Sometimes when you look at an old photo from many years ago, you really can’t imagine that the same place has changed so drastically a few years or more later.

When talking about history, there are always moments that make people feel mysterious and wonderful. Sometimes when you look at an old photo from many years ago, you really can’t imagine that the same place has undergone such earth-shaking changes a few years or more later. .

We are all newbies in Toronto , and we really haven’t seen much of the changes in this city. You may see this change bit by bit. Today a new building is built here, and tomorrow a new road is built there. But maybe if you live here every day, there don’t seem to be many big changes, or maybe you just pass by it every day and don’t pay much attention.

Living Bacteria is here to show you the history of Toronto and the changes in the place we live in every day.

View looking west from King East Street in 1856

York St.

Station on Yonge and Esplanade in 1867

Toronto Second Union Station in 1870

King West Street in 1885

1 Building on the corner of Church and Wellington in 888

Lakeside Factory in 1890

University of Toronto in 1900

Yonge Street in 1902

Destroyed Downtown Toronto in 1904

Hanlan Point Hotel in 1906

Yonge and Queen Streets in 1915

The scenery outside the old city hall in 1919

The Union Station was basically completed in 1925, but 2 years later It was only officially used

The lakefront in Toronto looked like this in 1929

Maple Leaf Park in 1931

The view overlooking Toronto in 1933

The street view of Yonge and Bloor Street in 1938

Y in 1949 onge street

How Don Mills looked like when he got up early in 1950 (There are color photos)

The tram in 1963

Yonge Street in 1965 was already very prosperous

html The Cityhall in 2065

1973 The half-built CN Tower

1977 The Eaton Centre

was under construction in 1979. The CN Tower has been built.

In 1980, Yonge Dundas did not become what it looked like in front of the square.

What the downtown looked like when looking at the lakeside in 1991.

This is what Toronto looks like now.

I have to say that Toronto has been the same for so many years. The changes are truly wonderful. From black and white to color, from nothing to the current prosperity. It’s really developing step by step and getting better and better. These old historical photos really show something about Toronto that many people have never seen.