The legal battle of the century between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has come to an end with Johnny Depp winning the case. Amber Heard accepted the NBC television network’s first interview after the verdict was announced. , will be broadcast in two episodes on the evening of the 1

The legal battle of the century between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has temporarily come to an end with Johnny Depp winning the case. Amber Heard accepted the NBC TV network’s interview for the first time after the verdict was announced. The interview will be broadcast in two episodes on the evening of the 14th and 15th US time. In the trailer clip that has been released, she said that she understands the jury's decision, but she believes that she has not received fair treatment in social media.

During the course of the lawsuit, every move of the two people attracted much attention, and public opinion's attitudes towards Johnny Depp and Amber Heard were very different. Johnny Depp always received cheers from the crowd when he appeared in court, while Amber Heard and her lawyer became the target of ridicule. Amber said in the video that she did not blame the jury, "I can actually understand that he is a well-loved character and everyone feels they know him. He is a very good actor." "She believes that the problem is that the crazy attention on the lawsuit on social media has caused her to be treated unfairly, and the trend is almost one-sided in Johnny Depp's favor.

Amber Heard believes that the general public does not need to know the private affairs of her marriage. She does not care what the public thinks of her, and will not think that these things are directed at her, but she emphasized: "Even if someone is convinced that I should be hated and ridiculed, You can’t even look me in the eye and say that these social media descriptions are fair to me. You can’t tell that I have been treated fairly.”