When you are alone and wandering outside, facing boring work all day long, the dissatisfaction of your boss, and feeling lonely. Your salary has just been paid and has bottomed out again in a few days. At this time, a Porsche brother suddenly appears in front of you on the Intern

When you are alone and wandering outside, facing boring work all day long, dissatisfaction from your boss, and feeling lonely. Your salary has just been paid and has bottomed out again within a few days. At this time, a Porsche brother suddenly appears on the Internet. In front of you, you greet each other every day, allowing you to experience the romance of a Korean drama heroine. Not only that, he is also your life mentor. With his help, you can make money every day without any effort. Just when you feel that you are gradually reaching the peak of your life, the other person's face suddenly changes. Are you dating online, girl? The kind that is heavily in debt and bankrupt.

In this issue, let’s talk about the pig killing plate. What is the pig killing plate? Just like raising pigs, they use online dating and other methods to fatten the victim first, and then defraud money from them. They call it pig killing . In the past two years, pig-killing dishes have become popular. Many gangs have gathered in Southeast Asia and use the Internet to commit fraud. More than ten million victims are registered every year. Under the report of pig-killing dishes on Weibo, there are not a few people who have been defrauded in the comments, and many have been cheated. Scammed nearly 5 million. There have been news reports before that a certain lady was defrauded of 16 million by having her pig slaughtered.

In such cases, the victims' losses are generally relatively large, with an average of more than 200,000. The news reports must only be part of the story. There are still many people who were deceived and were ashamed to mention it and suffered in silence. No one knows how many people there are. So heavily in debt. The pig killing plate is similar to online gambling fraud, but with one more link, which is emotional protection. Scammers rack their brains to design various characters and make up all kinds of tearful stories, just to get your Trust, fatten you . Love is inherently easy to get attracted to, but in the later stage, the temptation of profit is added, and the effect of the double-ingredient ecstasy soup is doubled.

They captured the emotional emptiness of some urban men and women, and some older single women are facing considerable pressure from their families to get married. Whether it is due to themselves or social reasons, the marriage and love of these people have reached an urgent juncture, "You Classmate, you are a kid, and you don’t even have a boyfriend. I think you want to piss us both off to death." Scammers keenly sense the opportunities, and use various blind date platforms and dating apps to appear in front of them inadvertently. These people are either being selective, they are attracted to people who are not interested in them, and they are not attracted to those who are attracted to them. Not on. Or maybe you have a lot of time and are simply bored, so you go to dating apps to kill time. Usually, you meet some straight men who check their household registration. After a few words, they are dead, or they are just showing off. The smelly dick silk that is still clean exudes a filthy smell from top to bottom.

And this person looks like a successful person, looks handsome, loves life, often visits high-end hotels and restaurants, and travels around the world. More importantly, they are also very considerate, talkative, and ask questions, giving people a feeling of spring breeze. . Girls should all like boys with stories. They will share with you their arduous entrepreneurial history, or their love stories that have made people cry. It can be said that they are all PUA masters, but ordinary PUA is a scam. , they are cheating money, how can girls who are deeply affected by love stories resist . When Disney's runaway princesses were rushing to the big show, they met the prince who wanted to take them back to the castle, and they were so moved. Later, the liar would inadvertently reveal that he had a good opportunity here and it was easy to make money. For example, if you work in IT and discover a bug in a certain gambling website, or if there is a very powerful master who can guide you in stock trading, foreign exchange trading, digital currency, etc., and you can make sure profits without losing money, they will do the same. Continuously conduct acceptance tests. It doesn't matter if you resist. As long as you haven't blocked him yet, the chances are high. Gradually, he may find an excuse to ask you to help him.

As long as you participate and see how easy it is to make money, you will be easily attracted to .After investing a small amount at first to let you taste the sweetness, they later use the future of two people as bait to continuously induce you to invest more money. It doesn't matter if you don't have money, they are not only looking at your wallet, but also you. Now that online loans are so developed, it is easy to borrow money. I will teach you. In the end, you will naturally lose everything. They may even comfort you, it doesn’t matter. I also lost a lot of investment. Winning or losing is normal. We carry it together. Then completely disappear from your life, as if you had never appeared, leaving you with hundreds of thousands of debts and endless debt collection calls.

After hearing this, someone will definitely jump out and say, isn’t this a scam involving large sums of money to seek a child in a different way? Or are these girls too stupid and have no idea in their own minds? If I would definitely not be deceived, how could it be possible for others with such excellent conditions? Do you like me? Yes, scammers are also aware of this. What I just talked about may only be the initial version. Their scripts are also constantly being upgraded. In order to package themselves more realistically, they will make their characters look no longer So unattainable , the male protagonist you meet may be from a military background, a civil servant family, and may even have one or two obvious shortcomings. If you have average conditions, they are likely to find a shortcoming in appearance to let you balance.

