragrance and coolness have Nanxun.

Huanxisha (Ciyun Changfu)

How to make a good song. It will take a long time to read carefully. Xiaowu blew the rain and exposed the lotus.

When I was old, I played Cuan under his qin, and my old friend Yuan Zi Di Tingke. The mist of Beishan Mountain is lush and craggy.

Huanxi sand

The crow corrects the wilderness and the cold swallow returns to its low level. The grass grows in front of the door as well as the people. South of the long bridge and west of the small bridge.

Ande has a poem with the same sentence, which can teach you not to overflow your cup with wine. Thoughts are often hard and easy to leave.

Partridge Sky (Li Ge Yi Dui)

Only sing Li Ge Yi Dui Xiu. Floating Mulan Boat in Yuxi. How can it be late for the clouds and smoke? If you don't say it, it's hard to stop the grass and trees from autumn.

Kong Maimai, endure long and long. Preparation finally turns to preparation. We miss each other and know where we are, remember the new love and talk about old travels.

Manjianghong (Chen Yuju was born in the dynasty)

Gui Jintang completed, Yunhan Shang and Tianchui new paintings. She has a beautiful face and green temples, and she is a fairy in the forbidden forest. The Jade Bureau is temporarily from the Incense Club, but the Golden Turtle has not reported its literary power. Look at Tongting, give the title of Bie Chengen, and live next to the king.

Spotted clothes play, peach picking. Leaning on green sleeves, singing and singing. Zhengxiang opens for the first time, and thousands of praises are heard. It’s the attitude of winter plum blossoms again, and there are so many news about spring flowers. I want to be intoxicated with the West Lake next year and today, it will be glorious.

Good things come close (green round branches)

A stream of water in the Nanshan Mountain is full of plum blossoms and snow in spring. Walking through the depths of the small bridge, you can see the clock and the moon.

Zhengshan points to Soochow when he is idle, don't be afraid of saying goodbye to others. Singing to the green branches, it is the time to return.

Bodhisattva Man (Hu Jiaosheng Dynasty)

Nanzhi has seen the news of spring. This year is the year of longevity. Bier is blazing and prosperous. Flowing clouds and faint fragrance.

Peng Hu has clear and shallow water. The smile refers to the joy of the clouds. The lecture has scale. Ping Rong Fu two capitals.

Huanxi Sand (Testing Xiangluo)

The wind is soft and the lake light is far away. I tried Bo Xiangluo for the first time in spring shirt. I have no idea what to do when I go on an outing.

Mo Xiao is old and has many years, but he is willing to teach poetry when he is idle. There is a bronze camel on the road in Chang'an.

Visit Kinmen (Early Spring in Lakes and Mountains)

Spring is still early. The lakes and mountains are getting better in spring. Although people come and go, they are not old yet. A drunkard still hates a young man.

The plum blossoms fall and the peaches bloom on Yandao. Blowing more vanilla every day. A heart full of love and drunkenness. The cold cloud hides the falling light.

Zhu Yingtai is near (Cold Food Ci)

Guanwa Palace, on the incense picking path, next to Fanli Five Lakes. Wu songs at midnight, the sound is slow and no need to beat. Chongtao accumulates plum blossoms, Fangzhou is full of green, more and more slowly, and willow silk is weak.

Try to remember. As we grow old, our body and mind become damaged, and we live up to the beauty of spring. Throughout the ages, time has annoyed travelers. How to know last year in the mountains today. But I am eating cold food in a foreign country.

Huanxisha (passing Lu Shenzhi)

The plum leaves are overcast in late spring. Boshan is fragrant and full of jade. Tea pot wine_Try to wet your lips.

I often worry about not having a partner in my spare time, but I will never have a lover in my old age. Peony weather cherishes its fragrance.

Cave Fairy Song (a song composed by Ciyun Siyuan on Qingxi River)

The benefits of Xishan won the title of a new song. Life is never enough until it is enough. Asking about the mood of Linliu, leaning against the slanting light, it should be like a painting or a small scene.

The sound of fishing boats is, the clouds are flying on the rocks, and the crows are chasing away. During his tenure as Yilu, he made the king happy by talking and laughing, fighting against enemies, and sleeping in the wild. I'll come back on snowy days and moonlit nights, drunk, relaxed and quiet, in those children's houses.

A little bit of crimson lip (Xunyao grass)

Spring is born in the mountain valley, and the only way to explore the plum blossoms is that it is early this year. The faint fragrance welcomes the dawn. People and flowers can be harmonious.

Holding a cup year after year, the world will never grow old. Must scream. Let go. More about looking for Yaocao.

minus the word magnolia (plum blossom word)

The chrysanthemum is blooming. Wait until Mei Shao comes to ask for a smile. Snowy river waves. After seeing thousands of forests, I didn’t realize there was much.

Yiqiu slowly. I'm afraid there will be new sentences in the coming morning. Year after year. The white hair urges people to drink.

Picking Mulberries (Another Song)

Xiaoxiao's hair is blowing on her temples, and her old eyes are completely dizzy. Moved to Hengmen. The cold at the end of the year eliminates the traces of water in the stream.

Feeling more affectionate, I feel that Cangzhou is far away, who can comment if I want to talk. A graceful and lonely village. The drizzle of plum blossoms only destroys the soul.

