In order to ensure that all work in the new semester is carried out in an orderly and efficient manner, on February 17, all grade groups and functional departments of Lanzhou Chenggong High School held a new semester work arrangement meeting to communicate, discuss, and sort out

In order to ensure that all work in the new semester is carried out in an orderly and efficient manner, on February 17, all grade groups and functional departments of Lanzhou Chenggong High School held a new semester work arrangement meeting to communicate, discuss, and sort out the work of this semester, and put forward specific work requirements. Lanzhou Chenggong High School Principal and Grade 2 Director Gao Gaobin, Vice Principal and Grade 3 Director An Changhong, Grade 1 Director Shao Jinquan and directors of various functional departments attended the meeting.

Li Gaosheng, director of the Teaching and Research Supervision Office, arranged the teaching and research work in the new semester from the aspects of senior teachers’ observation classes and grade-level demonstration classes; heterogeneous classes; personal essays; project design; study plans, rolling examinations, and supervision and inspection of tracking files.

Dean of Academic Affairs Wang Jinan arranged the work for the new semester from the aspects of distributing textbooks for each grade; registration forms for graduates of the third grade of high school; registration for the college entrance examination for the first and second grade of high school; organization of college entrance examination registration; supervision and inspection, mainly focusing on early reading.

Director of Moral Education and Political Education Li Dengqian made arrangements for the moral education work in the new semester: improving students' self-confidence and energy; maintaining morning exercises, creating special inter-class exercises, and motivating them before class in the afternoon; organizing entrance education for the first and second grade students; carrying out teacher ethics Teacher conduct training; actively carry out staff sports meetings; do a good job in various tasks such as parent committees and campus open days; and implement five routine inspections. Chen Kai, director of the

professional group, made arrangements for the new semester in terms of music, art, and general technical courses; enrollment of professional students; introduction of traditional culture to campus; enrollment of sprint classes for high school art students in cultural courses.

The new semester is about to begin. In order to ensure that all work for the start of the semester is in an orderly manner, Principal Gao Xingbin requires all grades and functional departments to plan early and act in advance to make preparations for the start of the new semester. At the same time, the principal of the university made comprehensive arrangements for the return of teachers and students to campus in the spring semester and epidemic prevention and control.

When the wind is strong and the tide is strong, we should set sail and break the waves. In the new semester and a new starting point, all the faculty and staff of Lanzhou Chenggong High School will continue to implement the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating talents, strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and ethics, solidly promote the simultaneous development of five educations, and move forward with a full attitude.