If you are timid and suspicious, they will try to retreat. They seem to be thinking about you and tell you about gambling. Girls should not touch it to relax your vigilance. Scammers have practiced it thousands of times. He has become a true master of psychology. Their training materials are very detailed. They provide detailed instructions on how to package and position people with different personalities and family conditions, and what kind of scripts to plan. They have a clear division of labor and try to be as meticulous and perfect as possible in every step. How to add friends It is more efficient to pass, and how to release the hook without scaring the fish away. You feel that you just chatted with him for a few words, but you never expected that the other party already knows your income and family situation. When you say goodbye to him good night and fall asleep with a smile on your lips, a group of people across from you are having a meeting to analyze what kind of personality you are, how mature your relationship is, how to talk to you next, and finally from How much money is appropriate for you to take out of your pocket?

Every step of your reaction and doubt, they also have a mature set of words to guide you and dispel your doubts. No matter how smart you are, you are still fighting against a group of people alone. . Just like the recently popular "The Queen's Gambit", which has also been translated into "The Descendants' Gambit". The heroine seems to be playing chess with Borgev himself, but in fact the opponent is the master of the entire Russian chess world. They are very good at it. In summary, while fighting monsters and leveling up, they gradually became very clear about where to pause, where to expect accidents, and how to resolve them. Before you meet a liar, there must be someone smarter than you, but liars also You have already experienced it and found a way to deceive them. The scammer is a professional player of this game, and you are just a rookie who got into the game by mistake. How can defeat you? They have tried countless times before. It is not easy to play karts after driving the F1 formula. Every corner and drift is under their control. I have seen many The deceived people lamented that they were really no match for the scammers.

At the same time, scammers were still sinking into the market, looking for more little fat pigs. Soon they found that it was not just single women who could target them. Most of them lived a dull and boring life after marriage, and their communication with their husbands was difficult. She is young, frustrated, lacks money, and even has domestic violence from her husband. However, for the sake of children, some people have no choice but to live together, or some people are helpless after divorce and are in urgent need of a shoulder. Same-sex dating apps have subsequently become the hardest hit areas. Due to sexual orientation issues, many people are cautious and even suffer discrimination in real life. The Internet gives them the opportunity to meet their close friends. Scammers are naturally pervasive. Under the high commission and strict assessment system, they will not Let go of any possibility.

The liar is so powerful, is there nothing we can do? of course not.

First of all, you must stay vigilant and guard against others. . People you know on the Internet will have financial interests with you without even meeting them in person. No matter what they say, you must stay vigilant. It is recommended to block them directly. If there really is such a good opportunity, why would he come to you? High returns must correspond to high risks. Don't be carried away by emotions.

Second, all scammers cannot do without a pheasant platform when they cheat. Whether it is a stock account or a gambling account, they must guide you to the platform they developed themselves, otherwise there will be no way to manipulate the account balance . It will give you a sweet spot in the early stage so that you can increase your investment, but in the later stage, if you want to withdraw the money, you will be required to continuously pay a deposit and continue to recharge, so the income you see on the platform is just a string of numbers changed in the background. Well, in order to make you sound like a legitimate platform, their names are often named after some well-known companies, such as JD Ventures and Tencent Lucky 28. In fact, they have nothing to do with these companies at all. This is just for the sake of skirting the edges. Everyone must choose a legal, reliable and formal platform when investing, and don’t lose big because of small things.

Third, this type of scam usually steals pictures from the Internet to pretend to be oneself to create a persona and circle of friends . In fact, it is very simple. You can easily find the flaw by searching for pictures on the Internet. However, it is such a simple step. The victims did not realize it at the time. During the process of their contact, the scammers found almost all kinds of reasons not to follow up. You video to prevent exposure, no matter how reasonable his reasons sound. Once this happens to your netizens, be extra careful. Since most scammers are hiding in Southeast Asia, it is difficult to catch them cross-border. Moreover, all bank accounts and mobile phone numbers are bought from the black market. It is extremely difficult to track money after money laundering. Once you are defrauded, there is basically no hope of recovering it.

According to a certain survey data, only one of more than 1,000 victims was successfully recovered, and some reports were defined as participating in gambling, and the case was not filed directly. So the best way is to avoid being fooled, otherwise it is basically just I can bear it silently. Being defrauded of money is only one aspect. What is even more frightening is the continuous debt collection calls from online loans and banks. My credit is on the blacklist. I have lost my trust in others and my longing for love , my confidence and Self-esteem has suffered a devastating blow, ranging from mental trance and long-term insomnia to severe depression and world-weariness. So be sure to share this video with your relatives and friends so that they can also be vigilant and avoid being emotionally disturbed. When I was down, I was taken advantage of by scammers.