Picking Mulberries (14th)

The lanterns are naturally beautiful every year, and the moon is pale and smoky. Still east wind. The flute blows and the fragrance is drunk and the face melts.

Thanks to him, the poet and the couple are still looking for each other, with traces of rain and clouds. Regardless of affection. Liu Qianmei's dark temples shadow the pine trees.

Good things come soon (Ciyun Changfu)

When visitors from the north come across the river, everyone gets old. Among the ZTE figures, who is better now?

San'an always loves mountains and forests, and a strong pen is better than a sweeping sweep. I sighed three times in the face of the wind, and Xin'er Cao fell down in shock.

Reduced word magnolia (Changfu composed the music based on Uncle Ji's night language, and the opera used Du Zi's beautiful poems and rhymes)

One cup is easy to fill. I will cut off my life. When the poet is in mourning. Don't dare to worry about farewell.

Gucheng Maixiu. I am often ashamed that Ge Hongdan has not yet arrived. The poem ends and is chanted for a long time. Late decline and late return are against your heart.

Partridge Sky (ciyun Zhao Lufensheng Chao)

The mountains and forests are sent to this body. Poetry and wine must also belong to me. The Immortal family used to be a member of the Golden Hall, but the official Yin now received the name of the Jade Bureau.

Just enjoy yourself and don't worry about poverty. Yuanming talks and laughs more innocently. After climbing high every year, the drunken hat always has a hairpin full of chrysanthemums.

Good things are coming soon (Zheng_·Sheng Dynasty)

The waxy snow reflects the river plum blossoms, and the ice jade highlights the wind and the moon. The family of Gonggun Zishu is celebrating his birthday.

Hengtang wins the drama of Laiyi, and the spring wine treasure cup is raised. He was a person from Zhengzhuang and wanted to have great achievements in the Han Dynasty.

Taichangyin (Chengchangfu)

The smoke spreads with the wind and rain. More chilly, according to Cui Wei. The film is also good. If you look carefully, you can see that the flowers are like cutouts.

Thatched eaves are in and out, and outside the water pontoon, people come from the two peaks. Chanting to Jianquanmei. Asked what it was like, Shanyin returned. Changfu has a saying of "Chunpu Snow Stream Plum Blossoms".

Xijiang Moon (Ciyun Zhaolufen)

Bee-yellow butterfly powder, full of water and beautiful mountains. Listen to the sound of flowers being sold. The beauties are beautiful and youthful.

Watch the dancing swallows at the bottom and the top, and sing the orioles for a while. Pillow marks screen the music of dreams and love. When you wake up, the spring night is gone.

Visit Kinmen (ci rhyme Zheng Wuyuan)

Travel and stay. The water is far away, the mountains are far away from the village road. Ask the wine how old it is. Flowers in old age are like mist.

is in a romantic mood. It's hard for me to leave. But I recall the flying catkins in Zhangtai. I only worry about the lingering rain.

Wander around the pond slowly (Zhao Youhao, wrote the poem Wander around the pond slowly, about the same poem)

The benefits of lotus are that the red is shining brightly, and the green is cool. There was no such pleasure in Raoguo before, floating in the sky, shadowed by mountains and covered with trees. There are several windy nights, and I keep my eyes open and stand in Haoliang. Unexpectedly, a good thing happened. He moved the boat for the first time and made a special trip to meet him.

Startled, the pair of flying jade belong to jade, lingering on the shore, still carrying the fragrance. Don't ask about the princes on the west bank of the West Lake, Jiuli, and Panasonic. Let's raise the wine glass to express our interest, look at the idle people, and come to accompany the chanting. The cypress branches are broken every inch, and the lotus seeds are divided into branches. They are only tied to the soft intestines.

Partridge Sky (Mrs. Chen of Longevity Kingdom)

Zen in Jingle Hall is a joy for the body. The prime minister's family celebrates the spring of both families. The clouds in Yaochi are rising up into the sky, and the orchid-made weathercock is auspicious.

Hua Wu Sui, Bao Bei Xin. Autumn and the moon are always bright every year. Let’s play the music of immortality on the shengxiao, preach and watch the good news videos.

Recalling Qin'e (Jasmine)

Xiang Didi. The skin is icy and delicate. Delicate and weak. The autumn wind is cool and cold, who can get rid of it?

I can’t help but wash my makeup. Bi Tangzhu Courtyard recalls each other in the sky. Vacant memories. With a light frown and a slight smile, Xiaomei is in good taste.

Chaozhongcuo (Send to Yuanli)

Xunfeng Two Festivals Zhaoji Mountain. Three hundred miles between lakes. Who is He Lao in the mirror? The boat can accompany the officials in their leisure time.

On your birthday this year, you might as well chant and go to work. In order to send the new song of longevity, I want to see the blushing face.

Drunk and downcast (Ci Yun Si Yuan)

The wind is high and the wood is falling. A great ambition will come back empty-handed. Shake up your clothes and wash away the dust. The sun sets in the sound, and I stand alone at the corner of the garrison building.

Who is at fault in life? Over the years, I have felt more disconnected. The yellow flowers bloomed on the ground. With such beautiful hair, Tonghe is drunk and depressed.

