Provide ID card, bank card and other information. On the 29th of last month, a local female victim, about 30 years old, who worked in a restaurant, met a "woman" through a mobile phone dating app.

A local woman wanted to date a "female netizen" for dinner

Crazy purchase of point cards

Spending 140,000 yuan before and after

Didn't even meet in person


A female college student lost her mail

Answer the phone and get compensation

Provide identity Certificate , bank card and other information

turned out to be defrauded out of 4,000 yuan

On the 29th of last month, a local female victim about 30 years old who worked in a restaurant met a "woman" through a mobile phone dating software. Later, when the victim wanted to meet and have dinner with the other party, the "woman" switched to another communication software to contact the victim. On the 30th, the victim again told the "woman" that he wanted to meet and have dinner with her. The "woman" asked for payment before she came out. The victim agreed and followed the instructions to go to the convenience store to buy a 1,200 MOP "point card", and then passed the password and other information to the "woman" as payment for the meeting and meals.

Later, another person contacted the victim using a messaging software, claiming to be the "woman's" manager, and asked to pay another fee before he could meet and have meals with the "woman". Believing it to be true, the victim purchased a total of 140,000 patacas in "point cards" several times, and then passed the password and other information to the other party. As of the 1st of this month, the victim contacted the other party to ask when he could meet and have dinner with the "woman", but received no response. He suspected that he had been defrauded, and the total amount defrauded was 141,200 patacas. The police took over the investigation and have not arrested any suspects yet.

A chef was caught after being involved in a 160,000 yuan scam.

In the early morning of the 28th of last month, the Division Police received a referral from the public security police regarding a suspected fraud case. At 11 o'clock in the evening on the 28th of last month, a mainland female victim was shopping in a shopping mall in a casino in Cotai when a 26-year-old mainland man, Luo, approached the victim and said that he could help exchange RMB for Hong Kong dollars. The victim intended to gamble with 200,000 Hong Kong dollars. . During this period, Luo took out two stacks of 1,000 Hong Kong dollars from a side bag and asked the victim to transfer RMB first.

The victim believed it to be true and after transferring RMB 168,300 to the bank account designated by Luo, the victim asked Luo to hand over HKD 200,000. After Luo handed over the Hong Kong dollars, the victim checked and found that only one HK$1,000 banknote was genuine, and the remaining 145 HK$1,000 banknotes were all counterfeit " exercise coupons " banknotes.

Seeing that Luo was defeated, he ran away. The victim and her boyfriend chased and intercepted Luo, and finally intercepted Luo in an open-air parking lot outside the casino. The victim asked the security guard to report the crime on his behalf, and the police arrived at the scene to arrest Luo, who was involved in the case. Luo reported that he was a chef and was suspected of being involved in a "money exchange party" after coming to Australia. After questioning, Luo refused to cooperate with the police investigation and also refused to explain the source of the counterfeit "practice coupons". The police officer charged him with a large amount of fraud, and the case has been transferred to the procuratorate for investigation.

Mainland female college student suspected of falling into express delivery scam and lost 4,000 yuan

A mainland female victim in her 20s who came to Australia to study at university received a call at 2:30 pm on the 1st of this month with a mainland caller number. After the victim answered the call, the other party claimed to be an employee of the courier company and said that the victim had lost a piece of mail and would compensate the victim. It happened that the victim had really lost an email earlier. He believed it to be true, so after adding the contact software provided by the other party, someone asked the victim to provide his full name, mainland identity document and all bank account information, and the victim complied. After

, someone said that they wanted to verify the information of the victim's mainland bank account and asked the victim to transfer all the money in the account to a designated bank account. The victim complied and transferred 4,000 yuan in the account to the other party. However, the victim later contacted the other party for further information, but received no response. Only then did the victim suspect that he had been deceived, and reported the matter to the police at 5 pm that day. The police took over the investigation and have not arrested any suspects yet.