Dear representatives and teachers: The first meeting of our school’s Faculty and Staff Congress, through the joint efforts of all participating representatives, has successfully completed all scheduled tasks and is about to conclude.

The principal’s speech at the closing of the school’s **th Faculty and Staff Congress

Dear representatives and teachers:

The first meeting of the ** Faculty and Staff Congress of our school, through the joint efforts of all participating representatives, All scheduled tasks have been successfully completed and are about to be concluded.

This Teachers’ Congress is an important meeting held at a critical moment when the teachers and students of the school are deeply studying and implementing the spirit of Comrade Mao Zedong’s speech, deepening the reform of education and teaching, and accelerating the implementation of the school’s development plan. Although the meeting lasted only one and a half days, the meeting was rich in content, compact in arrangement, and highly efficient. With a highly responsible attitude and the spirit of excellence, the representatives comprehensively reviewed the school work report, listened carefully to the work report of the school leaders, discussed and approved the "** School Management System", "** School Development Master Plan" and "** School Motto, School Spirit, Study Style, and Teaching Style" and the "135 Project Plan for Training Young Teachers in **Schools" have put forward many suggestions and proposals that are conducive to deepening school reform and accelerating school development.

This meeting is not only a gathering of heroes for democratic unity and brainstorming, but also a pledge meeting to inspire spirit and create brilliance. It will definitely have a significant impact on the development history of our school.

The Faculty and Staff Congress is the basic organizational form for school faculty and staff to exercise their democratic rights and participate in the democratic management and supervision of the school. We must consciously follow the relevant provisions of the just-passed "**School Management System" and focus on school reform and development , stable overall situation, proceed from specific realities, constantly explore and gradually improve the Faculty Congress system, correctly handle the interests of the school and individuals, consciously safeguard the authority of the Faculty Congress and the rights of the representatives of the Faculty Congress, support and Supervise the administrative work of the school, promote to run the school in accordance with the law, ; unite and mobilize the faculty and staff to carry forward the spirit of ownership, ensure the smooth completion of the school's education and teaching tasks, and strive to cultivate and create socialist builders and successors with innovative ability and innovative spirit. People, strive to turn our school into a provincial key school with the characteristics of a national school within three years.

Dear representatives, the resolution on the school’s development plan for the next three years reviewed and passed at this meeting has posed more arduous tasks for the school’s reform and development in the future. All our representatives must establish a high degree of professionalism and responsibility, and use our own Model Xingyun unites and leads the faculty and staff of the school to work hard to achieve the goals set by the Teachers' Congress!

I hope that all representatives of the Teachers' Congress will firmly continue to implement the policy of reform, development, and stability, and continue to maintain and carry forward hard work, courage to forge ahead, and love for the school , dedication to taking the overall situation into consideration; continue to conscientiously implement the "Teacher Ethics Code" and the rigorous, realistic, pioneering, and innovative school spirit; continue to strictly implement the rules and regulations necessary to strictly manage the school, in order to promote the continuous development of the school and create a better future together Education will make greater contributions to a more brilliant tomorrow!

Finally, I wish all representatives to achieve greater results in the new school year!

I wish all representatives good health and a happy life!