Chao Zhongcuo (making an appointment with the minister of peace and respecting him to hold the mash for Uncle Wen to live in the dynasty)

The bells and tripods in the mountains and forests seem to be the same. Shujuan has a poor way. The Three Gorges were washed out of the pot, and the imperial city gained calmness.

The Yellow River is in chaos, and the storm has fallen, but the mainstay can go east. On this occasion, I have a glass of wine and it is appropriate to sing the song of wind, tiger, cloud and dragon.

Xijiang Moon (occurring on the night of the sixth day of November)

I am obsessed with mountains and water on the day, and I am obsessed with reading and poetry every year. I want him to know where I am. It's still better than the ancients.

The eyes are sweet and the mouth is bitter, and the mind and body are often wrong. If so, his suspicion would be broken. It is enough to just learn from today’s people.

Ruan Langgui (the guest has a poem, because of his rhyme)

The small building is full of autumn and green. The middle-aged person is thin and cold at first. The frosty wind blows me to the lake and mountains. The plain forest is dimly illuminated.

In the vast space, there is no space. Holding Luo Cuixiu leisurely. Basketball is full of joy but returns with sorrow. The heart-broken song has not ended yet.

Good things come soon (same as Zhongzhi and Tanmei)

There is a solitary mountain on the lake, and the words "Tanmei" are engraved together. At dusk, the branches are cold and sparse.

So what if we suddenly arrive in front of the window, one night is enough to remember each other. The channel collects the incense and hides the white, reporting the news of the spring breeze.

Huanxisha (Qinghefeng)

I bought a boat to go to the lake. There has been no such weather lately. The green clouds are beginning to shine in the clear breeze.

Drinking is not for debauchery in the canals, poetry should be too rough for me. How about the Drunkard Poetry Club?

Huanxisha (Posted by Uncle Wen to the Dynasty)

New coolness from the river goes into the wine glass. Ruizhitang birthday party was held. On the fifth floor, hundreds of pheasants watch Cui Wei.

After laboring and wandering, I spread rice and wheat, and I made abundant crops and brought them to Tianlai. Then he wandered toward the sky.

Drunk Taoyuan (Changfu has a song, named Zhuoying, because of harmony)

The sound of the remaining spring wind and rain rolling around the eaves. The mountains and sky are ringing. When I'm free, I wear my crown and tassel. The old love remains.

The person is gone, but the sentence is complete. Also listen to the orioles asking for friends. A song by Zhuo Ying can be popular. Why should I watch my life?

Huanxisha (Xu Wusheng Dynasty)

Leave a glass of calamus wine. I have a birthday banquet with you today. Lingshan Pavilion brings the young people.

It is necessary to believe that the empress of Nanzhou Gaoshi will hold a lotus and a festival to illuminate Sutai. Deep in Ruiyun are three platforms.

Drunken Taoyuan (He Changfu)

Guqiong Zhailiyu my life. What is said must be done. The sparse summer trees are already singing orioles. Even more, every fish counts.

More elegance, less timely love. Canglang fisherman's tassel. Gao Ge Ning contends with the vulgar. The sound of Zhu Xian is sparse.

minus the word magnolia (on the fifth day of the lunar month, Changfu was born in court, celebrating the 70th year)

Follow your heart's desires. The high-ranking temple officials only see each other. How long is his life? The spring water in Gujing Zhang does not ripple.

Wintersweet is good. Jade and sunshine are fragrant and resistant to aging. Only three thousand. The first clear poem must be composed by oneself.

Bodhisattva Man (He Changfu meets the enemy)

returns and likes the appointment in the mountains. Chrysanthemum branches and osmanthus trees are really suitable for drinking. All I want to do is watch the mountains. Qiu Shenfang retreats.

will need to catch up. Ce Jian or shoulder carriage. It will be cured with less treatment. Gao Xingquan Shiyi.

Hundred-Character Order (Yang Minzhan seeks the ancient plum song, followed by the rhyme)

The advantage of living in a garden is that the ancient plum blossoms fly and defy the frost and snow. There are many questions at the bottom of the flower peach and plum state, and the posture of relying on the sky is bright and clean. Lingshan outside the city, Jade River at the bridge, how many beautiful wind and moon. When the weather is cold, the southern branches are particularly clear.

I called for wine several times to look for poems, and the poems became a little drunk, and my hat was muddy. Appreciate the ups and downs without hesitation, and a group of children will chirp. It’s hard to describe the original and new styles of Taishi’s legacy. The Cao Xuan Sutra is here, why should I be bored and lonely with flowers?

A Jian of Plum Blossoms (Drunk)

I was so drunk that I couldn’t find a stream in the city. There is no dust outside the stream, except for the firewood cover. The water floating bridge is filled with green smoke. It's a leisurely mood, how many people can know it.

stay and drink in your family’s wadding hat_. Amidst the sound of firecrackers, everything is like this. The spring plum blossoms have faded away. Since you can come, I have no doubt.

Congratulations to the Bridegroom (Ciyun Changfu Xuemei Song)

Seeing the snow every year again. Water pontoon, secluded place on the south bank, surrounded by forests. Hengbixuan is empty with old words, fishing alone in the cold river is extremely sad. Another section, frosty and noble. Suddenly I came across two strong songs, leaning on the returning wind and spreading the rush, who can tell. Alas, Gongluo is from Fujian and Zhejiang.

