Recently, the Public Security Bureau of Xichang City, Liangshan, Sichuan, successfully uncovered a major telecommunications network fraud case involving posing as soldiers or police officers to make friends and induce investments. The amount involved was as high as 642,600 yuan.

Source: The Paper

Recently, the Public Security Bureau of Xichang City, Liangshan, Sichuan, successfully uncovered a major telecommunications network fraud case involving posing as soldiers or police officers to make friends and induce investments. The amount involved was as high as 642,600 yuan. The police arrested a total of 6 suspects.

According to a report from the Xichang Municipal Public Security Bureau in Liangshan Prefecture: On May 23, the Xichang Municipal Public Security Bureau received a call from Liu to report that he had been defrauded of more than 600,000 yuan by being lured to participate in online stock investment. After verification, the victim Liu received a strange text message. The other party claimed to be an army officer and obtained Liu's contact information through , hoping to date him.

The other party induced Liu to download the so-called "China Mobile Office" APP to chat on the grounds that the nature of his work was special and he could not use WeChat to chat.

After many days of asking questions, the other party gained Liu's trust and began to induce him to make false investments and trade in stocks. On May 13, 2022, Liu transferred 70,000 yuan for investment for the first time as requested by the other party, and made a profit of 3,000 yuan in just one hour. Under the "quick money return", Liu successively provided the other party with He made 8 transfers to 7 bank accounts and was defrauded of a total of 642,600 yuan. After the

case occurred, the Xichang Municipal Bureau quickly organized and established the "5.23" task force, deploying capable police forces to fully investigate the case.

Xichang Municipal Public Security Bureau combined the experience of investigating many major electronic fraud cases in the early stage to provide comprehensive guarantees in terms of police, material and financial resources, and quickly set up multiple external investigation and arrest teams on standby to ensure that clues are dropped as soon as possible and the entire line is launched. .

A few hours after receiving the alarm, the first batch of criminal suspects involved in the case were locked. At the same time, we actively cooperated with the police inside and outside the province to arrest the suspects to achieve precise control of the suspects. At about 13:00 on May 25 (40 hours before the incident), the special work team, with the assistance of Shandong police, arrested the fraud suspect Wang, and at the same time closed down the net of 4 local suspects involved in the case in Xichang urban area. At about 22:00 on the 25th, special personnel, with the assistance of Guiyang police, arrested the fraud suspect Chen.

After interrogation, the above-mentioned six people confessed to the criminal facts of participating in telecommunications fraud . At present, the investigation work of recovering stolen goods and recovering losses and collusion cases is continuing to advance.