"Taking their children to the Children's Hospital on Hong Kong Road in Hankou for medical treatment is really difficult. Parking is really difficult." Many citizens reported to this newspaper's news hotline 82333333: It is a headache to drive their children to the Children's Hosp

Wuwan Media·Wuhan Evening News December 25th (Reporter Li Aihua) "Take your children to see a doctor at the Children's Hospital of Hankou Hong Kong Road . Parking is too difficult. I walked around the hospital a few times and it cost more than a dollar. I haven’t found a parking space for hours!” In recent days, many citizens have reported to our news hotline 82333333 that the parking problem is a headache when they drive their children to the Municipal Children’s Hospital for medical treatment. After an on-site visit, a reporter from the Evening News came up with a parking guide - there are actually four major parking lots "hidden" around the Children's Hospital.

Complaint: I couldn’t find a parking space in an hour

Mr. Liu, who lives in Dijiao, Hankou, said: The night before yesterday, his 2-year-old son suddenly had a fever. After spending the night at home, at 8 o'clock yesterday morning, he and his wife hurriedly took the child to the city See a doctor at a children's hospital. But when the car arrived at the gate of Children's Hospital on Hong Kong Road, Hankou, it was stopped by hospital security. There is no parking space in the hospital. Please find a parking space nearby, Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu's wife got out of the car first with their children. Mr. Liu drove his car around the hospital and searched for a full hour, but could not find a parking space. Finally, we returned to the parking lot and queued up. It took another half an hour to park the car.

Mr. Liu said that he was scolded by his wife for taking too long to park his car.

Citizen Mr. Wu also said: He lives in Wuchang Xudong. A few days ago, he took his child to the Municipal Children's Hospital for medical treatment. When he arrived at the hospital, he learned that parking was not allowed in the hospital. Because he couldn't find a parking space, he had to risk leaving his car behind. I temporarily parked my car next to the sidewalk on Huiji Road, but as soon as I came out from the hospital, the traffic police issued a ticket to my car.

Mr. Wu said that it was too difficult to park his car when going to the Municipal Children's Hospital for medical treatment, and he hoped that the relevant departments would find a solution.

Hospital explanation: A new parking lot is under construction

This morning, a reporter from the Wuhan Evening News went to the Municipal Children's Hospital to understand the situation on the spot. At the gate of the hospital, vehicles kept stopping, and some parents hurriedly got out of the car with their sick children in their arms. Some parents who drove parked their cars on the side of the road, and some looked around for parking spots.

Because there were too many vehicles parked at the gate, two hospital security guards kept coming forward to persuade the driver to drive the car as quickly as possible so as not to affect ambulances and other vehicles entering and exiting the hospital.

Mr. Wang from Xiaogan, Hubei Province said: I didn’t expect that in such a big hospital, vehicles coming for medical treatment cannot be parked inside the hospital. Mr. Wang was not familiar with the terrain near the hospital, so a security guard patiently gave him directions and asked him to find a parking lot nearby.

reporter learned from the Municipal Children’s Hospital: Because the hospital is still under construction, the ground parking spaces are occupied by construction; on the other hand, the hospital’s newly built underground parking lot and three-dimensional parking lot have not yet been completed. Currently, driving to the Municipal Children’s Hospital for medical treatment and parking It will indeed be more difficult.

A security guard on duty said: In addition to residents of this city, many children from outside the province also come to the city's children's hospital for medical treatment. Many parents drive to the hospital, which makes the parking problem even more prominent.

Around the Municipal Children's Hospital, some vehicles were illegally parked on the roadside or on the sidewalk. The reporter saw that these illegally parked vehicles were all posted by the traffic police.

A traffic policeman on duty on Hong Kong Road said: Hong Kong Road is a main road in the city with many people and cars. He hopes drivers will not take chances and park illegally. Parents who come to the Children's Hospital for medical treatment can choose to park in parking lots such as surrounding hospitals and shopping malls.

Reporter visit: Parking is available in the surrounding parking lots.

The City Children’s Hospital cannot. Where are the surrounding places where you can park?

In response to this issue that citizens are concerned about, this morning, the reporter made a special on-site visit and found that these four parking lots are close to the Municipal Children's Hospital and are a better choice for parents to park their cars.

[Open-air parking lot next to Zhuoer Bookstore]

The parking lot is located next to Zhuoer Bookstore on Huiji Road, only more than 200 meters away from the gate of the Municipal Children's Hospital. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning, reporters saw at the scene: The parking lot was converted from an empty space and was already full of cars. There was a long queue of vehicles waiting to come in, and a staff member was on hand to take care of order.

It is understood that the parking lot has more than 200 parking spaces and is open 24 hours a day. It is free within 30 minutes and charges 10 yuan within one hour. An additional 5 yuan will be charged for each hour exceeded, with a cap of 60 yuan for the whole day. A staff member of

said: Parking spaces are very tight from 8 a.m. to 12 noon every day. If you come to park during this period, you usually have to wait for about an hour. However, because it is close to the Municipal Children's Hospital, it has become the first choice for parents to park.

[Changhang Hospital Parking Lot]

This parking lot is less than a 10-minute walk from the Municipal Children's Hospital. There are nearly 400 parking spaces and the charge is 3 yuan per hour. A security guard said: From 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., it is the peak parking period. After a car owner drove in, there was no parking space and he had to drive away again.

It is understood that many parents who go to the Municipal Children's Hospital park their cars here and then walk to the Municipal Children's Hospital.

[ Carrefour Construction Store underground parking lot]

Carrefour Construction Store is located at the intersection of Jianshe Avenue and Hong Kong Road. The charging standard is free within 30 minutes and 5 yuan per hour. The security guard of the parking lot said: The parking lot is open to the public, and the parking spaces can basically meet the demand during the day. Car owners who come to park should be reminded to enter from the Sanyanqiao Road entrance.

[Kaohsiung No. 88 Underground Parking Lot]

The parking lot is located at No. 88 Kaohsiung Road, just across the street from the Children's Hospital in the city. At 10 o'clock this morning, the reporter saw at the entrance of the parking lot: the electronic screen showed that there were 142 parking spaces.

The parking lot charger said: The parking lot is free within 30 minutes, 5 yuan per hour, and has a cap of 60 yuan for the whole day. The parking lot is divided into upper and lower floors. There are parking spaces at any time.

It is understood that not many parents of children with children know about this parking lot. Parents driving to No. 88 Kaohsiung Road can go forward from Hong Kong Road, pass Jianshe Avenue and then turn to Kaohsiung Road. After parking the car, it only takes about six or seven minutes to walk from a small road to the Municipal Children's Hospital.

【Editor Zhang Yinghui】