Why should I be drunk and show off to Xiongzhai? When asked to avoid people and avoid places, they are like the public servants of Chu. After seeing the virtue, the singing phoenix has gone, and it is difficult to steal the glory of thousands of people. I am in harmony with the sentence, but I am always worried and crazy. Breaking all the plum blossoms hurts the end of the year. Spreading salt and picking up fluff is a bad thing. Chickens and dogs are quiet, and the stream is fenced.

Pointed Red Lips (sent by He Changfu on May 2nd, and shared by Jian Shutong)

The bamboo is hidden high and deep, and has a refreshing air on a cool day in summer. Ramie clothesline. Cranes look at each other with empty hair.

The green smoke flows towards the stream again. Castle Peak Road. To live together. An eternal and dust-free place.

The Bodhisattva Man (drunk and half-played)

The autumn forest only shares the old autumn wind. Qiu Shan laughs at Qiu Yin Shao. I just hate the fragrance of autumn. Qingyan’s autumn night is cool.

Qingqiu must be wine. Do you know whether I will be a guest in autumn? Drunken pen writes autumn. An autumn without sorrow.

Zhu Yingtai (Yanying language)

Begonias are blooming, spring is half over, and the peaches and plums are like this. A pear blossom, the courtyard is covered with dry rain. I can't help but drink in my feelings, love and worry, all forgotten, old poems.

Yanying language. The banks of the stream are dotted with flying cotton, and there are countless willows. If you come with sorrow, don't leave it alone. The heart-broken grass is at the end of the world, and the clouds are passing by. Who can share the sweet dream?

Visit Kinmen (Drunken Flower Spring)

People are already drunk. Spring in the north and south of the stream. Beat the drums and blow the flute, the flowers have fallen. Apricots, plums and peaches share plums.

The underwater fish and dragon were startled. Push the pillow and the moon will shine thousands of miles away. Yilu Shengweng Tuer'er. I'm still pregnant.

Poppy (Dai Ershou Huang Jingzhou)

A burst of rain came at dawn to encourage flowers. At Zhengtaoli and Hengtang. The curtains of music and songs are noisy with the orioles. Spring never grows old in the world, and the valley is immortal.

Xiaoxiang pictures welcome Qianqi. The undergarments cheered. The wind and the tiger bring glory to the cloud and the dragon. Also look at the horizontal belt with ten thousand nails and the golden tamarin.

Chao Zhongcuo (Changfu wrote long and short sentences about Zhu Qing and Yu_, because of the harmonious rhyme)

Shuinan He Shixing is more prosperous. In the flower garden. The mountain air is quiet and misty, and the sound of the spring is quiet and gurgling.

The heroes and heroines sitting on the Wuqiao Bridge are welcome now and in the past. It's not that the person leaning on the building is there, and there is no way to carry the dragon when you climb up.

Bu Suanzi (Drink at Song Eleven's house with Begonia on the tenth day of the lunar month)

Begonia flowers in the misty rain, drinking in the deep spring night. During the cold food and Qingming days, people must also enjoy themselves.

I am not afraid of the long sound of the flute, I am only afraid of the bad wind. The shadows of candles are red and the scent of treasure and seal scripts is strong, in the dusk corner upstairs.

Visiting Kinmen (Fang Zhai's short collection, with a piano player, Changfu's lyrics, harmonious rhyme)

Spending the day leisurely. Worrying is a waste of time. Yuhuo Xinyan also cooked food. The small wall flower has a straight sill.

Jinzi Yuhui Qingji. Why should a host keep a guest? Let’s appreciate who can draw it for the time being. Pang Gong is not a prodigal.

Huanxisha (Crying Cuckoo)

Jinse Yaoqin continues and breaks its strings. Bi Tang first passed the peony sky. The jade hook presses the small bead curtain obliquely.

After the sleeping duck warmly chants in the stove, the two mandarin ducks cover the screen before waking up from the wine. A cuckoo complains about spring events.

Bodhisattva Man (Hua Qi Bi)

Silk willow color is woven with clear sorrow. The mountain city looks out over the green flowers. Looking back at Zhongxuan Tower. There is nothing to worry about when you arrive.

The sound of rain blows on the sea. Time passes quickly. Ninety thousand has a bright future. Agarwood Tianshang Pavilion.

Good things are coming soon (Ciyun Changfu)

The plum rain is coming soon, the wind is clear, and the moss and bamboo will be renovated. Looking at each other, we can find the tranquility and tune, and ignore all the old words.

When the great river goes to the east, the clouds fly even more, and all the worries are gone. It's like a beautiful place in San'an, with the sounds of apes and cranes.

Good things are coming soon.

The yellow hair is enjoying the golden age. It is time for brothers to tell. Seeing it raining in the opposite bed at night, all the dust in the world is swept away.

Outside the Qingyu Hall, the auspicious peak is high and the clouds are clear and clear. The boss is a Central Plains character who protects the country in Jianghu.

Good things come soon

Three stacks of ancient vines are hiding in the dark, laughing at oneself and being unable to do anything. Qian Zai and Tao Xinqu are neither immortals nor interpretations.

The shadows wander with me on the moon, and the wind and leaves are wet with dew. Under the urn is the true joy, which makes people think about it.

