When you are still worried about your child's introversion and shyness and are hesitating whether to sign up for a speech training class to practice, "other people's children" have already started selling classes.

Promotional poster of "Xuanyuan International".

When you are still worried about your child being introverted and shy, and hesitating whether you should sign up for a speech training class to get some exercise, "other people's children" have already started selling classes.

According to the Beijing News, behind the "prodigy" girl Cen who "composes 2,000 poems a day" is an already mature training industry chain. Cen Moumou has opened a "poetry and speech training class for young people", charging about 5,000 yuan per person.

In fact, not only does he run his own classes and sell them, but Cen Moumou also spares no effort in promoting the courses of his mentor Ji Jianjing . At the public lecture site, Cen Moumou repeatedly attributed his "success" to his teacher Ji Jianjing, and constantly recommended the latter's paid courses.

Ji Jianjing’s training camp for teenagers costs 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. If you want to become Ji Jianjing’s lifelong disciple, you need to pay a one-time payment of 198,000 yuan.

But at the same time, the company under Ji Jianjing's name was punished for pyramid schemes. What's even more frightening is that Ji Jianjing also extended his "venomous hand" to younger children.

pictures come from the Internet.

Ji Jianjing has caused far more harm than Cen Moumou. In the past two days, an old photo of dozens of children participating in the "Youth Leaders Speech Training Camp" was also dug up by the media. People were surprised to find that behind the emergence of "genius girls", there are actually more "child prodigies", the youngest of which is only 4 years old.

These are actually already known. On video websites, if you search casually, you will see a lot of videos similar to "Ji Jianjing - the youngest disciple, little super orator so-and-so", "Teacher Ji Jianjing's 4-year-old student prodigy's speech", "Ji Jianjing's 6-year-old disciple's speech"...

Although the names are different and the children have different immature faces, the same thing is that they all use the same speaking skills and "skills" as Cen.

Fortunately, they are still young and have been "poisoned" for a short period of time, so we can still see a little childlike innocence and shyness in them. But thinking about it in reverse, this is actually even more terrifying.

These children are only 4 or 6 years old. They are like a piece of blank paper for others to draw on. They are repeatedly indoctrinated with chicken soup for the soul, receive brainwashing gratitude education, and are pushed to the front desk to shout slogans with adults. This is a massive indoctrination. These "dross" that are far beyond their acceptance, what negative impact will this have on their outlook on life and values?

Cen Moumou, who is now criticized by public opinion, is their future?

Their parents initially only had the simple purpose of cultivating their children's skills and changing their children's character shortcomings. Who would have thought that the kind-hearted master who brought them in had actually already secretly put a price tag on them.

"Quickly quoted class fees - brainwashed after entering the trap - gave speeches to promote the kindness of mentors - both parties tied each other to endorse each other's platforms - targeting more potential victims." From Cen Moumou, we can clearly see that Ji Jianjing and others We have already embarked on such a path of harming children.

Compared with Chen Anzhi, the "Asia's authority on success studies", who uses his personal connections as bait and charges millions of "apprenticeship fees" from his adult disciples under clever pretexts, Ji Jianjing and others' way of getting into the trap with only 20,000 yuan seems "a bit underwhelming". But they target children, taking advantage of parents' dreams of their children becoming successful, and carrying out precise harvesting of them, which is more harmful in the long term.

The company in which Ji Jianjing holds shares was punished for "pyramid schemes".

Don’t let “MLM-style success learning” ruin your children

Speaking of success learning, the American Anthony Robin who is known as the “world’s success mentor” and “the world’s potential motivation master” is an unavoidable figure. In fact, Chen Anzhi, Cen's "ancestor", has always claimed that he studied under Anthony Robin.

As someone said, "In foreign countries, success learning is a set of rhetoric designed for salesmen, but in China it has become an independent outlet."

Since 2019, after several of his disciples were sentenced to prison for organizing and leading MLM activities, and were criticized by the media as "poisonous chicken soup that cannot be afforded," Chen Anzhi has since stepped down from the "sacred altar".

However, the emergence of the "genius girl" surprised us and once again discovered that the light of the "MLM-style success study" may dim for a while, but it has never been extinguished, and it has never gone far even for a second. It has been lurking around us. When we were quietly ignorant, it had already extended its black hands to the ignorant children.

As the incident develops, Ji Jianjing and his company have been thrust into the limelight of public opinion. According to reports, on July 15, the company that Ji Jianjing and his wife were originally in charge of changed their equity, they quit, and the relevant training institutions also closed their doors.

This was interpreted by the outside world as avoiding the limelight, but the more this happened, the less he could be allowed to run away.

Ji Jianjing’s use of “poisonous” success studies to brainwash children may easily lead to a pan-moral accusation of “cutting leeks”, which seems difficult to rise to the legal level.

But are the attacking Ji Jianjings really legally invulnerable?

Ji Jianjing's promotional poster stated that "his assets have increased more than 100 times in five years. He has invested in many listed companies. Even the world's stock god Buffett and the world's richest man Bill Gates have personally recommended him!" He also In his speech, he said that "the brand he founded has also been rated as one of the top 100 Asian brands together with , Tencent, , Xiaomi, and Gree."

According to the investigation of "Times Finance", he has no listed companies under his name, nor does he have any so-called The source of "Top 100 Asian Brands" has not been searched, and no stock gods and richest men have recommended it to him.

Ji Jianjing also said that in just one year, she was titled as the “Prince of Asian Service Transactions” in the marketing service industry. This was also accused of being a boast.

According to the Beijing News, the company Ji Jianjing holds shares in has been punished for involvement in pyramid schemes.

All these point to the problem of his false propaganda. And how should the benefits he obtained from false propaganda be determined legally? How should he characterize the benefits he obtained from his false propaganda? How should he characterize the profits he made by asking his disciples (including minors) to help him sell courses... These may also need to be examined under a legal framework.

Only by not letting go of these clues that he is suspected of breaking the law, will he pay the legal price for his words and deeds that harm the children, instead of just being stamped with "immorality". On

social media, someone posted a recent training course held by Ji Jianjing in a hotel in Shanghai. On the poster, Teacher Ji pointed her finger in the sky, still looking enthusiastic.

This reminds me of the words of gratitude expressed by the "genius girl" to Teacher Ji, "When my father and I were most confused, it was Teacher Ji Jianjing who stood on the stage with radiance and appeared in front of us."

What we need to ask is, how many other children have been or are being poisoned by "Teacher Ji Jianjing's light"?

The "Times Finance" report mentioned that among the disciples Ji Jianjing publicly promoted, there was an 8-year-old boy named Cai. Under Ji Jianjing's packaging, the boy has been called "China's youngest speaker" and "the founder of the China Children's Entrepreneurship Alliance and children's public welfare undertakings." The transaction volume is tens of thousands of yuan." The boy's speech pattern on the stage was very similar to that of Cen.

How terrible is this?

There is no doubt that when more "prodigies" are "mass-produced" by Ji Jianjing and others, we obviously can no longer turn a blind eye to the problems; when more children are harmed by people in the way of "creating prodigies", Ji Jianjing and their " "The light" should also be extinguished.

"Save the children", don't let them be harmed by Ji Jianjing.

□ Xinghe (media person)

Editor Chen Jing Intern Zhang Xiaoyu Proofreader Lu Qian

Source: Beijing News