30 firefighters died in forest fire in Liangshan, Sichuan Province. Xi Jinping gave instructions. CCTV News reported that according to the latest news from the Ministry of Emergency Management, as of 18:30 on April 1, 30 people were missing while fighting the forest fire in Muli

Charming China, Good morning Strait! Good morning everyone, today is Tuesday, April 2, the 27th day of the second lunar month. Welcome to read "Good Morning, Strait" on China Taiwan Network.


30 firefighters died in the forest fire in Liangshan, Sichuan. Xi Jinping gave instructions

CCTV News reported that according to the latest news from the Ministry of Emergency Management, as of 18:30 on April 1, in the Muli County forest in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province The bodies of all 30 firefighters who lost contact during the fire fighting have been found, including 27 forest firefighting commanders and 3 local firefighting personnel.

After the dangerous incident, the Party Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to it. General Secretary Xi Jinping issued important instructions, and Li Keqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, issued instructions and requirements. The Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, the Ministry of Emergency Management and the Forest Fire Bureau immediately organized forces to launch search and rescue operations. (CCTV News)


Forest fires have occurred one after another. The red warning has been sounded again after three years.

Recently, forest fires have occurred continuously in Shanxi, Beijing, Sichuan and other places, becoming the focus of public opinion. On the evening of the 1st, the Ministry of Emergency Management and three other departments jointly issued the first red warning of high forest fire danger this year, maintaining the fire danger in many places at the "extremely dangerous" level. This is the first time in three years that the official has launched this level of warning. At the same time, Many departments have also intensively deployed forest fire safety. ( China News Network )

8 Beidou satellites can be seen in the skies over Arab countries with an accuracy better than 10 meters

The reporter learned from the China Satellite Navigation System Management Office on the 1st that at the second China-Arab Beidou Cooperation Forum held that day, the two sides jointly released the results of the Beidou system test and evaluation in the Arab region. The results show that the average number of Beidou satellites visible in the skies of Arab countries reaches more than 8, the positioning accuracy is better than 10 meters, and the availability is more than 95%, which can provide high-quality satellite navigation services.

This forum will be held in Tunisia, Tunisia from April 1st to 2nd. This is the first important event held in the “Belt and Road” countries and regions after Beidou System launched global services, marking another important step for Beidou System to “go global”. (Science and Technology Daily)

[Taiwan Strait]

Wu Dunyi "got the gun" in Changhua and choked Tsai Ing-wen with full firepower

Chinese Kuomintang Chairman Wu Dunyi went to Lugang Park, Changbin Industrial Zone to hold discussions with business people in Changhua at noon on the 1st. During the meeting, Liao Yingjie, chairman of Monster Trading Company, a major toy gun manufacturer in Taiwan, gave Wu Dunyi a realistic toy gun. After receiving the gun, Wu Dunyi went "full fire". In his speech, he not only criticized Tsai Ing-wen's administration as the worst in 20 years. , the Kuomintang has a good chance of returning to power. He also said, "Whether he is supporting the election or participating in the election, he will work hard for the Chinese Kuomintang," seeming to reveal the possibility of retaining his candidacy. (China Review News Agency)

Does the United States tacitly agree to sell more than 60 F-16 fighters to Taiwan? Taiwan media are worried about another storm in the Taiwan Strait.

In response to the People's Liberation Army fighter jets crossing the so-called "central line of the strait" the day before, Taiwan's "Presidential Office", "Ministry of Defense", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" and "Mainland Affairs Council" jointly hyped up the "mainland threat" on the 1st. Tsai Ing-wen made a strong statement on the 1st: "I have ordered the military to forcefully expel provocations that deliberately cross the center line as soon as possible."

As the "general election" on the island approaches, especially the primary elections of the Democratic Progressive Party On the one hand, Tsai Ing-wen's administration frequently "shows toughness" on the mainland, and on the other hand, it strengthens military relations with the United States and declares with great fanfare that it will purchase American F-16 fighter jets in an attempt to challenge the mainland's "red line" on the Taiwan Strait issue.

The United States has recently sent warships through the Taiwan Strait many times. Senior US officials even claimed that "all means will be used to prevent China from diplomatic isolation of Taiwan." Scholars on the island believe that "this move is tantamount to an attempt to change the one-China policy." Some Taiwanese media are worried that cross-strait military tensions may stir up trouble in the Taiwan Strait and escalate the confrontation as Taiwan's "election" approaches.( Global Times )


The systems of 6 airlines in the United States crashed, and at least 780 flights were delayed.

On April 1, a collective computer system crash occurred on 6 airlines in the United States and at airports across the United States, causing the counters to be unable to exit. Due to ticket and other issues, at least 780 flights have been delayed and a large number of passengers are stranded at the airport.

This is a collective system crash of a nationwide airline in the United States. Public data shows that after 5 p.m. Beijing time, Alaska Airlines , Southwest Airlines , American Airlines 6 US airlines collectively reported system errors, and all of them reported system errors between 6 and 7 p.m. reaches the peak value.

It was not until 7:20 pm on the 1st Beijing time that American Airlines announced on Twitter that all airlines across the United States were affected by this incident, but the reason is still unknown. (Observer Network)

Japanese New Year No. " Reiwa " does not quote ancient Chinese books for the first time? Netizens started flipping through the pages

html At noon on April 1, Japan finally announced its new year’s name - "Reiwa". The Japanese government also stated that compared with the previous 247 era names in history, the special feature of "Reiwa" is that it abandoned Chinese classics for the first time and took them from Japanese classics.

But as soon as he said this, he was immediately "haha" from this generation of Chinese netizens. Everyone "brainstormed" and brought out various examples from the "Huangdi Neijing" to " Journey to the West " to the suspected "transformation" and "Guitian Fu", etc., proving that no matter how they take it, Japan cannot escape from China. "The palm of your hand"...

According to statistics from the "Yomiuri Shimbun" in February this year, since the establishment of the first era name "Taika" in Japan's history in 645 AD, there have been 247 era names in 1374 years, and the sources are all from in Chinese classics. Among them, "Shangshu" and "Book of Changes" account for the highest proportion. (Observer Network)

Charming China, Good Morning Strait, pay attention to Taiwan, interpret cross-strait! That’s all for today, everyone, see you tomorrow!