Chaozhongcuo (Recounting Old Songs)

The colorful clothes are light and plump. The clouds are cold and the dew is strong. Arouse Shiding to return, and the immortals will fight in Kongtong.

The old flowers in the autumn of the world are smiling, and the small curtains are reflected in the clear sky. Remember that deep in the Five Cities, the phoenix flute blew down the sky wind.

Shui Tiao Ge Tou (I was injured when I was sitting, and I was pregnant with Changfu, because I was Zhang Zai)

The new moon is like this, I asked to bring Humei. The inscriptions in the human world win the cup of floating wine. The place is full of heroes and heroines, romantic and romantic, and the phoenix is ​​coming from the sky. I'm just afraid of being disappointed, don't wait for clever arrangements.

The sky is green with drops, the cold is refreshing, it’s a good night. I will fall down for you, and I will break down thousands of trees and jade piles. Fortunately, Miaomiao Zhangquan, the fairy in Jijiluquan has gone away, and now and in the past, it has been paid to Zun Lei. Clap your hands to see the flowers and trees, look around and remember the berry moss.

Partridge Sky (look at Daphne)

looked at Xiangmei and looked at Daphne. The flower sill of the moon bridge changes to the cloud window. I don’t know how much spring there is, how many times I get drunk in Yushui and Lingshan.

The dream of a leisurely butterfly fades away from the bee yellow. Be as gentle as possible. Ten miles of bead curtains on Yangzhou Road won Pan Lang's frost on his temples.

Bodhisattva Man (Shuchang Fusheng Dynasty)

This year is the time when the plum blossoms are early. It is better to drive to Zhangquan. Brothers have the same longevity cup. Dark fragrance and bright moon wind.

romantic cultural relics old. The branches are full of spring. The children are lost in Feixuan. Clothing and legacy.

Bodhisattva Man (On the fifteenth night, Changfu made an appointment to write a poem and sent it to Liu Bu)

The water in the study hall is under the Juxing Pavilion. When winter comes, I want to ask the plum blossom envoy. What kind of official is Gui Cuo? The world is full of difficulties.

chapter spring words and go. The relationship remains the same. In a blink of an eye, you will be poor. Crane-haired Weng in Xitou.

Chao Zhongcuo (long and short sentences written during the nine-day Zhou Guozheng banquet)

Flower arrangement tour is shameful every year. The hair cannot help but fall. On this day, I will seek victory and eliminate all the worries.

The wet clouds and cool rain on the south platform, the songs move the jade stream. Looking down at the present and past of the human world, I am so sentimental and shabby.

Pointed red lips (He Changfu during the banquet)

Silver pen and gold flowers, there is a heart-breaking sentence and a leisurely sweep. It fell again. The plum blossoms are small.

Throughout the ages, flavor requires talent. There are few mountains and forests. These arms. Lost to Jiang Dong Lao.

Bodhisattvaman (Zhangrao County comes with a branch of plum, and rhymes with it)

's Bai Le Nanzhiheng County Yu. There is no such new flower in the empty mountain. How many plum trees can you plant on your hands? Yingshuang has now bloomed.

hairpin screen chat hidden a few. Poetry and you should be happy. More reports to Yan Zhaiweng. The prime minister smiled in agreement.

Partridge Sky (Raining Boat on Nangang)

Mo Xiaoxian is too old. How about the desire to avoid people and avoid the world. The valley of the mountain is clearly drawn, and Taixi chants into the song of Ning Qi.

penetrates wood and stone, and is filled with smoke. Once upon a time, there was a time of magic and joy. On the high stream on the west bank of Lingshan Mountain, I danced on the short coop when I came back.

Huanxi Sha

is tied to the boat's willow bank head. Jiajiang is full of lights and rain. Looking for poets makes you more prepared when you are drunk.

Wait until the end of the twelfth lunar month to teach you that there will be fewer things to do, and Xiaochun will mix in the dark fragrance. The night is long and the dreams are unclear.

Huanxisha (solstice with lake)

Love is a long line of rejuvenation. Who remembers the incense from the royal stove in the atmosphere? The lonely city lies in the Cangjiang River at night.

Thousands of officials welcome the graceful spirit at the bottom of the flower, and the clear light is written in the ten miles of the lake. The rest of the country is made drunk and drunk.

Huanxi Sha

Spring comes and the strings are scattered and the outside sound is tuned. The snowy clouds are beginning to clear up the lake. The screen is warm, fragrant and soft, and the window is deep.

The mountain leans against the empty window, the scenery is faint, and the water flow is clear and shallow, with a calming charm. It’s hard to rely on dreams when you wake up after your soul is broken.

Visit Kinmen (Crescent Moon with Lake)

The Moon Beyond the Clouds. Draw a clear trace. The plum blossoms have fallen and the peaches have not yet bloomed. The lake is surrounded by smoke and water.

There is still light snow in Tingzhu. Don't hate drinking and singing. The old me is full of passion and love. Said to himself half awake.

Linjiang Immortal (Heda Changfu saw the parasitic dynasty)

My eyes are full of spring plum blossoms and willows, and I live in the mountains and listen to the wind and spring. And because it was the first time to talk about this year. Where Hua Dian faces each other, a new song suddenly comes forward.

laughs at oneself for a week, why is the Buddha greedy for immortality? Just like the elders, we dare to follow our shoulders. I only know that words are wonderful and joy can be conveyed to whom.

