According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency", Taiwan's Transportation Safety Investigation Agency released an investigation report on the helicopter crash that occurred at Kaohsiung Airport in 2020 by the "Air Service Corps" of Taiwan's internal affairs department on the 26th. The

According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency", Taiwan's Transportation Safety Investigation Agency released an investigation report on the helicopter crash that occurred at Kaohsiung Airport in 2020 by the "Air Service Corps" of Taiwan's internal affairs department on the 26th. The

investigation report stated that the captain failed to follow operating procedures and failed to grasp the essentials of the operation when simulating the failure of the helicopter's tail rotor, which led to the crash.

[NA-103 Dolphin helicopter before the crash]

On April 7, 2020, an AS-365 N2 "Dolphin" helicopter numbered NA-103 of Taiwan's "Air Service Corps" returned at 3:30 p.m. A plane crash occurred at Kaohsiung Airport, and all five people on board were not injured. The

investigation report stated that the helicopter returned to Kaohsiung Airport at approximately 3:01 pm that day and applied to the tower to perform simulated governor failure and tail rotor failure operations. After entering the runway at about 3:30 p.m., it veered right and lost control at low altitude and low speed. The main rotor touched the ground, tilted left and overturned and stopped on the runway. The main rotor crashed and the aircraft body was damaged.

[NA-103 Dolphin Helicopter after the crash]

Investigation found that the captain of the accident helicopter had insufficient understanding of the characteristics of the tail rotor failure and the complete operating procedures. When performing the tail rotor failure operation, he failed to follow the operating procedures and did not grasp the operation. The key point is that during the operation, the feet were not placed on the directional control pedals, which caused the aircraft body to swerve to the right during the operation and failed to correct it in time, causing the main rotor to hit the ground and cause an out-of-control crash.

[Data map: "Air Service Corps" Black Hawk Helicopter]

Taiwan's transportation safety investigation agency stated that the "Air Service Corps"'s training and assessment of air crews is not perfect, and there is no tracking and improvement mechanism for relevant assessment results and comments, and there is no tracking and improvement mechanism. Define training periods for relevant emergency procedures, affecting overall training effectiveness.

(Editor: HX)