Visiting Kinmen (not afraid of getting drunk)

Not afraid of getting drunk. Remember the taste of chanting. In the quiet grass and green shade. The oriole crows and the swallows rise.

Where is my hometown when I grow old? Momo Wutou Chuwei. A song of barren mountains and clear water. _Qu cup of wine.

The frosty sky dawns (again)

The rain has gone and the clouds are thin. There is a basis for evil feelings. A piece of spring breeze, I can sing it and then forget it.

Begonia red has not yet fallen. Drink the flowing clouds slowly. No matter how much you choose, whether you are a fly, a dog, or a dog, they are all determined. What’s wrong with that?

Linjiang Immortal (Zhou Guozhengsheng Dynasty)

Cold food, Qingming, spring, good things, the moonlight breeze in the public house. I still remember the sound of rain when I was young. The prince of the state is dancing with music, and the law is the same as drinking wine.

Although Wang Yang dispersed when he sat down, the fermented wine was still fragrant. Waiting for the poem to change and live forever. The kite flies and the fish leaps, the wind and the tiger replace the cloud and the dragon.

Partridge Sky (Changfu drank with Uncle Ming at Zhao Chonggong's house)

No wonder Pang Gong didn't enter the state. For whom do you sing and drink? It's really difficult to take advantage of others, but it's not easy to know how to travel together.

He disturbs and caressing. Xiangfu Riley smiles. A curtain of clouds prompts a rain of poems, arousing the beauty's infinite sorrow.

The Immortal of Magpie Bridge (the song "Golden Wind and Jade Dew Meet" is mentioned in the poem, due to the poem)

The poem is not rambling, the wine is not idle, it is all about the sadness of autumn. How can I express my desire to sing with you, but I can't draw it to the new cool state.

The light clouds are smearing the moon, and the diagonal river is fighting, which is faintly strange. There are ninety thousand people dancing in the Yaolin in the strong wind, but there are only a few, and there is no harm in the world.

Huanxisha (Changfu has a poem on the stream)

Looking at each other in leisurely time. Wine can make you drunk and rain can make you quiet. How lucky is our house to have Weng Liu?

The journey of the world will eventually be easy to learn, but the stories of mountains and forests may be difficult to repay. I don’t know when people come and go.

Huanxisha (Yuan Xi)

Points to pay for the Yuan Dynasty. I don’t know that Tou is always in Linquan. Who will drink the village wine to the boat?

The shadow of the moon quietly shakes in the wind outside the willows, and the frost soaks the edge of the snow-covered plum trees. Drunk, Wu Mao suddenly woke up.

Huanxisha (Shengchao and Changfuyun)

Laojue Kongsheng is easy to get years.I stayed there and asked Jingzhan again. A hill of spring quietly revolves around itself.

I am good at making people realize beauty, and I am walking in the world in a good way. The clear words are used to spread the joy of longevity.

Magpie Bridge Immortal (The red plum blossoms have faded)

The red plum blossoms have faded, the apricot blossoms are blooming, but a piece of crabapple is still there. The spring breeze blows me with the smoke from the lake, it's a perfect, sunny day.

Upstairs at dusk, in the shadow of candle flowers, it’s such a wonderful experience. The dark dust strings are slender, the dream is left and taken, Wushan Twelve.

Sheng Cha Zi (the clear sky enters the green mountains)

The clear sky enters the green hills, and you can even see flying flowers late. It’s not that I didn’t come, I was just feeling lazy.

Try folding the little red paper and writing about the end of the world. Du Yu's sound of spring makes the waves far away downstairs.

A plum blossom (Wen Konghou)

Misty fairy clouds and mist window. Talking about Suzhou has not broken people's hearts. With the lake, the smoke and the moon fall into the vast sky. Awakening Chang'e, spring bamboo shoots grow slenderly.

Immediately put on half forehead makeup. After all the lovesickness, there are twelve shamanic suns. Clear dreams enter Xiaoxiang. Wearing a jade mingling luan, blowing the heavenly fragrance.

Eyes Mei (Xiaguo Zhaoyuan)

Xixi returns to Xiao Qingcang. The plum rain makes the sun set. Traveling along the long acres, the scenery divides the courtyard, and the milky swallows grow in spring.

When the wine is deep, no one needs to sing or howl, just hoe the garden and try to discuss it. Thin cabbage armor, looking for vegetable bamboo shoots, a dream of yellow beams.

Water melody song (ci rhyme _ Che Shou Shou)

Apart from a Sheng song, the four people laughed and talked. I sent you to Qiuji to welcome the guests, but not to Geng Zongying. Imagine relatives saying longevity, writing about family affection and celebrating each other's kindness. The sweet-scented osmanthus blooms happily, and the fragrant mist blows on the curtain.

Famous things, Taige Road, good to go together. Now that the government has returned to the imperial edict, public opinion is becoming famous. With my articles and scholarship, I will maintain peace and tranquility with the country, and enter the Ming court with my sword. Under the shade of Gu Tang, there are stars on the wild temples.

Partridge Sky (December 22)

The clouds are in the spring and the sky is flying. Willow branches blow away fallen plum branches. Who can be gifted inside and outside the curling kettle? The jade mirror is full and bright.

The cottage is in the north and the county building is in the west. The only way to cure stroke is to know it from the heart. I can't stand the old man closing the door and getting drunk, and I want to see the mountain old man carrying his load backwards.

Reminiscing about old friends in Taoyuan (Apricot Blossom Wind)

The east wind is steep in the rain of apricot blossoms. Opened unusually. How many flies on the branches. People grow old with spring.

The lights of the mountain city are bright and dim. Dreamed about ten continents and three islands. Sleeping in the clear window. The pond is green with grass.

Huanxisha (Twelve Nights)

Who speaks in Jingchu and listens to the words in the mirror. The shadows of candles are animated by low eaves. The weather of burning lights is drunk for a period of time.

The rain-wet apricot cheeks are faintly suspicious, and the wind is half-enchanted in the willow eyes. Xiaoshanxi Road Banqiao West.

Bodhisattva Man (Ciyun Changfu saw Yisheng Chao)

When spring comes, the sunshine and rain often come together. The water, light, wind, and flowers stir up chaos. Shanbei and Shannan. Song or repeated.

I spend my days reciting your poems. It's really a big setback. I dare to repay you with your longevity. Looking at each other, we can't drink.

Huanxisha (14th)

Trying out new makeup among the flowers. Don't let Wushan break your heart in vain. The peonies sing in the wind and sing loudly.

Cold Food Festival Sequence during the Qingming Festival, a young man’s field in a beautiful window. The fragrance of swallow mud falls into the air.

Poppy (Gusu Hualian)

West Lake Ten Miles Gushan Road. I still remember the lotus place. Green stems and red pistils are the most related to love. It's not the wind that blows, it will clear up later.

Nowadays, the picture has faded away. Drunk and greasy, they lean on each other. The song slowly picks up the fragrance and returns. Like a dream, the new moon shines on the ripples.

Yu Meiren (Zhao_·Zibie Lingshan Pavilion)

Send you a report of the best way to the court. The cao decoration department was first reorganized. And I met the lingering feelings over a glass of wine. Liangyu Lingshan Pavilion, the first month of the month is sunny.

welcomes customers with great care. The place where it disappears is that it leans dryly. Don't let me take advantage of the wind. The clear name is Bingxi Tangyin and green ripples.

Chao Zhongcuo (Zhao_Yue Yulouxi Xiaoji)

The romance has been equally divided. Keep Yuxi clouds. The amiable guests and colleagues are as before, and the East Tower and Beihai are clear and respectful.

The lotus fragrance is cool, the willow shades are deep, and the emerald gown is beaded. □When I came to Jiuchong City, I was very talented and wanted to meet you.

Huanxisha (Autumn Thoughts)

Song Yu is sad and anti-compressive in autumn. Tao Qian left the chrysanthemum as a mash. The mountains are far away and the water is rustling.

Poetry is at ease when you can't dream, and all the regrets and pleasures are gone. The fragrance is heavy and the pistils are fluttering.

Chao Zhongcuo (Zhao Yiyi's brother returned to serve)

Jun Zhizhuyin is Zhang Quan. As long as it is passed down from family to family. Don't be idle in poems and sentences, surrounded by wind, flowers, snow, moon and clouds.

One cup makes me drunk, and a hundred years of human affairs will change forever. Zhi and Huhuo came and went, and Emperor Yi left a legacy.

Huanxi Sha (Shaxi Drink)

A touch of green hills slaps the bank of the stream. Mai Yun will pass the bamboo shoots together. I don’t know where the water flows to the west.

I want to get drunk at the end of the road in the small pavilion, and I am accompanied by passengers at the stern of the short-top boat.While drinking, Hua Fa composed more poems.

Huanxisha (Ciyun Yiyi)

Shuiraogu Village is on credit. The first floor is covered with wind and rain. He raised his glass and asked no more questions about the sencha.

In the quiet night, the sound of music begins to blow out of the bamboo, and the wine is deep and the shadows of candles are blown by the flowers. In the Ming Dynasty, flying herons rose from the round sand.

Huanxi Sha

Yiba Lanjia is connected with Liudi. Slanting wind and drizzle, a coir raincoat. The setting sun shines back upon Xiafei.

Luopu Peihan is as cold as the next day, when will Gaotang dream? Carrying others to pick □ alone knows.

Shuitiao Getou (Heshi_·Shou Tangshou)

In Yushuiling Mountain, Yan sleeps and writes calligraphy skills. The elderly people of the country use words to communicate on birthdays and festivals. Didn't you know that I am gay? I am chatting and laughing with you, and drinking wine to celebrate your birthday. Few people can play the flute and drum, but who can tolerate singing and dancing?

Watching the guests, I am shocked and old, and my writing is like the wind. Every reward was given to singing, and the imperial edict was sent to the east of China. How many families have passed down their finances and left them with Sun Mou to maintain them, so how can they trust their provenance? Arouse the thousand-year tune and pay for a car.

Bodhisattva Man (second rhyme)

How much leisure is there in the world. I can't remember the place where I met. The green temples are painted with crows. Two swallows roost in the old nest.

The dance shirt returns to Suyu. Why frown at the sound of sandalwood boards. A touch of sunset flies. Tears are crying without a face.

Huanxisha (the play was written by Li Shuqian)

The new inscription in colored pen is fragrant. When the geese come, the sky is clear. Hibiscus is nowhere to be seen in the autumn light.

People from far away mountains often talk about unexpected things, and the poems conveyed by poems are filled with regrets when one is drunk. Qian who is free to send it to Shuiyun Township.

Bodhisattva Man (evening clouds bake the sun)

Evening clouds bake the sun's branches north and south. A cup of unfinished plum blossom music. Spring returns to the city walls. The subtle fragrance has not yet opened.

Lian Wu is drunk. Drunken eyes outside the world of mortals. How old the mood is. The scenery is clear and the people are also clear.

Younger's Tour (Jade Winter Plum Branch)

Looking for a glass of wine, reading the songs and saying goodbye to each other in the end of winter. Heaven and earth pass, ancient and modern rise and fall, how can the ways be the same?

The jade wax plum blossoms in the bright window are beautiful, the human feelings are light, and the things are rich. Different scenery, different taste, no dream to listen to Feihong.

Die Lianhua (Ci Yun Yiyi)

Before the cinnabar has reached nine turns. Who put the new lyrics and songs around Liang Chen? The time is full of spring. Kui Yu first read He Jian.

is just as far away as Shanhuatingcao. Alone in the paradise forest, I don’t dream of the Shengge Palace. The aura of immortality is not the most beautiful flower in the world. The sun is thin and the curtains are thin, and the shadows of flowers cover the front and back. It's easy to walk slowly in a small way for a long time. Slightly chanting will not hurt you, but too much wine will hurt you.

The green strings are flowing through the red strings. Look beyond the green, don't ask passers-by willow. The past is like clouds and dreams. Fangcao is still in shock for days.

Red lips (Wang Yuan)

Soft and mulberry in Nanmo, whose daughter can be seen under the pink wall. Yan Feiying's words. Go with the basket as promised.

I always feel sentimental, but I have no dreams to share. Do you know? Where is Chuxiang? A period of rain on the balcony.

Huanxi Sha (as a gift of jasmine for Zhong Ru)

Didi Qiongying's hair is green and silky. Jiangmei has a charming woody fragrance. When it gets cold, the sound leaks away.

I want to undress my hair, but my makeup is still on, and I am about to take my first move. The colorful clothes make the dream come true.

Huanxisha (Xiaojijian Pavilion)

Yuge Yunliu Xiaoyuan Autumn. The coolness of half drunkenness does not concern me. Meet and rest once in a while.

Standing still holding the cup, I started to laugh when I sang lazily. The guest of honor has nothing to prepare for.

Breaking through the Huanxi sand (Yangmei)

The student has the same surname as the true concubine. The family follows Xizi and Zhuluodong. Who said that when jade skin is cold and millet rises, wine can turn red.

The fire burned all the way to Shangyuan, and ice slurry condensed on the West Palace. It's not like the lychee that grows far away and hates the wind.

Han Zhun


Chic Wutong has been in autumn for several times. The phoenix flies to the secluded old mountains. The scenery is not special, the characters change, and I hate you for a long time.

The decaying grass is far away from the smoke, and the setting sun is empty and the water flows westward. I happened to look back when I was near the building, for fear of being sad.

Han Huang

Qing Ping Le (Xiang Bogong Yun Mu Xi)

The autumn light is like water. Brewing yellow ants. Scattered into the beautiful trees of Qianyan. Only the cultivator is allowed to get drunk.

is light and heavy. I can't help but feel the cold moon and frosty weather. Walking back with deep obstacles, still full of sorrow.

Han Jiayan

Yu Leuchi

The apricot fragrance has dissipated. It should be noted that since the past, spring has been early in Dumen. When the swallows come, the embroidered streets are covered with fragrant grass. The magical peaches in Huipu pass through the rain, making their faces smile and sifting the green marsh red. It's quiet in the deep courtyard. Green poplars line the streets, and warblers compete for cleverness.

I was gifted with a lot of affection early on, and even more so when I was drinking and drinking, I was able to calm myself down and laugh. Counting the windings, the old country is full of labor and people are looking at it. Outside the Han Dynasty, where the faint clouds end, there is a bamboo pole in Luanfeng Town. Between Langgan, the east wind sheds a few tears.

Han Jiang


Songqiao clouds are high and Luochuan waves are warm. Lifting one's head, the forest is unbroken. The rain is coming, the wind and dust are gone, and the small bridges are crossing frequently and the canals are full in spring.

PuPu left the palace, PouLeng DouHuan. Wanjia Luoqi has many playmates. The sound comes from the wind sound, and the sound sound comes from the wind blowing sound.

Han Ju

Niannujiao (moon)

The sea and sky are getting late, the clouds are gradually closing in, and the waves are clear and slightly green. The trees have fallen high on the mountain, and the autumn rain brings new beauty. Arouse Chang'e, stir up the clouds and mist, ride this jade wheel. The osmanthus flowers are sparse, and who can accompany them in the vast cold.

There is no jade playing the flute. I respect the sky and see the light. Where is the misty servant girl asking? The clouds and rain are sixty-six in Wushan. The beads are shining, the Milky Way is clear and shallow, and the shadows are turning to the west. Who would be in this kind of mood? Yi Feng's three tricks are rampant.